From: Adam on
Hueyduck wrote:
> Anyway, maybe I am not in the right group to ask for this. If there is
> another usenet group that is more appropriate, please let me know.

I think you're starting in the right group, but most people here aren't
familiar with what's available in France. Perhaps a more general
French-language computer-related newsgroup would include people who are
more familiar with what's available in France. That's just a guess on
my part.

From: Hueyduck on
Al a écrit :

> You are in the right group generally, Huey, and no offense intended
> personally.
None taken. Being French right now is not the thing I'm the most proud
of, anyway.

> I didn't recognize that you were posting from Paris. Most of the
> posters here are from the USA.
I had to try: there is french usenet printer group.

>Our exposure to French sources of
> supplies is minimal and the cost of shipping might make them too
> costly. Maybe just Google local sources and reviews. You could even
> check the archives in this group for sources if shipping cost is not
> an issue for you.
Well, google *was* my friend a few years ago: one could find "honnest
quality" bulk ink in France or in Belgium or even Uk.
Now, the most "bulk" I found was 40 or 100ml (about 1.5 to 4flOz). I'm
aiming mor at 500ml bottle, you see :)

Anyway thanks for the answer.

From: Hueyduck on
Hueyduck a écrit :
> Al a écrit :

> -
> I had to try: there is french usenet printer group.
Please read: "there is *no* french usenet printer group."