From: Haris Bogdanovi� on
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'hunchentoot)
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'parenscript)
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'cl-who)

Evaluation of the above three lines goes without a problem.
If I try to require any of the above modules I get the error unknown module.
Even if I try "(require 'cl)" I get the same error.
Where is the problem ?
I use lispworks on windows.


From: Zach Beane on
"Haris Bogdanoviæ" <fbogdanovic(a)> writes:

> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'hunchentoot)
> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'parenscript)
> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'cl-who)
> Evaluation of the above three lines goes without a problem.
> If I try to require any of the above modules I get the error unknown module.
> Even if I try "(require 'cl)" I get the same error.
> Where is the problem ?
> I use lispworks on windows.

On some implementations, REQUIRE will do something approximately like
calling ASDF:OOS (if asdf.lisp is loaded). On others, it
doesn't. LispWorks is one of those others.


From: Haris Bogdanovi� on
> On some implementations, REQUIRE will do something approximately like
> calling ASDF:OOS (if asdf.lisp is loaded). On others, it
> doesn't. LispWorks is one of those others.

But I already loaded them with asdf:oos.
Why I cannot require them with require ?
Is there some other way in lispworks ?
If I make (defpackage ...) and include all the above packages
it always complains that variable LET is unbound, even just
for the simplest hunchentoot page ?
Someone mentioned in some previous post that this is maybe because
I didn't require 'cl package.
How do I require cl, is it cl, cl-user or common-lisp ?


From: Zach Beane on
"Haris Bogdanoviæ" <fbogdanovic(a)> writes:

>> On some implementations, REQUIRE will do something approximately like
>> calling ASDF:OOS (if asdf.lisp is loaded). On others, it
>> doesn't. LispWorks is one of those others.
> But I already loaded them with asdf:oos.
> Why I cannot require them with require ?

REQUIRE doesn't work like you think it works.

> Is there some other way in lispworks ?
> If I make (defpackage ...) and include all the above packages
> it always complains that variable LET is unbound, even just
> for the simplest hunchentoot page ?

What does the defpackage form look like? What does the code that causes
the complaint look like?

> Someone mentioned in some previous post that this is maybe because
> I didn't require 'cl package.

Maybe they meant :use in the defpackage form, e.g.

(defpackage #:my-awesome-app
(:use #:cl #:hunchentoot))

> How do I require cl, is it cl, cl-user or common-lisp ?

That is not something you would ever use CL:REQUIRE for.


From: Raffael Cavallaro on
On 2010-06-18 10:25:10 -0400, Haris Bogdanovi� said:

> But I already loaded them with asdf:oos.
> Why I cannot require them with require ?

because the behavior of require is defined by the ANSI Common Lisp Standard:


ASDF, OTOH, is not part of the standard.

specifically, require's semantics are: "If the pathname-list is nil, an
implementation-dependent mechanism will be invoked in an attempt to
load the module named module-name"

You're invoking require without a pathname argument, so you're invoking
implementation-dependent behavior which is generally not a good idea
unless you're absolutely certain what that implementation-dependent
behavior is.

Require had this standard semantics before asdf ever existed, so it's
no surprise that some implementations, with their own system definition
facilities (e.g., LispWorks) that predate Another System Definition
Facility, don't have a require that hooks into asdf.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro