From: Ravi Dtv on
Gregor Panek wrote:
> I can't see an error in your controller,
> the only think i see ist that you got for your username this parameter:
> "user"=>{"login"=>"santosh"}
> so what you can probably try is to change your input type into this:
> <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :user {:size =>
> 20}, {:tokens => ','} %>
> and your controller in this
> @f=User.find_by_login(params[:user]).id
> i hope that your column login in the Model User is expecting a String
> with the Name and not an id.
> Am 19.05.2010 um 14:24 schrieb Ravi Dtv:

Still the same error, Panek.
It was not solved.
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