From: ST on
Fantastic!! This was driving me nuts. Thanks.

"Alan H." wrote:

> It occurred in my case by moving files from a workstation to a laptop and
> then back. When I travel, I update the pst on my laptop from the desktop in
> my office that is my primary workstation. Somehow in moving this back and
> forth, this malady began to show. By the way, as I was learning how to do
> this pst movement, I moved a couple of other outlook files with it which
> turns out aren't necessary. I assumed that I brought over some history with
> the transfer on a recurring appointment that was causing the issue.
> Is this the real cause in my case, who knows!!
> "Steve Muzig" wrote:
> > I have a reminder that keeps on opening every time I start Outlook. I attempt
> > to dismiss it, but it tells me that it cannot find the occurrence and that
> > the reminder can't be deleted. I have tried /cleanreminders to no avail.