From: Rick Elbers on
Op 7 Aug 2006 03:17:52 -0700 schreef "Thomas Kowalski" <th-ko(a)>:

>> >Therefore I am trying now to grasp as much of the "real" OO as possible
>> >with the goal to make my code more easy to understand.
>> Ok start with cutting all technical things and talk talk talk about
>> your domain of application.
>Sorry ( I not 100% sure but this sentence seemed a little bit ironic,
>am I right? ;) )

Nope. Its really what OO is or do for you. If you learn to talk about
th application domain you will soon see that that talking is exactly
waht OOA/D is in essence.

>> >Well, the software I am currently working on is settled in computer
>> >graphics. It's a high performance calculation software. Therefore some
>> >concepts of business OOA/D are difficult to apply for me.
>> Please elaborate. The more astonishing oo applications even in the
>> start time of ooa/d where in this sector so it might be more easy to
>> find good domain references then you think.
>I maybe used the wrong words. After reading some books about OOA/D
>it's (still) difficult for me to actually apply it to my problem
>domain. One point of confusion was the following example:

>The software is working on objects consisting of slices (through the
>object) which consist of contours (closed polygons that represent the
>surface of the object). At some time these contours need to be divided
>/ splittet in smaller contours. This is done using a graph structure.
>At first I implemented the methode split as a methode of the class
>contour and providing the graph as a parameter (split also might be a
>methode of the graph getting the contour as parameter). I guess the
>better idea would be to introduce a class ContourSplitter that does the
>job by getting a contour and a graph.

Noway. The ContourSplitter what is that ? All but an object. Its the
start of the manager-propertybag antipattern in your design. What is
your problem with the solution to have Graph and Contour and make the
Contour split itself with a Graph ?

Since I dunno what exactly graph is in your app and what is does
itself we can only say that an equal alternative would be to make the
graph produce Contours. That decision I would take simply on the
weight of the definition of both classes. Give the least heavy class
this new responsibility.

Either way we have graph and contour and nothing more. (btw a totally
different option arise from Contour as a Composite( see GOF) but thats
for later).

>Sorry for the (unneccessary?) details, but its the only way I guess to
>avoid misunderstandings.

For from unneccessary. We need a few more details about "graph"

>> >Basicly I am working on the assumption that an object encapsulates the
>> >methodes to manipulate itself, with might be not really right on second
>> >thought.
>> In my experience Its always right. Sorry to say it that brutal but
>> believe me the tension that it brings helps you in the right way most
>> often
>See the example before. The contour needs to be divided, therefore at
>first glance it might appear right to add the methode split to this
>class. But that blows the classes code far too much.

Aha. Good argument. Give the responsibility to the graph then. Graph:
splits contours

>First attempt to reduce the codelength of the classes contour was to
>subclass it, resulting in a class like DividableContour.

Are there contours that are not ? where is this type of contour
mentioned in literature ?

> On second
>thought it might be advisible to rather introduce a new class like
>ContourSplitter that makes the "dirty work".

No. Lets see what you say. You tell me that your class Contour is to
big ? Lets delve deeper. List all its responsibilities and then lets
try to group those responsibilities. Finding the corresponding
objectname can be a challenge but surely it will deepen your
understanding of the domain. Read about it everywhere. You can look at
it this way: if you still have to heave classes that means your domain
understanding is still insufficient. Put it another way: if you now
create that class ContourSplitter later on you will notice that this
class blurs the vision on your domain, and that there is a much more
natural way of dividing contour his responsibilities over
understandable objects.

>> Define as many strong independent objects as you can BEFORE going into
>> scenario's or technical implemenation detail( which often is a like).
>That would be the contour and the graph in my case.

Thats it.
>> Dont bother about relations between objects at all at first. You will
>> see then that some rather obvious relations for behaviors arise.
>I totally agree. But there are a lot of border cases for unexperienced
>developers like me. Therefore I would like to know more about metrics,
>pitfalls, usage stories that might help to make the "right" decision (I
>guess there is no right but only a well working decision).

Yes. You seem to be very open to learn which is the most important
thing as designer imho. Then again you might be a little bit
technically biased. Metrics might help experienced designers, but
applying a lof of simple heuristics like "do it myself" provide enough
help at first

>> That kind of relations at the behavioral level can be considered ok as long
>> as they dont compromise the firm object identity that you established
>> upfront...
>But what to do if they do actually compromise the firm object identity,
>or at least seem to at first?

Then you have a language problem or a problem in domain knowledge
rather then a ooa/d problem directly. Give an example ?

>Thanks again for taking the time to help me,
>Thomas Kowalski

Ofcourse. Its been fun sofar,

From: Thomas Kowalski on
> Nope. Its really what OO is or do for you. If you learn to talk about
> the application domain you will soon see that that talking is exactly
> what OOA/D is in essence.

Well, im my case I am rather creating a new domain. Or maybe rather a
subdomain. The process used by my softwares algorithm is unique and
as far my research goes (master thesis), there is no appropriate domain

language to describe it. Therefore I just treat my algorithm described
in natural language as the domain describtion.

>> I guess the better idea would be to introduce a class ContourSplitter
>> that does the job by getting a contour and a graph.
> Noway. The ContourSplitter what is that ? All but an object. Its the
> start of the manager-propertybag antipattern in your design.

What exactly is this antipattern? Do you have some links that explain
it/ gives examples?

Isn't it right that the way you describe OOA/D is rather the
development of the domain model, which takes place in the initial
analysis phase? Isn't it true that the class model is just a domain
modell adapted to the underlying technologie? Shouldn't it provide an
higher level of maintainabilty by chunking the classes in an
"appropriate way"? Althought your approach seems to capture the
requierment of easy to understand, but does maintainability is much
more then that? Like e.g. seperation of concerns?

As far as I have read about agile development and refactoring in
particular, isn't it the idea to structure classes, methodes etc. to
provide higher maintainablity (which includes of course easier
understanding of the programm flow)? So far I have written code even
myself could not understand 2 months later. Therefore I might be a
little biased by taking maintainabilty as the highest goal of OOA/D.

Another example: The software is used for reconstruction of the objects
surface out of given points. Using the logic so far it would mean that
reconstruction is a part of the the object. Moreover the reconstruction
process/algorithm is divided into a matching phase, simple and complex
reconstruction. To make the concepts clear I created an object that is
calling an "triangulation service" class that in turn invokes the
methodes of the "matching" class, the "simple reconstruction" class and
so on.

> What is your problem with the solution to have Graph and Contour and
> make the Contour split itself with a Graph ?

Well, as stated later, it blows the code and makes the inital concept
of a contour difficult to understand. Thenever I use a framework I
always wish that the intended programm flow should be obvious despite
the fact that the framework was extended several times and all the new
classes and especially methods are appended.

> Give the least heavy class this new responsibility.

Somehow I am not really comfortable doing so. I am still searching for
some justification to put some responsibilities / behaviour in a
certain class. Because I can't see whether to put the "divide" methode
in the graph or the contour, I would thing that it might be good to add
a class that makes it purpose clear.

> Either way we have graph and contour and nothing more. (btw a totally
> different option arise from Contour as a Composite( see GOF) but thats
> for later).

As I understood the composite pattern its used to describe recursive
In the case of my contour class it's not really appropriate. I guess
you mean that a contour consist of many contours/contour parts. But
that's not the case.

Or do you man that I should group some of the responsibilities /
methodes of the class and implement it in an class aggregated by the
contour? Like for example the contours area is approximated by the
bounding box (this is for sure a class ;) ). A methode contour.area()
would therefore delegate to the member box with is an instance of the
class bounding box and it's methode box.area().

> Far from unneccessary. We need a few more details about "graph"

The graph is an arbitray set of points connected by edges. In the
context the methode "split" of the edges can be seen as "knifes" that
penetrate the contour.
they introduce new edges in the contour and divide it at any arbitrary
place in any number of (sub-)contours (closed polygons), just like a
knifes (a single edge) cut a cake (the border of the cake is a closed

>> First attempt to reduce the codelength of the classes contour was to
>> subclass it, resulting in a class like DividableContour.
> Are there contours that are not ?

No, there is just one typ of contour used throughout the whole
The hierarchy would be something like:
contour extends dividablePolygon extends closedPolygon

> where is this type of contour mentioned in literature ?

No literature besides my thesis exist at the moment as far as I know.

>> On second thought it might be advisible to rather introduce a new class
>> like ContourSplitter that makes the "dirty work".
> You can look at it this way: if you still have to heave classes that means
> your domain understanding is still insufficient.

That was the case then I started to write the software. Now I guess I
have sufficent knowledge. But of course this depends on what you call
the "domain".
None of the classes/objects exisit in the real world. They are all
introduced by a certain way of seeing the problem and by the
development of an algorithmen that solves it. I would call this
description - in some way smilar to an use case - of the process and
the steps done during the execution the domain.

> Put it another way: if you now create that class ContourSplitter later on you > will notice that this class blurs the vision on your domain, and that there
> is a much more natural way of dividing contour his responsibilities over
> understandable objects.

I guess that is what happened in most of the frameworks I am using ;)
I see that problem and see the importance, but this would lead nearly
automaticly to big classes in my understanding. For sure some trade-off
is necessary.
Perhaps you can explain why you state that an sufficent domain
knowledge helps to reduce the class size?

Another point would be, that it would seperate concerns. The class
contour don't need to know anything about the graph. If the
"glue-class" ContourSplitter will bother, then it might be easier to
change easier
the way a contour is divided/splitted.

> Def
From: Rick Elbers on
Op 7 Aug 2006 09:15:21 -0700 schreef "Thomas Kowalski" <th-ko(a)>:

>> Nope. Its really what OO is or do for you. If you learn to talk about
>> the application domain you will soon see that that talking is exactly
>> what OOA/D is in essence.
>Well, im my case I am rather creating a new domain. Or maybe rather a
>subdomain. The process used by my softwares algorithm is unique and
>as far my research goes (master thesis), there is no appropriate domain
>language to describe it. Therefore I just treat my algorithm described
>in natural language as the domain describtion.

This might be the real problem. Are you absolutely sure nobody in the
world has thought about this kind of things before ? Then you can also
ask yourself the question: can this domain be considered a methapor
for another domain in which a lot more is published ? If so you can
maybe translate a few object terms from the more know domain.

>>> I guess the better idea would be to introduce a class ContourSplitter
>>> that does the job by getting a contour and a graph.
>> Noway. The ContourSplitter what is that ? All but an object. Its the
>> start of the manager-propertybag antipattern in your design.
>What exactly is this antipattern? Do you have some links that explain
>it/ gives examples?

The anti pattern has to do with systems. The objects in a system are
balancing each other to provide the needed equilibrium in the whole
system. You might look up work of of for instance Bateson to learn
more about systems theory. In this example it means that if you are
starting to have objects which mainly encapsulate behavior and no
state somewhere else you will have objects which display the opposite:
state but no behavior( I call that property bags). In my experience
good ooa/d has to do with finding true OBJECTS that is things that do
AND know( ergo has state AND behavior).

>Isn't it right that the way you describe OOA/D is rather the
>development of the domain model, which takes place in the initial
>analysis phase?

It is mainly a good domain model, which takes place during all
development fases. A good domain model even triggers new or sharpened
requirements, but domain "fluency" is much more needed when we reach
the fase which is sometimes called "technical design"( which name I
ofcourse not support, detailed design is a much better term because it
doesnt rule out non-technicians.)

> Isn't it true that the class model is just a domain
>modell adapted to the underlying technologie?

Yes it should be. Most often technicians take over somewhere and they
most often dont bother the least with the domain and the most with the
"working" application.

> Shouldn't it provide an
>higher level of maintainabilty by chunking the classes in an
>"appropriate way"?

This I understand as being more "fluent" in the domain or more
expressive if you want. You need concepts( or objects) even in the
highly unlikely case of a *new* domain( which imho dont really exist)

>Althought your approach seems to capture the
>requierment of easy to understand, but does maintainability is much
>more then that? Like e.g. seperation of concerns?

I dont think I understand exactly what you mean here , nor do I think
we should bother with this if basics are violated.

>As far as I have read about agile development and refactoring in
>particular, isn't it the idea to structure classes, methodes etc. to
>provide higher maintainablity (which includes of course easier
>understanding of the programm flow)? So far I have written code even
>myself could not understand 2 months later. Therefore I might be a
>little biased by taking maintainabilty as the highest goal of OOA/D.

Maintanabilty is partly the same as understandability ? In every case
you dont earn much by splitting of manager classes. Certainly not
becase you should know that this manager classes require not
independently userful "property bags". If an object cant do what it
should or isnt what it should be for layman your maintainability is
maybe not helped either.

>Another example: The software is used for reconstruction of the objects
>surface out of given points. Using the logic so far it would mean that
>reconstruction is a part of the the object.

It might. I would search in general for the least "strong" object to
attach the responsibility too. In this case that would be point
instead of object.

>Moreover the reconstruction
>process/algorithm is divided into a matching phase, simple and complex

Then the questions. What would you call the series of points in the
matching phase ? Might this be an object ? could it have a
recognizable name ( )

What is the essential difference between simple en complex
reconstruction and what are start and end of those phases ? Can you
find names for both series of points as a RESULT of both ? Resultants
of an algorithm often provide nice "objects" since it most of the
times is something you strived for ...

>To make the concepts clear I created an object that is
>calling an "triangulation service" class that in turn invokes the
>methodes of the "matching" class, the "simple reconstruction" class and
>so on.

Does that mean that somebody who can follow the words of your thesis
can also understand the software ?

>> What is your problem with the solution to have Graph and Contour and
>> make the Contour split itself with a Graph ?
>Well, as stated later, it blows the code and makes the inital concept
>of a contour difficult to understand. Thenever I use a framework I
>always wish that the intended programm flow should be obvious despite
>the fact that the framework was extended several times and all the new
>classes and especially methods are appended.

Sorry I dont understand your problem with the two classes. The concept
of the contour should encapsulate what you do to a contour. That might
be one of the main rules of software design. That makes objects do
things that in the real world other objects do to them. Thats your
responsibility as the novel writer. Give some objects more and others
less responsibilities.

>> Give the least heavy class this new responsibility.
>Somehow I am not really comfortable doing so. I am still searching for
>some justification to put some responsibilities / behaviour in a
>certain class. Because I can't see whether to put the
From: Ed on

Rick Elbers skrev:

> The anti pattern has to do with systems. The objects in a system are
> balancing each other to provide the needed equilibrium in the whole
> system. You might look up work of of for instance Bateson to learn
> more about systems theory. In this example it means that if you are
> starting to have objects which mainly encapsulate behavior and no
> state somewhere else you will have objects which display the opposite:
> state but no behavior( I call that property bags). In my experience
> good ooa/d has to do with finding true OBJECTS that is things that do
> AND know( ergo has state AND behavior).

Hi, folks,

An interesting discussion you're having, though I must admit, I'm not
entirely sure I've understood the direction it's taking, so I apologise
in advance for any misunderstandings.

Firstly (I'll reference all from this post rather than isolated
replies), Thomas you mentioned in your first post that, "My idea was to
simplify huge classes by dividing them ..." and Rick replied, "If you
have huge classes probably your problem
domain is insufficiently analysed;" with which I agree.

Then Thomas you wrote that, "Basicly I want to use it to provide a way
to safe memory ressources in
case application that base on a similar datastructure are merged to one
application," which I hope you'll forgive me by rephrasing (if I
understand correctly) as, "Basicly I want to use it to provide a way to
save memory ressources in
case this application and an application that's based on a similar
datastructures are merged to one application." So you're working on one
application, and think it might be merged with another existing
application out there at some time in the future. I'm not entirely
convinced that two applications can be cost-effectively merged just
because they share the same data-structures; most banking applications
would share the same data-structures, I imagine, but merging VISA's
banking system with the system used by Citibank sounds like a nightmare
to me. The important thing here, however, is that you're looking to,
"Save memory resources," and that's not a primary goal of OO.

(A very minor point - and here perhaps I'm misunderstanding just for
the sake of it - but Rick then gave the advice, "Define as many strong
independent objects as you can ...;" I've never seen an independent
object myself :)) (There's no good way to end a bracketted aside that
ends with a smiley, is there?)

Then we come to what may be the central problem here when Thomas says,
"Somehow I am not really comfortable doing so. I am still searching for
some justification to put some responsibilities / behaviour in a
certain class. Because I can't see whether to put the "divide" methode
in the graph or the contour, I would thing that it might be good to add
a class that makes it purpose clear."

Thomas: it's ok. There's no Absolute Software Law out there that says
it's better to put method X in Class A rather than Class B in the
border cases that you're talking about; no policia will tear you from
your bed one stormy Tuesday night. For me, OO is flexibility through
variance encapsulation: so if you're not sure in which class to put a
method, consider how the classes will develop over time; if your
abstractions are sound, and one abstraction will clearly offer more
implementations in future than the other, then it should own the
method. I know that, "If your abstractions are sound," clause is
exactly the question you're asking, but thinking about flexibility (not
memory-resource savings or, as you mentioned somewhere else,
understandability) will generally see you on the right path.

Another important question to come out of all this is: what is the
granularity of your encapsulation? In other words: are you using C++
namespaces? I presume you're not, as you are asking very class-grained
encapsulation questions. Some of your problems are solved by
namespaces, as you then have a much larger grain of encapsulation, and
so you're free to hand over much, "Bigger," problems to other parts of
your code. This is not a small point. With namespaces you can have most
of your code say, "Well, I don't care whether a Contour or a Polygon or
ContourSplitter does what I want, I'll just hand this over to
GraphFacade, and let it worry about whether it wants to delegate or
pass to a subclass." This encapsulates one part of your code from
another, thereby making it more flexible, and that's the bottom-line
(particularly if you're employing a hierarchical namespace, see:

Finally, we come to Rick's, "In my experience
good ooa/d has to do with finding true OBJECTS that is things that do
AND know( ergo has state AND behavior)."

I'd be hesitant to make so broad a statement as, "Objects should have
bevahiours and state." It could be argued that the GOF state pattern,
for example, decomposes behaviour into a central object that's aware of
the state (the context) and all the individual state objects that,
themselves, just contain behaviour (for their unique states) (see my
own small offerings, in which a series of states have no state
information themselves [apart from knowing which state comes next] and
just own behaviour at:)


-- - Home of the Fractal Class Composition

From: Rick Elbers on
Hi Ed,

Thanks for your interesting remarks. Re-reading my own
messages it seems a lot of them are stated way to absolute. Thanks for
your response in that respect. Ofcourse you are very right to say:

> "There's no Absolute Software Law out there that says
> it's better to put method X in Class A rather than Class B"

Then again for me and for the people whom I teach and mentor there are
quit a few quidelines or heuristics that seem to work in making those
decisions. Most of them are non-technical in nature, and in my
experience that constitutes a big part of the problem for mostly
technical oriented people.

When you say:

> "For me, OO is flexibility through
>variance encapsulation: so if you're not sure in which class to put a
>method, consider how the classes will develop over time"

It might be an ideal case where domain specialists and object
designers also make a prognosis about the state of the domain in say 5
years. Lots of times I dont see that effort made. Then with the
"variance encapsulation" argument we might create a "purely
technical" discussion about object design. From that we might have
objects less recognizable by domain experts just for "the sake of
technical arguments". I see that kind of "technical design" happen
and see it beat up every domain modelling effort very fast. Mostly
with it you get comments about the "idealistic or unrealistic"
analysis model. Its not my way.

Flexibility alone is not a good argument for a design imho. That might
drive us into abstractions for the sake of being abstract. I consider
that another way of the technicians taking over design. Seen that too.
What we might need more is goal oriented abstraction for which domain
concepts provide good objects. And it should too. To me its the
responsibility of the domain/business to give enough of a
differentiated view of itself so that it can modelled in software and
in business.

Then about design patterns you comment
>I'd be hesitant to make so broad a statement as, "Objects should have
>bevahiours and state." It could be argued that the GOF state pattern,
>for example, decomposes behaviour into a central object that's aware of
>the state (the context) and all the individual state objects that,

Yes ofcourse lots of design patterns ( how about strategy for
instance) show tendencies towards either managerial omnipotence or
property bag impotence. The whole distinction between behavioral and
structural patterns in the GOF book points to this. The interesting
aspect being for me that although they all show tendencies towards
either site nowwhere but in the state/strategy patterns it seems
totally out of balance.

The primary heuristic you cited above for me is of a different level.
If designers are competent to work with the primary, the patterns of
collaboration between objects and classes will arise more naturally.

Therefore in my experience it might even be ill-advised to work
directly with design patterns catalogs. It has the risk of
overemphasizing collaborations between objects where object identitiy,
recognizability and independency might be offered.

Thats probably the reason I throw some very absolute statements too.
Its not so easy to really work with the primary and to keep working
with its effects and we get easily distracted into "sound technical
discussions" or pretty sounding technical discussions about object


Op 7 Aug 2006 15:53:49 -0700 schreef "Ed" <iamfractal(a)>:

>Rick Elbers skrev:
>> The anti pattern has to do with systems. The objects in a system are
>> balancing each other to provide the needed equilibrium in the whole
>> system. You might look up work of of for instance Bateson to learn
>> more about systems theory. In this example it means that if you are
>> starting to have objects which mainly encapsulate behavior and no
>> state somewhere else you will have objects which display the opposite:
>> state but no behavior( I call that property bags). In my experience
>> good ooa/d has to do with finding true OBJECTS that is things that do
>> AND know( ergo has state AND behavior).
>Hi, folks,
>An interesting discussion you're having, though I must admit, I'm not
>entirely sure I've understood the direction it's taking, so I apologise
>in advance for any misunderstandings.
>Firstly (I'll reference all from this post rather than isolated
>replies), Thomas you mentioned in your first post that, "My idea was to
>simplify huge classes by dividing them ..." and Rick replied, "If you
>have huge classes probably your problem
>domain is insufficiently analysed;" with which I agree.
>Then Thomas you wrote that, "Basicly I want to use it to provide a way
>to safe memory ressources in
>case application that base on a similar datastructure are merged to one
>application," which I hope you'll forgive me by rephrasing (if I
>understand correctly) as, "Basicly I want to use it to provide a way to
>save memory ressources in
>case this application and an application that's based on a similar
>datastructures are merged to one application." So you're working on one
>application, and think it might be merged with another existing
>application out there at some time in the future. I'm not entirely
>convinced that two applications can be cost-effectively merged just
>because they share the same data-structures; most banking applications
>would share the same data-structures, I imagine, but merging VISA's
>banking system with the system used by Citibank sounds like a nightmare
>to me. The important thing here, however, is that you're looking to,
>"Save memory resources," and that's not a primary goal of OO.
>(A very minor point - and here perhaps I'm misunderstanding just for
>the sake of it - but Rick then gave the advice, "Define as many strong
>independent objects as you can ...;" I've never seen an independent
>object myself :)) (There's no good way to end a bracketted aside that
>ends with a smiley, is there?)
>Then we come to what may be the central problem here when Thomas says,
>"Somehow I am not really comfortable doing so. I am still searching for
>some justification to put some responsibilities / behaviour in a
>certain class. Because I can't see whether to put the "divide" methode
>in the graph or the contour, I would thing that it might be good to add
>a class that m