From: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn on
Scott Sauyet wrote:

> Sean Kinsey wrote:
>> Set the height using css (hint 100%) and make sure that the parent
>> containers do the same. No need to involve js at any step here.
> I tried that several times with no success. Perhaps I'm simply doing
> it wrong. [...]

Perhaps. The elements need to be positioned. Plain CSS is on-topic in

Use any version of Microsoft Frontpage to create your site.
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-- from <> (404-comp.)
From: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn on
Scott Sauyet wrote:

> Richard Cornford wrote:
>> On May 6, 3:41 pm, Scott Sauyet wrote:
>> <snip>> The problem is that they also print this page frequently.
>>> With the fixed heights assigned to the elements' styles,
>>> the printed version is cut short at that height. It's
>>> easy enough in the print stylesheet to override the
>>> relevant heights when they are assigned via a general
>>> stylesheet, but not when the element itself has a height
>>> assigned.
>> Although styles applied directly to an element have the highest
>> specificity, and so override nearly everything else, you could
>> try using CSS's - !important - rule modifier in the print style
>> sheet. That has worked for me in similar situations.
> I'm wondering if I simply didn't do this to everything that needed to
> be done. I did try this, as that was the first thing to come to
> mind. I'll go back and check it again.

That approach is wrong, it is not supposed to work (reliably).

Use any version of Microsoft Frontpage to create your site.
(This won't prevent people from viewing your source, but no one
will want to steal it.)
-- from <> (404-comp.)
From: Scott Sauyet on
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
> Scott Sauyet wrote:
>> Does anyone have experience with adding and removing a large number of
>> style elements?
> Mu.

No, really, even if this technique turns out to be unnecessary to
fixing my problem, I'm curious as to whether others have done this,
and if so what obstacles there are to it.

>> [...]
>> For a small intranet app (no more than a few dozen users, targeting
>> Firefox, but would like to have it work in IE7/8 as well) that I'm
>> starting to modify, one requirement is that the main tables that are
>> the only substantial content on several pages need to keep the headers
>> visible when the user scrolls.  I've done this several times with no
>> issues by wrapping the table in some fixed-height div with overflow
>> hidden and then making the TBODY have overflow-x hidden, overflow-y
>> auto, and with a height somewhat smaller than the wrapper div.
> ISTM you can lose the wrapper-DIV, see <>.

Perhaps. But it was already there and being used for other purposes,
so I wasn't worried.

That's one of the places I looked right away. I seem to remember that
you until recently had a button to toggle whether the table scrolled
or the body did. Am I imagining that? I was hoping that this button
simply altered class names to switch which styles applied. If that
worked, I assumed I could simply put one in my print-only stylesheet
and the other one on screen media. But I don't see that button any
more. I didn't chase it down further.

> Of course, the headers will not be fixed where a scrollable TBODY is not
> supported either way; unless you use two tables, one for the headers and
> one for the data, which would not be semantic.  As a workaround, you can
> repeat the headers when the TBODY is not scrollable; that is what I do.

I've also played with adding a second table of headers via script that
has "position:fixed", then hiding that one in the print stylesheet and
hiding the normal one in the screen stylesheet. The trouble is the
chrome that sits above the table. I don't have any real need to keep
that there on scroll, but I would have to do so in a straightforward
use of this technique. One possibility I really like is what Google's
Living Stories does with a sidebar, namely to scroll it with the page
until it meets the top of the viewport, then switch it to a fixed
position as the rest of the page scrolls with it. I haven't looked at
their implementation yet, but it might be the perfect UI for my
users. An example of this is at

(The "Timeline of Important Events" sidebar is what I might want to

>> Since this is the only substantive content on the page, I also run a
>> script on re-size to adjust the height of the TBODY and the wrapper DIV.
> That does not sound like an idea being thought through.

Can you explain why? As I said, outside the logo and similar chrome,
this table is the only content on the page. The table starts as a
fixed height table, but it re-sizes to mostly fill the page on start-
up and when the viewport is re-sized.

>> So what I'm thinking of doing on re-size is to simply replace or
>> overwrite a STYLE element that determines the heights of those
>> elements.
> You do not need to do this.

Perhaps not. I'm trying other techniques, and double-checking the
ones that Sean and Richard suggested. But I really do want this table
to mostly fill the viewport.

>> I know the techniques to do this, but I'm wondering if this
>> is asking for trouble.
> An interface to do that (implemented as document.styleSheets) already
> exists, so ...

.... I'm not asking for trouble?

I know the document.styleSheets interface (or "interfaces" given how
differently it's implemented in MSIE) and I might use it or might see
if this could be done with simple DOM manipulations. But at this
point, I think this will only happen if other techniques fail.

Still I'm curious as to how viable a technique it might be. If I have
some time when I get this project done, I'd be curious to really dig
into it.

Thanks for the response,

From: Scott Sauyet on
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
> Scott Sauyet wrote:
>> Richard Cornford wrote:
>>> Although styles applied directly to an element have the highest
>>> specificity, and so override nearly everything else, you could
>>> try using CSS's - !important - rule modifier in the print style
>>> sheet. That has worked for me in similar situations.
>> I'm wondering if I simply didn't do this to everything that needed to
>> be done.  I did try this, as that was the first thing to come to
>> mind.  I'll go back and check it again.
> That approach is wrong, it is not supposed to work (reliably).

Why is that? According to the CSS2 Spec [1], importance and origin
are of higher priority than than specificity. It's not all clear to
me how this is supposed to interact with ECMAScript DOM


From: Scott Sauyet on
Scott Sauyet wrote:
> I'm taking over the maintenance and enhancements of a small intranet
> application.   It has fewer than 50 users, all of whom usually use
> Firefox for it.  I would prefer that it also works in IE7/8, though.
> Several pages have no significant content beyond a single large
> table.  On those pages, the users would like to have the headers
> visible as they scroll the page.  But they also want the standard
> repeating header behavior when the page is printed.

Ok, I managed to get a working solution, only to be told that,
actually, the page they want printed should not have the scrolling
headers! I love shifting requirements. :-)

I reverted to my earlier solution for the page with the scrolling
table body as they like that well and left the other one (which they
will want to print) alone.

But if anyone is curious, a technique something like the Google Living
Stories [1] approach I discussed elsewhere in this thread is
relatively simple to do and was working fine in my small test cases.
Here's some pseudo-code:

// CSS
fixed {position: fixed, top: 0}

// JS to run when page is loaded
(function() {
table = // getEBI("myTable"),
top = // get top offset of table
thead = // get thead of table = // get left offset of table;
setInterval(function() {
if (getScrollHeight() >= top) {
addClass(thead, "fixed");
} else {
removeClass(thead, "fixed");
}, 50);

Thanks, everyone for your contributions!


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