From: Uno on
Before my steam bath yesterday, my ladyfriend and I were reading in the
foyer. She can summon the courage to touch public magazines, while I
seem to lean on old, familiar ways.

So it was that I happened on MM's tree implementation, given as a
module. They make you wait forever in places like that, so that you're
properly calm. So I had my glasses on and pomegranate tea for a good
twenty minutes, and I would commend the practice to others.

The hippies have it figured out.

So today, the day following my expulsion from paradise, I go out and
find this module on the web. The reference for the module statement in
MR&C is p. 71.

How am I to compile a module, in other words, does someone have a
template for it? I succeeded by piling up enough failures that a
directory.mod was in the current directory.

You can't read fortran in a steam bath if you need glasses. I tried.
From: Uno on
Uno wrote:

> So today, the day following my expulsion from paradise, I go out and
> find this module on the web. The reference for the module statement in
> MR&C is p. 71.
> How am I to compile a module, in other words, does someone have a
> template for it? I succeeded by piling up enough failures that a
> directory.mod was in the current directory.

$ gfortran -Wall -Wextra k1.f90 -o out1
$ ./out1
$ cat k1.f90
! template for using a module
module k1

implicit none

real r1

end module k1

program test

use k1

implicit none

r1 = 42.0
print *, r1


! gfortran -Wall -Wextra k1.f90 -o out1


Look about right?