From: totobond on
toto a ?crit :
> Hi
> I checked inside the debugger and I can see it fails in SQLFetch()
> After the connection with my DB, there is a check done on the supported
> data types (varchar, integer, ...., and date time)
> The getDataTypeInfo () fails for Date/Time type.
> Here is the stack
> ....
> bool opened = db->Open(dns,user,pwd);
> -> bool wxDb::open(bool failOnDataTypeUnsupported) (src/common/db.cpp)
> -> if (!determineDataTypes(failOnDataTypeUnsupported))
> -> // --------------- Date/Time ---------------
> for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < WXSIZEOF(PossibleSqlDateTypes) &&
> !getDataTypeInfo(PossibleSqlDateTypes[iIndex],
> typeInfDate); ++iIndex)
> -> retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt); -> retcode = 100
> May I know if someone has an idea ?
> -> Is it a wxwindow known issue ?
> -> Is it a problem with my MySQL server ?
> -> Is it due to ODBC drivers ?
> Here is my config.
> Server : MySQL version 4.1.11
> Client done with VC++ 6.0 using wxwidget 2.6.2 under Windows XP SP2
> Drivers ODBC 3.51
> If someone can help me because I really don't know what to do ???
> toto a ?crit :
>> Tasker,George a ?crit :
>>> Have you tried samples\db, and does it also fail?
>> YES,it also fails
>>> I know I haven't tried mySQL 5.0, but I'm near positive I've tried
>>> 4.1.11,
>>> and it worked. Can you single step through with the debugger, and see
>>> where it fails inside
>>> wxDbGetConnection?
>> I will do it and let you informed
>> kindly regards
>> Antonio
>>> g
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: toto [mailto:lopes_antonio(a)] Sent: Friday, January 13,
>>> 2006 5:19 AM
>>> To: wx-users(a)
>>> Subject: wxwidget 2.6.2 and mysql 4.1.11
>>> Hi
>>> I did a brief program with wxwidget 2.6.2 and I'm trying to connect
>>> to a MySQL database (4.1.11 for server version). It never works !!!
>>> I did the same test with an access database and it works fine !!
>>> Are there some known problems between wxwidget 2.6.2 and mysql 4.1.11
>>> I did the same test with MySQL 5.0 but it also fails .
>>> here is my brief code
>>> .....
>>> wxDbConnectInf *DbConnectInf = NULL;
>>> DbConnectInf = new wxDbConnectInf(NULL, mydsn, myuser, mypwd);
>>> if (!DbConnectInf || !DbConnectInf->GetHenv())
>>> {
>>> wxMessageBox(wxT("Unable to define data source connection
>>> info."),
>>> wxT("DB CONNECTION ERROR..."),wxOK |
>>> wxDELETE(DbConnectInf);
>>> }
>>> wxDb *pDB = wxDbGetConnection(DbConnectInf);
>>> .... here I always have a NULL pointer for pDB !!!!!
>>> Someone has an idea ???
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