From: Lao Ming on
On May 14, 3:16 am, pk <p...(a)pk.invalid> wrote:
> Guillaume Dargaud wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I would like some way to escape file names I get from something like that:
> > (this is bash syntax)
> > # Get the 10th file in the archive
> > Image=$( zipinfo -1 "$1" | head -10 | tail -1 )
> > unzip -p "$1" "$Image" | pipe it somewhere
> > The problem is that is $Image contains one of [ ] { } ( ) < > ' " \, etc
> > Then the 2nd line fails
> According to the man page, unzip uses the same wildcard characters as the
> shell: "*", "?" and "[...]", so those are the only characters that need to
> be escaped.

What about the dollar sign? Dollar signs can be used in the OSX
Finder so they can be encountered in the shell.
Excellent tip though. Thanks a bunch.

> With bash, you can use printf "%q" to correctly escape a filename the way
> the shell would:
> $ image='myfile[]with?funny*chars.txt'
> $ printf "%q\n" "$image"
> myfile\[\]with\?funny\*chars.txt
> $ image=$(printf "%q" "$image")
> $ unzip "$image"
> Archive:
>  extracting: myfile[]with?funny*chars.txt
> That should be enough for your situation. If not, please provide a real
> example of names that don't actually work.

From: Guillaume Dargaud on
> Here is the problem (I can reproduce it on my system as well). It seems
> that
> unzip and zipinfo do not show multibyte characters in file names
> correctly.
> Once the file is added to the zip archive, unzip and zipinfo show those
> characters as question marks.

Thanks, that confirms my suspicion.
I had to use a different and much slower method: extract all files to a temp
directory, and get the names from there...
Guillaume Dargaud