From: Nick Keighley on
On 30 July, 22:23, "BGB / cr88192" <cr88...(a)> wrote:
> "August Karlstrom" <fusionf...(a)> wrote in message
> news:i2uhun$u48$1(a)
> > On 2010-07-30 02:42, BGB / cr88192 wrote:


> >> always using a single class per file is annoying.
> >> sometimes, the class is very large, and options such as partial classes
> >> (in C#) make sense; other times (much more commonly), the classes are
> >> very small, and it makes sense to lump them together (it causes much
> >> annoyance to have many source files each with maybe only 10 or 15 lines...).


> C++ also allows many classes per file, but still many people follow the
> one-class-per-file rule, and it is annoying...

some CASE tools push you in that direction (I nearly said insist but
the tool I'm thinking of has so many knobs and buttons and adjustable
whatsits that it may indeed be able to put more than one class in a
the same file- I've just never seen it do it).

> more so is combining this with using #include on *every* class one might
> want to reference, or doing a single root source-file which uses #include to
> merge every other source file in the project into some massive source file.

strike them over the head with your copy of Lakos

Nick Keighley

"Computer science is as much about computers as astronomy is about
telescopes" -Edsgar Dijkstra