From: Paul Bibbings on
In [temp.arg.nontype]/3 (which is, admittedly, a non-normative note) it

"...names or addressess of non-static class members are not
acceptable template-arguments."

and then goes on the give some example code in relation to various
attempted instantiations of:

template<int* p> class X { };

I'm a little confused here because, as it reads to me, the first part
quoted above appears to be exhaustively prohibitive without reference to
context whilst the example is, in turn, limited to a context in which
providing an address of a non-static class member as a template argument
fails primarily because it does not match the corresponding parameter.

As far as I understand it, the following would be OK:

struct X { int m; };

template<int X:*Xmemb>
struct Y { };

int main()
Y<&X::m> y; // address of non-static class member used as
// template-argument

which seems to suggest that the assertion that "names or addresses of
non-static class members are not acceptable template-arguments" is
overly general and that the example, as given, is merely attempting to
effect an illustration whilst providing an inappropriate context.

As there are no changes to this subclause in the FCD (n3092) I have to
suppose that I am misunderstanding some detail of the wording, but at
the moment I am unable to discover where this is occuring.


Paul Bibbings

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