From: Archimedes Plutonium on

Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
(others snipped)
> Proof of Goldbach: Every even number >2 is the sum of at least two
> primes. Every
> even number >2 is the product of at least 2 primes, for example 4 is
> 2x2, 8 is 2x2x2,
> 6 is 2x3. Notice the symmetry, that all even numbers are at least the
> product of two
> primes translates into all even numbers >2 must be at least the sum of
> two primes.
> Now 8 is both 2+2+2+2 but also 3+5. So is that a detriment to the
> proof? Not at all.
> Because the key idea is that there is no even number >2 that is the
> product of only one
> single prime. So we see here, how Algebra of multiplication translates
> into addition.

Now what is especially intriguing about the proof of Goldbach is that
we see an locking
together of Galois Algebra of addition and multiplication in one proof
that has never
before been seen in the history of mathematics. It has immense
implications for other proofs
such as Riemann Hypothesis for there we have another example of a
series of addition equal to a (series) of multiplication.

So that in the proof of Goldbach, it is true because every even
Natural >2 has at minimum two
prime number factors and so every even Natural >2 must have at least
two prime numbers as
sums. If there exists one Natural >2 that is the sum of a singlet
prime with a composite and no two primes yields the sum, then there
exists a Even Natural >2 whose prime decomposition has only a singlet
prime factor.

So what is the Galois Algebra that says addition is interchangeable
with multiplication?

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies