From: bos1234 on
when freq.spectrum is plotted for FM signals such as the pic below, how
would I go about calculating the power?
Is it sum of |X(f)|^2 (i.e. square each individual compnent and add)

The solution has the solution squares each indivial compnents adds it then
halves (i.e. 1/2 . A_c^2). Why did they do this?

From: bos1234 on
>when freq.spectrum is plotted for FM signals such as the pic below, how
>would I go about calculating the power?
>Is it sum of |X(f)|^2 (i.e. square each individual compnent and add)
>The solution has the solution squares each indivial compnents adds it
>halves (i.e. 1/2 . A_c^2). Why did they do this?
From: Alexander Sotnikov on
Given a sinewave with magnitude A and frequency F0 a normalized DFT will
contain two components (assuming that the sinewave have an integer number
of cycles over N samples, N is the DFT size) at +-F0 each having magnitude
of A/2.
Sum of |X(f)|^2 will give you 2*((A/2)^2) = (A^2)/2.
In your picture only the positive side of the spectrum is plotted. I guess
this is where the 1/2 coefficient comes from.


>>when freq.spectrum is plotted for FM signals such as the pic below, how
>>would I go about calculating the power?
>>Is it sum of |X(f)|^2 (i.e. square each individual compnent and add)
>>The solution has the solution squares each indivial compnents adds it
>>halves (i.e. 1/2 . A_c^2). Why did they do this?
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