From: Rein Henrichs on

> def hash
> @email.hash ^ self.class.hash +
> end

should be:

def hash
@email.hash ^ self.class.hash + 1

From: Robert Dober on
On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 8:55 PM, Rein Henrichs <reinh(a)> wrote:
> The Array#& operator, like its siblings, uses the #hash and #eql? methods of
> the objects it compares. These must be the same for objects you want to be
> considered equivalent.
I must have made a stupid mistake in my example code, however, this is
no reason to mess with #eql? and #hash, Be warned.
In that case I stick with Robert's advice: Do not use Array#&, even
MPing Array with something like #intersect_by would be preferable.


From: Anderson Leite on
The first solution sent by Marcin Wolski works for normal ruby classes,
but I got something wrong when using with an ActiveRecord class. I am
not sure about the problem know.

So I tried Robert Klemme's solution, using:

in_both = do |u1|
obj_from_xml.any? do |u2| == && u1.age == u2.age

That's working know.
I have to study a little more of your suggestions since this aproach
still looks like slowly yet....

To figure the problem, I am using this algorithm at

That's a birthday reminder. The idea implemented here is: I got your
gmail contacts (useim gdata gem) and lokk at dobbyme's database to match
if you have some contact already registered.

I think now the actual aproach is fine, but with a lot of users I will
start to have some I right ? Opnions ?

Posted via

From: Rein Henrichs on
On 2010-06-05 13:09:30 -0700, Robert Dober said:

> On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 8:55 PM, Rein Henrichs <reinh(a)> wrote:
> <snip>
>> The Array#& operator, like its siblings, uses the #hash and #eql? methods of
>> the objects it compares. These must be the same for objects you want to be
>> considered equivalent.
> I must have made a stupid mistake in my example code, however, this is
> no reason to mess with #eql? and #hash, Be warned.
> In that case I stick with Robert's advice: Do not use Array#&, even
> MPing Array with something like #intersect_by would be preferable.
> Cheers
> Robert

"Be warned"? "Do not use Array#&"? Enough of this baseless FUD.
Understand the consequences of what you're doing, certainly, but don't
shy away from techniques just because someone else cries wolf.

Array#& is meant to be used. Implementing #hash and #eql? in your
classes is as normal as implementing #==, #<=> or #each. Ruby's duck
typing is one of its most powerful features and should always be
preferred over one-off monkey-patching. I'm afraid Robert has it
precisely backwards.

Rein Henrichs

From: Ryan Bigg on
Robert Dober wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 8:55 PM, Rein Henrichs <reinh(a)> wrote:
> <snip>
>> The Array#& operator, like its siblings, uses the #hash and #eql? methods of
>> the objects it compares. These must be the same for objects you want to be
>> considered equivalent.
> I must have made a stupid mistake in my example code, however, this is
> no reason to mess with #eql? and #hash, Be warned.
> In that case I stick with Robert's advice: Do not use Array#&, even
> MPing Array with something like #intersect_by would be preferable.

Wow. Sorry, I am just stunned by this, so no sugar coating for you

Array#& is a perfectly legitimate method to be using for the purpose of
finding the intersect of two Array objects, which it seems what the OP
wanted to do originally.

I agree with Rein on this.

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