From: Xah Lee on
O, Unicode, how i ♥ thee.

• Arrows in Unicode

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Arrows in Unicode

Xah Lee, 2010-06-19

This page collects arrow characters in Unicode.

◁/▷/△/▽ α:←→↑↓, ≡ α:↔, ∥ α:↕, ↖/↗/↘/↙ α:↖↗↘↙,

◁/▷/△/▽ white α:⇦⇨⇧⇩, ≡ white α:⬄, ∥ white α:⇳, ↖/↗/↘/↙ white α:⬀⬁⬂⬃


◁/▷/△/▽ α from bar:↤↥↦↧, ◁/▷/△/▽ α to bar:⇤⇥ ⤒ ⤓, ◁/▷/△/▽ dashed

∥ α ш base:↨, ↖ α to long bar:↸, ◁ α to bar over ▷ α to bar:↹,

◁ α ш ➁ vertical stroke:⇺, ▷ α ш ➁ vertical stroke:⇻, △ α ш ➁
stroke:⇞, ▽ α ш ➁ stroke:⇟, ≡ α ш ➁ vertical stroke:⇼,

◁ α ш vertical stroke:⇷, ▷ α ш vertical stroke:⇸, △ α ш horizontal
stroke:⤉, ▽ α ш horizontal stroke:⤈, ≡ α ш vertical stroke:⇹,

◁ α ш hook:↩, ▷ α ш hook:↪, ◁ α ш loop:↫, ▷ α ш loop:↬, ≡ wave α:↭, ≡
α ш stroke:↮, ▽ zigzag α:↯,

◁ two headed α:↞, △ two headed α:↟, ▷ two headed α:↠, ▽ two headed

◁ α ш stroke:↚, ▷ α ш stroke:↛, ◁ wave α:↜, ▷ wave α:↝, ◁ α ш tail:↢,
▷ α ш tail:↣,

△ α ш tip ◁:↰, △ α ш tip ▷:↱, ▽ α ш tip ◁:↲, ▽ α ш tip ▷:↳, ▷ α ш
corner ▽:↴, ▽ α ш corner ◁:↵,

anticlockwise top semicircle α:↶, clockwise top semicircle α:↷,
anticlockwise open circle α:↺, clockwise open circle α:↻, clockwise/
anticlockwise closed/gaped circle α⥀⥁⟲⟳,

◁ harpoon ш barb △:↼, ◁ harpoon ш barb ▽:↽, ▷ harpoon ш barb △:⇀, ▷
harpoon ш barb ▽:⇁, △ harpoon ш barb ◁:↿, △ harpoon ш barb ▷:↾, ▽
harpoon ш barb ▷:⇂, ▽ harpoon ш barb ◁:⇃, ◁ harpoon over ▷ harpoon:⇋,
▷ harpoon over ◁ harpoon:⇌,

◁ paired αs:⇇, ▷ paired αs:⇉, △ paired αs:⇈, ▽ paired αs:⇊,

▷ α over ◁ α:⇄, ◁ α over ▷ α:⇆, △ α ◁ of ▽ α:⇅, ▽ α ◁ of △ α:⇵,

◁ ➁ α:⇐, ▷ ➁ α:⇒, △ ➁ α:⇑, ▽ ➁ α:⇓, ≡ ➁ α:⇔, ∥ ➁ α:⇕, ↖ ➁ α:⇖, ↗ ➁
α:⇗, ↘ ➁ α:⇘, ↙ ➁ α:⇙,

◁ ➁ α ш stroke:⇍, ▷ ➁ α ш stroke:⇏, ≡ ➁ α ш stroke:⇎,

◁ ➂ α:⇚, ▷ ➂ α:⇛, ◁ squiggle α:⇜, ▷ squiggle α:⇝,

△ white α from bar:⇪, △ white α on pedestal:⇫, △ white α on pedestal ш
horizontal bar:⇬, △ white α on pedestal ш vertical bar:⇭, △ white ➁
α:⇮, △ white ➁ α on pedestal:⇯, ▷ white α from wall:⇰, ↖ α to
corner:⇱, ↘ α to corner:⇲, right α ш small circle:⇴, three ▷ αs:⇶,
three ◁ αs:⬱, ◁ open-headed α:⇽, ▷ open-headed α:⇾, ≡ open-headed α:⇿,

⇚⇛⤊⤋ ⟵⟶⟷⟻⟼ ⇖⇗⇘⇙ ⇜⇝⟿ ⥚⥛⥜⥝ ⥞⥟⥠⥡ ⥢⥣⥤⥥ ⥦⥧⥨⥩ ⥪⥫⥬⥭⥮⥯ ⤳↮↭ ↹⇵⇎ ⟸⟹⟺➾ ⟰⟱⟿⇶⇴ ⇺⇻⇼
⤀⤁ ⤂⤃⤄ ⤅ ⤆⤇⟽⟾ ⤌⤍⤎⤏⤐⤑ ⤔⤕⤖⤗⤘ ⤙⤚⤛⤜⤝⤞⤟⤠ ⤡⤢⤣⤤⤥⤦ ⤧⤨⤩⤪⤫⤬⤭⤮⤯⤰⤱⤲ ⤶⤷⤴⤵ ⤸⤹⤾⤿⤺⤻⤼⤽
⥂⥃⥄ ⥆⥅ ⥊⥋⥌⥍⥎⥏⥐⥑ ⥒⥓⥔⥕⥖⥗⥘⥙ ⥇ ⥈ ⥉ ⥰ ⭀⥱⭉⥲⥳⥴⭊⥵⥶⥸ ⥷ ⥹⥻⥺ ⥼⥽⥾⥿ ⇪⇫⇬⇭⇮⇯⇰⇽⇾⇿
➔➘➙➚➛➜➝➞➟➠➡➤➣➢ ➱➯➮➭➬➩➳➴➫➪ ➶➷➸➹➺➻➼➽☚☛☜☝☞☟➥➦➧➨➲

The letter letters are names of the unicode char, coded for brevity by
this transformation:

There are probably some 50 more arrow chars in unicode i'm missing. Am
working on to collect them here.

To find out what are the hex code for the char, copy and paste the
char in emacs, then place cursor on it, then type “Alt+x describe-
char”. See also: Emacs and Unicode Tips, Best Unicode Fonts for Emacs.


