From: Vincent LAFAGE on

I would like to give some comments on your conclusion.
In fact, I have to disagree with this conclusion.

> 1. In Ada, I did not have to change the index of m and k in the
> summation to reflect the 1-off per the definition of DFT.
> DFT starts from 0 to N-1. In Ada, using 'Range and defining the arrays
> to go from 0 .. N-1 solved the problem.

It is a cliche that Fortran's index have to start at 1.
It was already possible in Fortran 77 to start indexes for where you
want it to start.
look for instance at
real b(0:19), weird(-162:237)

In your case, it would lead to
COMPLEX, dimension (0:N-1) :: X
REAL, dimension (0:N-1) :: data=(/1.0,2.0,3.0/)

In Fortran 90, you do not have the very convenient X'range
but you can use the following statement to keep generality
DO k = lbound (X, 1), ubound (X, 1)

When speaking about Fortran, we should not forget to specify which one,
Fortran 90 being a completely different beast.
As far as we can compare, the writer of Fortran 90 have drawn a lot from
Ada 83.

> 2. In Ada, the compiler complained more times more about types being
> mixed up. I placed float() around the places it complained about.

We can certainly complain about the implicit type promotion of Fortran.
Still modern compiler provides the same safe-guard against the implicit
type promotion of Fortran.
For instance,
$ gfortran-4.3 -Wall -Wsurprising -Wconversion dft.f90 -o dft
will reveal 11 surprising implicit conversion such as
COMPLEX, parameter :: J =(0,1)
Warning: Conversion from INTEGER(4) to REAL(4) at (1)

So "-Wall" is not the last word as far as warning are concerned.

> 3. It actually took me less time to do the Ada function than the FORTRAN
> one, even though I am equally not familiar with both at this time :)

A 17 Statement Line Of Code example is not really anything close to
realistic example for scaling.
Not only the sample size is small, but what is more, it doesn't scale
linearly, or in the same way.
Besides, you did not tell us how long it took in either case. But that
would be telling... ;)

I am also an Ada enthusiast, but it does not prevent my being a Fortran
enthusiast as well.

Best regards,

Le 09/06/2010 12:49, Nasser M. Abbasi a �crit :
> I never used complex variables before in Ada, so for the last 3 hrs I
> was learning how to do it. I wrote a simple program, to find the DFT of
> an array of 3 elements {1,2,3} (DFT=discrete Fourier transform).
> The definition of DFT is one equation with summation, here it is, first
> equation you'll see:
> Since I have not programmed in Ada nor in FORTRAN for a looong time, I
> am very rusty, I program in Mathematica and sometimes in matlab these
> days, but I wanted to try Ada on complex numbers.
> I also wrote a FORTRAN equivalent of the small Ada function. Here is
> below the Ada code, and the FORTRAN code. Again, do not scream too much
> if it is not good code, I just learned this now, I am sure this can be
> improved a lot.
> And for comparing, I show the Matlab and the Mathematica output just to
> make sure.
> ====== START ADA ============
> --
> -- dtf.adb, compiled with GNAT 4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1
> -- under CYGWIN 1.7.5
> -- gnatmake dft.adb
> --
> -- ./dft.exe
> -- ( 6.00000E+00, 0.00000E+00)
> -- (-1.50000E+00, 8.66026E-01)
> -- (-1.50000E+00,-8.66025E-01)
> -- $
> with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
> with Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types; use Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types;
> with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics;
> with Ada.Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Functions;
> use Ada.Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Functions;
> with Ada.Complex_Text_IO; use Ada.Complex_Text_IO;
> procedure dft is
> N : positive := 3;
> J : constant complex :=(0.0,1.0); -- SQRT(-1)
> X : array(0 .. N-1) of Complex := (others=>(0.0,0.0));
> data : array(0 .. N-1) of float :=(1.0,2.0,3.0);
> begin
> FOR k in X'range LOOP
> FOR m in data'range LOOP
> X(k) := X(k) + data(m) * exp(- J*(2.0*Pi)/float(N) * float(m*k) );
> put(X(k)); new_line;
> end dft;
> ================== END ADA ==============
> ======= FORTRAN code ===========
> ! dtf.f90, compiled with GCC 4.3.4
> ! under CYGWIN 1.7.5
> ! gfortran -Wall dft.f90
> ! ./a.exe
> ! ( 6.0000000 , 0.0000000 )
> ! ( -1.4999999 , 0.86602557 )
> ! ( -1.5000005 ,-0.86602497 )
> !
> COMPLEX, parameter :: J =(0,1)
> REAL, parameter :: Pi = ACOS(-1.0)
> INTEGER :: k,m
> COMPLEX, dimension(N) :: X
> REAL, dimension(N) :: data=(/1.0,2.0,3.0/)
> DO k=1,N
> X(k)=(0,0)
> DO m=1,N
> X(k) = X(k) + data(m) * EXP(-1.0*J*2.0*Pi/N *(m-1)*(k-1) )
> print *,X(k)
> ==================================
> ==== Matlab code ====
> EDU>> fft([1,2,3])'
> ans =
> 6.0000
> -1.5000 - 0.8660i
> -1.5000 + 0.8660i
> ===============================
> === Mathematica ====
> In[5]:= Chop[Fourier[{1, 2, 3}, FourierParameters -> {1, -1}]]
> Out[5]= {6., -1.5 + 0.8660254037844386*I, -1.5 - 0.8660254037844386*I}
> =========================
> Conclusion:
> I actually liked the Ada implementation more than FORTRAN because:
> 1. In Ada, I did not have to change the index of m and k in the
> summation to reflect the 1-off per the definition of DFT.
> DFT starts from 0 to N-1. In Ada, using 'Range and defining the arrays
> to go from 0 .. N-1 solved the problem.
> 2. In Ada, the compiler complained more times more about types being
> mixed up. I placed float() around the places it complained about.
> 3. It actually took me less time to do the Ada function than the FORTRAN
> one, even though I am equally not familiar with both at this time :)
> ok, this was a fun learning exercise
> --Nasser

From: Nasser M. Abbasi on
On 6/14/2010 2:33 AM, Vincent LAFAGE wrote:

> For instance,
> $ gfortran-4.3 -Wall -Wsurprising -Wconversion dft.f90 -o dft
> will reveal 11 surprising implicit conversion such as
> dft.f90:14.29:
> COMPLEX, parameter :: J =(0,1)
> 1
> Warning: Conversion from INTEGER(4) to REAL(4) at (1)
> So "-Wall" is not the last word as far as warning are concerned.

Thanks, I did not know about these flags. I am impressed now with FORTRAN.

The f90 compiler, with those flags added, became as annoying, opps, I
mean as picky as the Ada compiler and complained about all the implicit

Also, with the use of lbound and ubound in FORTRAN helped make the
logic simpler by avoiding the 1-off problem.

To update, below is the current version of the example in Ada and
FORTRAN. I also made a small page where I kept these for reference.

I think now it seems to me, from this simple example, that Ada and
FORTRAN can be equally good languages for scientific applications.

Thanks for everyone for the suggestions.

============= Ada ====================
-- dtf.adb, compiled with GNAT 4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1
-- under CYGWIN 1.7.5
-- $ gnatmake dft.adb
-- gcc -c dft.adb
-- gnatbind -x dft.ali
-- gnatlink dft.ali
-- $ ./dft.exe
-- ( 6.00000E+00, 0.00000E+00)
-- (-1.50000E+00, 8.66026E-01)
-- (-1.50000E+00,-8.66025E-01)

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types; use Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types;

with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics;

with Ada.Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Functions;
use Ada.Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Functions;

with Ada.Complex_Text_IO; use Ada.Complex_Text_IO;

procedure dft is
N : constant := 3; -- named number, no conversion to Float needed
X : array(0 .. N-1) of Complex := (others=>(0.0,0.0));
data : constant array(0 .. N-1) of float :=(1.0,2.0,3.0);
Two_Pi_Over_N : constant := 2 * Pi / N;
-- named number, outside the loop, like in ARM 3.3.2(9)
FOR k in X'range LOOP
FOR m in data'range LOOP
X(k) := X(k) + data(m)*exp(-J*Two_Pi_Over_N * float(m*k));
put(X(k)); new_line;
end dft;

====================== Fortran ======================
! dtf.f90, compiled with GCC 4.3.4
! under CYGWIN 1.7.5
! $ gfortran -Wall -Wsurprising -Wconversion dft.f90
! $ ./a.exe
! ( 6.0000000 , 0.0000000 )
! ( -1.4999999 , 0.86602557 )
! ( -1.5000005 ,-0.86602497 )
! $



INTEGER, parameter :: N = 3
COMPLEX, parameter :: J =(0.0,1.0)
REAL, parameter :: Pi = ACOS(-1.0)
INTEGER :: k,m
COMPLEX, dimension(0:N-1) :: X
REAL, dimension(0:N-1) :: data=(/1.0,2.0,3.0/)
REAL, parameter :: Two_Pi_Over_N = 2.0*Pi/real(N)

DO k = lbound(X, 1), ubound(X, 1)
DO m = lbound(data, 1), ubound(data, 1)
X(k) = X(k) + complex(data(m),0.0) &
* EXP(-J*complex(Two_Pi_Over_N*real(m*k),0.0))
print *,X(k)


From: Vincent LAFAGE on
If we want not only compile-time warning but also run time check

like in
gfortran -Wall -Wsurprising -Wconversion -fbounds-check dft.f90 -o dft

It can be pretty useful, and close to some of the runtime checks of Ada.

So, if we remember some larger scale results I provided in a former
thread, with Ada and Fortran being equally good for coding numerical
application, Fortran 90 is still twice as fast with complex...


PS: on a completely different level, we may use less UPPERCASE, as most
of us are more used to read lower-case or Capitalized.
Particularly for reserved words.
It's less work for our poor programmer's brain.

The same goes for the languages' names as Fortran is no more in
all-uppercase since Fortran 90, and ADA is the American Dental
Association. ;)

Le 14/06/2010 14:29, Nasser M. Abbasi a �crit :
> On 6/14/2010 2:33 AM, Vincent LAFAGE wrote:
>> For instance,
>> $ gfortran-4.3 -Wall -Wsurprising -Wconversion dft.f90 -o dft
>> will reveal 11 surprising implicit conversion such as
>> dft.f90:14.29:
>> COMPLEX, parameter :: J =(0,1)
>> 1
>> Warning: Conversion from INTEGER(4) to REAL(4) at (1)
>> So "-Wall" is not the last word as far as warning are concerned.
> Thanks, I did not know about these flags. I am impressed now with FORTRAN.
> The f90 compiler, with those flags added, became as annoying, opps, I
> mean as picky as the Ada compiler and complained about all the implicit
> conversions.
> Also, with the use of lbound and ubound in FORTRAN helped make the logic
> simpler by avoiding the 1-off problem.
> To update, below is the current version of the example in Ada and
> FORTRAN. I also made a small page where I kept these for reference.
> I think now it seems to me, from this simple example, that Ada and
> FORTRAN can be equally good languages for scientific applications.
> Thanks for everyone for the suggestions.
> ============= Ada ====================
> --
> -- dtf.adb, compiled with GNAT 4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1
> -- under CYGWIN 1.7.5
> -- $ gnatmake dft.adb
> -- gcc -c dft.adb
> -- gnatbind -x dft.ali
> -- gnatlink dft.ali
> -- $ ./dft.exe
> --
> -- ( 6.00000E+00, 0.00000E+00)
> -- (-1.50000E+00, 8.66026E-01)
> -- (-1.50000E+00,-8.66025E-01)
> with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
> with Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types; use Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types;
> with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics;
> with Ada.Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Functions;
> use Ada.Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Functions;
> with Ada.Complex_Text_IO; use Ada.Complex_Text_IO;
> procedure dft is
> N : constant := 3; -- named number, no conversion to Float needed
> X : array(0 .. N-1) of Complex := (others=>(0.0,0.0));
> data : constant array(0 .. N-1) of float :=(1.0,2.0,3.0);
> Two_Pi_Over_N : constant := 2 * Pi / N;
> -- named number, outside the loop, like in ARM 3.3.2(9)
> begin
> FOR k in X'range LOOP
> FOR m in data'range LOOP
> X(k) := X(k) + data(m)*exp(-J*Two_Pi_Over_N * float(m*k));
> put(X(k)); new_line;
> end dft;
> ====================== Fortran ======================
> ! dtf.f90, compiled with GCC 4.3.4
> ! under CYGWIN 1.7.5
> ! $ gfortran -Wall -Wsurprising -Wconversion dft.f90
> ! $ ./a.exe
> ! ( 6.0000000 , 0.0000000 )
> ! ( -1.4999999 , 0.86602557 )
> ! ( -1.5000005 ,-0.86602497 )
> ! $
> INTEGER, parameter :: N = 3
> COMPLEX, parameter :: J =(0.0,1.0)
> REAL, parameter :: Pi = ACOS(-1.0)
> INTEGER :: k,m
> COMPLEX, dimension(0:N-1) :: X
> REAL, dimension(0:N-1) :: data=(/1.0,2.0,3.0/)
> REAL, parameter :: Two_Pi_Over_N = 2.0*Pi/real(N)
> DO k = lbound(X, 1), ubound(X, 1)
> X(k)=(0.0,0.0)
> DO m = lbound(data, 1), ubound(data, 1)
> X(k) = X(k) + complex(data(m),0.0) &
> * EXP(-J*complex(Two_Pi_Over_N*real(m*k),0.0))
> print *,X(k)
> --Nasser