From: Ken Dippold on
I am getting the following error tyying to mount my public folder DB.
Any thoughts/ideas?

Microsoft Exchange Error
Failed to mount database 'Public Folder Database'.

Public Folder Database
Exchange is unable to mount the database that you specified. Specified
database: fe867c22-9a50-4861-8417-a21cd4c76288; Error code:
MapiExceptionNotFound: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x8004010f,

From: Alex Harvey on

I've had this problem once. All i did was refresh the pane and then manually
mounted the database. Re-booted ( you could also restart the exchange
information store service instead) and everything was happy again.

Hope this is of some use to you


"Ken Dippold" wrote:

> I am getting the following error tyying to mount my public folder DB.
> Any thoughts/ideas?
> Ken
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Microsoft Exchange Error
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Failed to mount database 'Public Folder Database'.
> Public Folder Database
> Failed
> Error:
> Exchange is unable to mount the database that you specified. Specified
> database: fe867c22-9a50-4861-8417-a21cd4c76288; Error code:
> MapiExceptionNotFound: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x8004010f,
> ec=-2147221233)