From: Bill on

I have the following Mathematica 6.0.1 code:

Plot3D[Exp[-x^2 - y^2], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, PlotStyle -> None,
Mesh -> 10, MeshStyle -> {Directive[{Thick, Cyan}], Directive[{Thick, Gray}]},
Boxed -> False, Axes -> False]

The plot appears as a wire framed surface, with 2 different colors.

Question: How can I make the wire frame to have a rainbow colored appearance?
I don't want a skinned surface.



From: Patrick Scheibe on

the documentation to MeshStyle suggests that there is no such way like
you have for the surface with ColorFunction. But you could color the
meshlines by yourself

gr = Normal@
Plot3D[Exp[-x^2 - y^2], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, PlotStyle -> None,
MeshStyle -> {Thick}, Mesh -> 10, Boxed -> False, Axes -> False];
gr /. Line[
pts__] :> ({Hue[Last(a)First@#], Line[#]} & /@ Partition[pts, 2, 1])


On Wed, 2010-07-28 at 02:51 -0400, Bill wrote:
> Hi:
> I have the following Mathematica 6.0.1 code:
> Plot3D[Exp[-x^2 - y^2], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, PlotStyle -> None,
> Mesh -> 10, MeshStyle -> {Directive[{Thick, Cyan}], Directive[{Thick, Gray}]},
> Boxed -> False, Axes -> False]
> The plot appears as a wire framed surface, with 2 different colors.
> Question: How can I make the wire frame to have a rainbow colored appearance?
> I don't want a skinned surface.
> Thanks,
> Bill