From: new DBA in '09 on
Thank you all. It seems only Erland and Plamen understood my question
as intended because I don't see any hint of dynamic SQL included in
Uri's or Sam's suggestions.

Erland, I like your advice about including the join when building the
pivot query, but I had trouble when I tried that yesterday before
starting this thread. (Probably has something to do with me being a
PIVOT noob.) Could you please point me in the right direction on
how this can be done? I have a very simple dynamic SQL pivot query:

DECLARE @columns varchar(8000);
SELECT @columns = coalesce(@columns + ',[' + cast(WW AS varchar) +
'[' + cast(WW AS varchar) + ']')
FROM dbo.PhsCounts

DECLARE @query nvarchar(4000)

SET @query = '
FROM (SELECT dbo.GetProviderCode(ProviderId) AS ProviderId, PhsCount,
WW FROM PhsCounts) AS x
IN (' + @columns + ')
AS p'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @query

Thank you for your help again.
From: Erland Sommarskog on
new DBA in '09 (ericbragas(a) writes:
> Erland, I like your advice about including the join when building the
> pivot query, but I had trouble when I tried that yesterday before
> starting this thread. (Probably has something to do with me being a
> PIVOT noob.) Could you please point me in the right direction on
> how this can be done? I have a very simple dynamic SQL pivot query:

I did not say it was easy. :-)

It is not clear to me how the other query relates to your data,
but try it this way. First write your query with all data you want,
but keeping the data you want to pivot on a rows. Once you have
this query, you can use that as a starting point to built the pivot

Also look at, and
particular the procedure pivot_sp mentioned in that section.

> SELECT @columns = coalesce(@columns + ',[' + cast(WW AS varchar) +
> ']',
> '[' + cast(WW AS varchar) + ']')
> FROM dbo.PhsCounts

Be aware of that this construct relies on undefine behaviour. There
is no guarantee that this will produce the comma-separated list
you are looking for.

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel(a)

Links for SQL Server Books Online:
SQL 2008:
SQL 2005:
SQL 2000:

From: new DBA in '09 on
Thanks, Erland. I found your suggestion to join the data from my
"other" query to the pivot data source to be right on. It's
definitely not difficult--if one has had some practice with the PIVOT
statement--and doesn't require any linked servers or other unnecessary
complexities. I'm having the problem of some rows duplicating in the
final results, but I imagine that's just a problem within my query
that needs to be worked out.

Thank you again for your help.

From: Erland Sommarskog on
new DBA in '09 (ericbragas(a) writes:
> Thanks, Erland. I found your suggestion to join the data from my
> "other" query to the pivot data source to be right on. It's
> definitely not difficult--if one has had some practice with the PIVOT
> statement--and doesn't require any linked servers or other unnecessary
> complexities. I'm having the problem of some rows duplicating in the
> final results, but I imagine that's just a problem within my query
> that needs to be worked out.

Another hint is to compose the pivot query statically at first
with some sample data, so you can see how the generated query
should look like.

Maybe the final query should be something like:

WITH pivotquery AS (
-- Pivot query goes here
FROM Pivotquery
JOIN othertable ON ...

Which logically is very similar to what you asked for, but rtather
than joining the results from the dynamically built query, you need
to put the join in the dynamic query.

But as I said, first play with this as a static query, so that you
get the syntax right. Then you should be able find out how to
build the completely query. Actually, that is just:

SELECT @sql = 'WITH pivotquery AS (' + @pivotquery + ')
SELECT ... '

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel(a)

Links for SQL Server Books Online:
SQL 2008:
SQL 2005:
SQL 2000:

From: new DBA in '09 on
CELKO, You've given me good advice in the past, but I don't see what
advice you're offering here. I agree that dynamic SQL should be the
last option, but I disagree that it means the schema is bad. I'll
entertain the possibility that I could just be a bad SQL programmer if
you can tell me how to write a pivot query that will dynamically
decide column names in the results as the months pass. In other
words, "Month 1," Month 2," and "Month 3" aren't viable column names;
the last three full months are valid column names, but how to set them
in a pivot query? I'm using this page as a guide: <a href="http://"></a>.
What is the correct approach, since my approach is wrong?
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