From: Jeff Flinn on
Goran wrote:
> On Jun 15, 11:05 am, Peng Yu <pengyu...(a)> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I heard that most (if not all) containers in C++ standards (including
>> the upcoming one) and in do not follow copy on write
>> semantics. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
>> Therefore, if I need to construct some container in a function and
>> return it. I'd better return a shared_ptr of the container rather than
>> the container itself. For example, should return
>> boost::shared_ptr<tr1::unordered_map> rather than tr1::unordered_map.
>> If there is return value optimization (RVO), I think that I can return
>> tr1::unordered_map as the compile can optimize away unnecessary coping
>> in certain cases. But I think that there cases where RVO doesn't help.
>> For example, if tr1::unordered_map is returned from a function that is
>> only available in the object format (through linkage), the copying can
>> not be avoided, right?
> I think so, too, but you have swap method, which is efficient. So:
> LibMapType map;
> map.swap(LibFuncReturningMap(...));

IIRC, that won't compile on gcc 4.0.1 for me(but does with MSVC's
extensions). I need to:

> LibMapType map;
> LibFuncReturningMap(...).swap(map);


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