From: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn on
Kenneth Tilton wrote:

> David Mark wrote:
>> You don't understand at all. For one, these "engineers" are the ones
>> who are screwing up in the first place. They are selling you the
>> problem and a lifetime subscription to their future (temporary)
>> solutions.
> I explained elsewhere that I know from examining their code (and from
> seeing the result) how good they are, so this argument just begs the
> question to which you have the incorrect answer.

Why I am suddenly thinking of that line from MIB?
“Imagine what you'll 'know' tomorrow.”

F'up2 cljs

Anyone who slaps a 'this page is best viewed with Browser X' label on
a Web page appears to be yearning for the bad old days, before the Web,
when you had very little chance of reading a document written on another
computer, another word processor, or another network. -- Tim Berners-Lee