From: Kursat on
"Hector Santos" wrote:

> Kursat wrote:
> > The logic is very complex but, in essence;
> > I issue an overlapped WSARecv() for a socket. I send a command to a device
> > over the same socket and expect response in a certain time interval.
> > Because overlapped WSARecv() has no integrated timeout mechanism and it only
> > completes when some data is available for read, I should keep track of time
> > so that I can inform clients if the respond does not arrive in the
> > desired time period.
> If this is the sole reason for using the timer queue, then its not a
> good one IMTO. If you are using overlapping I/O with WSARecv(), you
> can couple this with
> WSAWaitForMultipleEvents() (w/ non-infinite timeouts)
> WSAGetOverlappedResult()
> to introduce your own (efficient) polling timeout.
> Roughly,
> // Send Command
> // Receive Response
> HANDLE hOvrEvent = WSACreateEvent();
> WSABUF buf[1] = {0};
> buf[0].len = 4*1024;
> buf[0].buf = new char[buf[i].len];
> while (some loop)
> {
> DWORD dwRead = 0;
> DWORD dwFlags = 0;
> WSAOVERLAPPED ovr = {0};
> ovr.hEvent = hOvrEvent;
> if (WSARecv(hSocket,
> buf,
> &dwRead,
> &dwFlags,
> &ovr,
> if (WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING) {
> WSAEVENT evts[2] = {0};
> evts[0] = hOvrEvent;
> evts[1] = hSomerGlobalTerminateEvent;
> // 5 second idle TIMEOUT for receive
> switch(WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(1,evts,5000,FALSE))
> {
> case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
> DWORD iof = 0;
> if (WSAGetOverlappedResult(hSocket,&ovr,
> &dwRead,TRUE,&iof)) {
> // process your data
> } else {
> // socket closed?
> // break out of loop
> }
> break
> case WAIT_OBJECT_0+1:
> // global terminal event
> // Break out of loop
> break;
> // Break out of loop
> break;
> }
> } else {
> // perhaps socket closed?
> break;
> }
> }
> }
> The above works very efficiently. In general, for a receive, an idle
> timeout is what you are looking for. No out of band timer required,
> unless as M indicated, you want to use this in some fashion to
> invalidate a handle to break out of the above. It might be perhaps a
> global terminate event set by the main thread or for some reason
> invalidate the socket.
> Note: You can make the wait be 1 second perhaps, and have a
> dwIdleCount++ in WAIT_TIMEOUT and when it reached X, you about the
> reading. The dwIdleCount is reset to 0 with WAIT_OBJECT_0 event.
> That allows you to make sensitive to some other monitoring in the
> loop, like a ABORT button.
> --
> .

But I use IO Completion Ports and have designed everything for it. What you
recommend is a totally different approach and not as efficient/scalable as IO
Completion ports are.
From: Hector Santos on
Kursat wrote:

> "Hector Santos" wrote:
>> Kursat wrote:
>>> The logic is very complex but, in essence;
>>> I issue an overlapped WSARecv() for a socket. I send a command to a device
>>> over the same socket and expect response in a certain time interval.
>>> Because overlapped WSARecv() has no integrated timeout mechanism and it only
>>> completes when some data is available for read, I should keep track of time
>> > so that I can inform clients if the respond does not arrive in the
>> > desired time period.
>> If this is the sole reason for using the timer queue, then its not a
>> good one IMTO. If you are using overlapping I/O with WSARecv(), you
>> can couple this with
>> WSAWaitForMultipleEvents() (w/ non-infinite timeouts)
>> WSAGetOverlappedResult()
>> to introduce your own (efficient) polling timeout.
>> Roughly,
>> // Send Command
>> // Receive Response
>> HANDLE hOvrEvent = WSACreateEvent();
>> WSABUF buf[1] = {0};
>> buf[0].len = 4*1024;
>> buf[0].buf = new char[buf[i].len];
>> while (some loop)
>> {
>> DWORD dwRead = 0;
>> DWORD dwFlags = 0;
>> WSAOVERLAPPED ovr = {0};
>> ovr.hEvent = hOvrEvent;
>> if (WSARecv(hSocket,
>> buf,
>> &dwRead,
>> &dwFlags,
>> &ovr,
>> if (WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING) {
>> WSAEVENT evts[2] = {0};
>> evts[0] = hOvrEvent;
>> evts[1] = hSomerGlobalTerminateEvent;
>> // 5 second idle TIMEOUT for receive
>> switch(WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(1,evts,5000,FALSE))
>> {
>> case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
>> DWORD iof = 0;
>> if (WSAGetOverlappedResult(hSocket,&ovr,
>> &dwRead,TRUE,&iof)) {
>> // process your data
>> } else {
>> // socket closed?
>> // break out of loop
>> }
>> break
>> case WAIT_OBJECT_0+1:
>> // global terminal event
>> // Break out of loop
>> break;
>> // Break out of loop
>> break;
>> }
>> } else {
>> // perhaps socket closed?
>> break;
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> The above works very efficiently. In general, for a receive, an idle
>> timeout is what you are looking for. No out of band timer required,
>> unless as M indicated, you want to use this in some fashion to
>> invalidate a handle to break out of the above. It might be perhaps a
>> global terminate event set by the main thread or for some reason
>> invalidate the socket.
>> Note: You can make the wait be 1 second perhaps, and have a
>> dwIdleCount++ in WAIT_TIMEOUT and when it reached X, you about the
>> reading. The dwIdleCount is reset to 0 with WAIT_OBJECT_0 event.
>> That allows you to make sensitive to some other monitoring in the
>> loop, like a ABORT button.
>> --
>> HLS
>> .
> But I use IO Completion Ports and have designed everything for it. What you
> recommend is a totally different approach and not as efficient/scalable as IO
> Completion ports are.

I wasn't suggestion to move away from IOCP. Besides the point IOCP
provides you with the efficient thread pooling and I/O mechanism to
minimum networking I/O which can be duplicated just as efficiently
using none IOCP frameworks, what is common to all is that you still
need handle the IOCP and/or overlapping I/O *incomplete* issues.

In other words, what you are really trying to do is "change" the
built-in timeouts so when you call:


it may wait efficiently, but it will wait forever too unless you give
it a timeout.

What I noting the mechanism is already there. A timer queue is
redundant IMO and as you found out, adds complexity and uncertainty to
what is already is a complex IOCP model concept to begin with.

But then of course, if that is what you want to use, I'm sure you will
figure out what appears to be an synchronization bug where some handle
is getting clobbered, closed prematurely or not releases, whatever. :)

From: m on
Ah, it all starts to make sense now ... Coming from a serial port model,
where the port is always open, but the commands time-out, you have
structured your TCP server the same way. This is why I though you were
using UDP - it has the same control semantic

For the most scalable design, you should use stateless processing for both
your IO completion and timeout logic. IOCP + timer queues is a good choice,
but a key point is that when the timer runs, calling shutdown with SD_BOTH
will abort any pending IO and trigger the cleanup logic you have already
written to deal with socket disconnect. This will prompt a disconnect from
the remote host, and presumably a reconnect, that should reset the state. I
assume that is what you want to do because the device has 'malfunctioned'.
This design closely couples the logical state of the connection with the
logical state of your communications with the device and works well for
almost all situations. A more advanced design, to specifically compensate
for unreliable networks, is to introduce a logical distinction between the
TCP connection state and the logical communications state, but that is
_much_ more complicated to implement and I doubt that it is necessary in
your case.

Also be aware that to achieve optimal performance from overlapped IO, you
should have multiple reads pending concurrently and use gather logic across
the received buffers to construct the application protocol. Again i doubt
that this is necessary in your application, but it can reduce the UM-KM
transitions and buffering in the TCP stack (non-paged pool usage + memory

"Kursat" <Kursat(a)> wrote in message
> Hi m,
> I use TCP not UDP and, in fact, timeout mechanism I mentioned is not
> related
> to the transport layer. It is my command-response timeout. The application
> communicates with some numbers of embedded devices over TCP. When I send a
> command to a device, it must respond in, let's say, 2 seconds. For some
> reasons, it may not be able to respond as fast as I expect. This is not
> related to the physical or logical link's status. I should use a mechanism
> to
> determine if a command has been responded in the desired time period. If
> so
> then I process the received data, otherwise I suppose that the command has
> timed out. I use IOCP because the server communicates with many devices
> and
> performance and scalability are desired. I implemented same server with
> serial communication and everything was easier because I can set timeouts
> for
> serial communication and if no data comes in timeout period then a zero
> byte
> ReadFile() completion occurs on IOCP thus I know there is no response.
> From
> this explanation, is it appropriate using timer queue timers?
> "m" wrote:
>> I am not sure what protocol you are attempting to implement, but from
>> your
>> description I infer that it is UDP based and you intend to communicate
>> with
>> a _single_ remote host. IO completion ports are designed and optimized
>> to
>> be used by applications issuing many overlapped IO operations from a few
>> threads and IOOP timeouts are canonically incidental for this paradigm.
>> Consider that if the IOOPs are file IO, then timeout is irrelevant; and
>> if
>> stream socket based, then a transport issue; and if datagram socket
>> based,
>> conflict with the stateless completion processing model that underlies
>> IOCP.
>> For cases where the protocol is very complex, a dedicated thread sync IO
>> model often works well, but if you opt for stateless IO, then you must
>> implement application protocol level timeouts using an out-of-band
>> mechanism
>> (ie a timer) that will trigger a logical close.
>> There are many examples of IOCP based servers on the net.
>> "Kursat" <xx(a)> wrote in message
>> news:uVB#Rsk5KHA.980(a)TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> >
>> > "Hector Santos" <sant9442(a)> wrote in message
>> > news:er2fRKk5KHA.1924(a)TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> >> Kursat wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> "Hector Santos" <sant9442(a)> wrote in message
>> >>> news:OuUqk3f5KHA.5476(a)TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> >>>> Kursat,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Probably a small snippet of code showing basically how you are doing
>> >>>> this because I can't duplicate it. However, my quick test has no
>> >>>> association with sockets, which to me, is pretty odd as to why and
>> >>>> when
>> >>>> to employ this logic. I never can across a need to do something like
>> >>>> this with overlapping socket I/O. Are you trying to program some
>> >>>> sort
>> >>>> of socket I/O timeout?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I'm winging it but it sounds like you are "pulling the rug from
>> >>>> within
>> >>>> threads feet" prematurely or out of sync and an invalid handle is
>> >>>> created. If all you are seeking here is to create an asynchronous
>> >>>> socket I/O timeout design, then why not simply use select().
>> >>>>
>> >>>> --
>> >>>> HLS
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi Hector,
>> >>>
>> >>> Yes, I use timer queue timers for socket IO timeout. I can not figure
>> >>> out why overlapped socket operations don't have any timeout mechanism
>> >>> by
>> >>> themselves but this is another story. I don't use select() because I
>> >>> am
>> >>> using IO completion ports.
>> >>
>> >> What are the timeouts for? Outgoing connections?
>> >>
>> >> Does your CreateTimerQueueTimer() fail always, the first time? Are
>> >> you
>> >> recreating timers? At they periodic, one shots?
>> >>
>> >> Anyway, I could not find of a situation where the function failed.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> HLS
>> >
>> > The logic is very complex but, in essence;
>> > I issue an overlapped WSARecv() for a socket. I send a command to a
>> > device
>> > over the same socket and expect response in a certain time interval.
>> > Because overlapped WSARecv() has no integrated timeout mechanism and it
>> > only completes when some data is available for read, I should keep
>> > track
>> > of time so that I can inform clients if the respond does not arrive in
>> > the
>> > desired time period. So, I create a timer whenever I send a command. If
>> > response comes in the desired time period then I delete the timer and
>> > send
>> > response to registered clients. Otherwise the timer expires then I know
>> > that the command has timed out and act accordingly. I developed a test
>> > application for stress-testing this logic. The application simply sends
>> > commands as fast as possible and generates a trace file about timeout
>> > and
>> > IO completion behaviors. In that file I saw that CreateTimerQueueTimer
>> > ()
>> > failed with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE once. I tried to reproduce the same
>> > situation but it has not happened again. The logic seems working well
>> > now,
>> > but I suspect that this subtle error points to a bug in my code so I
>> > want
>> > to know if there is a certain situation in which
>> > CreateTimerQueueTimer()
>> > fails with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE so that I can review my logic against
>> > that
>> > situation. A Microsoft guy who knows internals of timer queue API may
>> > explain the issue, in the end it is nothing but a function and in its
>> > implementation there should be something like this;
>> >
>> > if (something_goes_wrong)
>> > {
>> > return FALSE;
>> > }
>> >
>> > I want to know what goes wrong.
>> >
>> .
From: Kursat on
Hi m,

Thanks for the handy information.

In my case, there is a converter device to which the application connects.
Behind the converter there is a half-duplex RS-485 network. Therefore,
although there is only one TCP connection established between the application
and the converter, the application communicates with several devices over
that connection(of course there may also be several converters on the network
which means several times several devices:)). I simply send all messages to
the same endpoint for a single converter and the converter broadcasts the
message to its RS-485 network. Because the message contains an address, only
the targeted device processes the message, others simply discard it. So, if
I send a command to a device and the device does not respond, this means only
that device is unavailable. I must keep the connection alive to be able to
talk to other devices. So, in case of timeout I don't call shutdown(),
instead I mark the command as "timed-out" and inform the registered client(s)
about it. I only call shutdown() if WSASend() or WSARecv() fails and the
failure forces to do so.

By the way, I could not get what you mean saying "stateless processing"?

"m" wrote:

> Ah, it all starts to make sense now ... Coming from a serial port model,
> where the port is always open, but the commands time-out, you have
> structured your TCP server the same way. This is why I though you were
> using UDP - it has the same control semantic
> For the most scalable design, you should use stateless processing for both
> your IO completion and timeout logic. IOCP + timer queues is a good choice,
> but a key point is that when the timer runs, calling shutdown with SD_BOTH
> will abort any pending IO and trigger the cleanup logic you have already
> written to deal with socket disconnect. This will prompt a disconnect from
> the remote host, and presumably a reconnect, that should reset the state. I
> assume that is what you want to do because the device has 'malfunctioned'.
> This design closely couples the logical state of the connection with the
> logical state of your communications with the device and works well for
> almost all situations. A more advanced design, to specifically compensate
> for unreliable networks, is to introduce a logical distinction between the
> TCP connection state and the logical communications state, but that is
> _much_ more complicated to implement and I doubt that it is necessary in
> your case.
> Also be aware that to achieve optimal performance from overlapped IO, you
> should have multiple reads pending concurrently and use gather logic across
> the received buffers to construct the application protocol. Again i doubt
> that this is necessary in your application, but it can reduce the UM-KM
> transitions and buffering in the TCP stack (non-paged pool usage + memory
> coppies).
> "Kursat" <Kursat(a)> wrote in message
> news:23791FC8-F61C-45EE-B231-01A0C65DF263(a)
> > Hi m,
> >
> > I use TCP not UDP and, in fact, timeout mechanism I mentioned is not
> > related
> > to the transport layer. It is my command-response timeout. The application
> > communicates with some numbers of embedded devices over TCP. When I send a
> > command to a device, it must respond in, let's say, 2 seconds. For some
> > reasons, it may not be able to respond as fast as I expect. This is not
> > related to the physical or logical link's status. I should use a mechanism
> > to
> > determine if a command has been responded in the desired time period. If
> > so
> > then I process the received data, otherwise I suppose that the command has
> > timed out. I use IOCP because the server communicates with many devices
> > and
> > performance and scalability are desired. I implemented same server with
> > serial communication and everything was easier because I can set timeouts
> > for
> > serial communication and if no data comes in timeout period then a zero
> > byte
> > ReadFile() completion occurs on IOCP thus I know there is no response.
> > From
> > this explanation, is it appropriate using timer queue timers?
> >
> > "m" wrote:
> >
> >> I am not sure what protocol you are attempting to implement, but from
> >> your
> >> description I infer that it is UDP based and you intend to communicate
> >> with
> >> a _single_ remote host. IO completion ports are designed and optimized
> >> to
> >> be used by applications issuing many overlapped IO operations from a few
> >> threads and IOOP timeouts are canonically incidental for this paradigm.
> >> Consider that if the IOOPs are file IO, then timeout is irrelevant; and
> >> if
> >> stream socket based, then a transport issue; and if datagram socket
> >> based,
> >> conflict with the stateless completion processing model that underlies
> >> IOCP.
> >> For cases where the protocol is very complex, a dedicated thread sync IO
> >> model often works well, but if you opt for stateless IO, then you must
> >> implement application protocol level timeouts using an out-of-band
> >> mechanism
> >> (ie a timer) that will trigger a logical close.
> >>
> >> There are many examples of IOCP based servers on the net.
> >>
> >>
> >> "Kursat" <xx(a)> wrote in message
> >> news:uVB#Rsk5KHA.980(a)TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> >> >
> >> > "Hector Santos" <sant9442(a)> wrote in message
> >> > news:er2fRKk5KHA.1924(a)TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> >> >> Kursat wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>> "Hector Santos" <sant9442(a)> wrote in message
> >> >>> news:OuUqk3f5KHA.5476(a)TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> >> >>>> Kursat,
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> Probably a small snippet of code showing basically how you are doing
> >> >>>> this because I can't duplicate it. However, my quick test has no
> >> >>>> association with sockets, which to me, is pretty odd as to why and
> >> >>>> when
> >> >>>> to employ this logic. I never can across a need to do something like
> >> >>>> this with overlapping socket I/O. Are you trying to program some
> >> >>>> sort
> >> >>>> of socket I/O timeout?
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> I'm winging it but it sounds like you are "pulling the rug from
> >> >>>> within
> >> >>>> threads feet" prematurely or out of sync and an invalid handle is
> >> >>>> created. If all you are seeking here is to create an asynchronous
> >> >>>> socket I/O timeout design, then why not simply use select().
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> --
> >> >>>> HLS
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Hi Hector,
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Yes, I use timer queue timers for socket IO timeout. I can not figure
> >> >>> out why overlapped socket operations don't have any timeout mechanism
> >> >>> by
> >> >>> themselves but this is another story. I don't use select() because I
> >> >>> am
> >> >>> using IO completion ports.
> >> >>
> >> >> What are the timeouts for? Outgoing connections?
> >> >>
> >> >> Does your CreateTimerQueueTimer() fail always, the first time? Are
> >> >> you
> >> >> recreating timers? At they periodic, one shots?
> >> >>
> >> >> Anyway, I could not find of a situation where the function failed.
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> HLS
> >> >
> >> > The logic is very complex but, in essence;
> >> > I issue an overlapped WSARecv() for a socket. I send a command to a
> >> > device
> >> > over the same socket and expect response in a certain time interval.
> >> > Because overlapped WSARecv() has no integrated timeout mechanism and it
> >> > only completes when some data is available for read, I should keep
> >> > track
> >> > of time so that I can inform clients if the respond does not arrive in
> >> > the
> >> > desired time period. So, I create a timer whenever I send a command. If
> >> > response comes in the desired time period then I delete the timer and
> >> > send
> >> > response to registered clients. Otherwise the timer expires then I know
> >> > that the command has timed out and act accordingly. I developed a test
> >> > application for stress-testing this logic. The application simply sends
> >> > commands as fast as possible and generates a trace file about timeout
> >> > and
> >> > IO completion behaviors. In that file I saw that CreateTimerQueueTimer
> >> > ()
> >> > failed with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE once. I tried to reproduce the same
> >> > situation but it has not happened again. The logic seems working well
> >> > now,
> >> > but I suspect that this subtle error points to a bug in my code so I
> >> > want
> >> > to know if there is a certain situation in which
> >> > CreateTimerQueueTimer()
> >> > fails with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE so that I can review my logic against
> >> > that
> >> > situation. A Microsoft guy who knows internals of timer queue API may
> >> > explain the issue, in the end it is nothing but a function and in its
> >> > implementation there should be something like this;
> >> >
> >> > if (something_goes_wrong)
> >> > {
> >> > SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
> >> > return FALSE;
> >> > }
> >> >
> >> > I want to know what goes wrong.
> >> >
> >> .
> >>
> .
From: m on

Okay, so you are multiplexing communication with several devices over a
single TCP connection as well as having multiple TCP connections to various
controllers. Depending on the capabilities of the controllers, you may or
may not want to use overlapped IO at all, but assuming that they can accept
commands for multiple devices simultaneously, and responses can arrive at
arbitrary times from the devices, then IOCP is still your best design. Note
that this has nothing to do with the physical nature of the network the
controller is using to communicate with these devices, but on the logical
design of the controller.

Assuming that this is one of those more complex cases, then you _must_
abstract the IOOPs from the logical commands and responses. The IOOPs will
read or write arbitrary length data to or from the TCP stream. When sending
this is easy since you can build a whole command and send it in a single
write, but on read you must buffer the read results and parse out the
responses. Once the data for a response has been identified, then you need
to determine which command it belongs to - this is where statefull /
stateless processing comes in. In statefull, you will lookup the 'active'
command on that connection and process the response, whereas in stateless
processing, some attribute of the response will associate it with one of the
pending commands on the connection. The nomenclature is confusing, but the
principal is easy enough ;) The thread that is processing the IO completion
either does or does not need to know anything about the global state of the
connection. After that, there is lots of choice as to how the responses are
processed, but you can see that the whole issue of IOOP timeout is
irrelevant since you aren't necessarily expecting to receive any data at any
particular time and the connection is only closed if the network is broken
or there is a problem with the controller or message framing on the TCP

For this situation IOCP + Timer queues is a good design. In the simpler
case where the controller can only accept a single command at a time, IOCP
only provides scale out for the number of controllers that you can talk to,
but is still a valid design

"Kursat" <Kursat(a)> wrote in message
> Hi m,
> Thanks for the handy information.
> In my case, there is a converter device to which the application connects.
> Behind the converter there is a half-duplex RS-485 network. Therefore,
> although there is only one TCP connection established between the
> application
> and the converter, the application communicates with several devices over
> that connection(of course there may also be several converters on the
> network
> which means several times several devices:)). I simply send all messages
> to
> the same endpoint for a single converter and the converter broadcasts the
> message to its RS-485 network. Because the message contains an address,
> only
> the targeted device processes the message, others simply discard it. So,
> if
> I send a command to a device and the device does not respond, this means
> only
> that device is unavailable. I must keep the connection alive to be able to
> talk to other devices. So, in case of timeout I don't call shutdown(),
> instead I mark the command as "timed-out" and inform the registered
> client(s)
> about it. I only call shutdown() if WSASend() or WSARecv() fails and the
> failure forces to do so.
> By the way, I could not get what you mean saying "stateless processing"?
> "m" wrote:
>> Ah, it all starts to make sense now ... Coming from a serial port model,
>> where the port is always open, but the commands time-out, you have
>> structured your TCP server the same way. This is why I though you were
>> using UDP - it has the same control semantic
>> For the most scalable design, you should use stateless processing for
>> both
>> your IO completion and timeout logic. IOCP + timer queues is a good
>> choice,
>> but a key point is that when the timer runs, calling shutdown with
>> will abort any pending IO and trigger the cleanup logic you have already
>> written to deal with socket disconnect. This will prompt a disconnect
>> from
>> the remote host, and presumably a reconnect, that should reset the state.
>> I
>> assume that is what you want to do because the device has
>> 'malfunctioned'.
>> This design closely couples the logical state of the connection with the
>> logical state of your communications with the device and works well for
>> almost all situations. A more advanced design, to specifically
>> compensate
>> for unreliable networks, is to introduce a logical distinction between
>> the
>> TCP connection state and the logical communications state, but that is
>> _much_ more complicated to implement and I doubt that it is necessary in
>> your case.
>> Also be aware that to achieve optimal performance from overlapped IO, you
>> should have multiple reads pending concurrently and use gather logic
>> across
>> the received buffers to construct the application protocol. Again i
>> doubt
>> that this is necessary in your application, but it can reduce the UM-KM
>> transitions and buffering in the TCP stack (non-paged pool usage + memory
>> coppies).
>> "Kursat" <Kursat(a)> wrote in message
>> news:23791FC8-F61C-45EE-B231-01A0C65DF263(a)
>> > Hi m,
>> >
>> > I use TCP not UDP and, in fact, timeout mechanism I mentioned is not
>> > related
>> > to the transport layer. It is my command-response timeout. The
>> > application
>> > communicates with some numbers of embedded devices over TCP. When I
>> > send a
>> > command to a device, it must respond in, let's say, 2 seconds. For some
>> > reasons, it may not be able to respond as fast as I expect. This is not
>> > related to the physical or logical link's status. I should use a
>> > mechanism
>> > to
>> > determine if a command has been responded in the desired time period.
>> > If
>> > so
>> > then I process the received data, otherwise I suppose that the command
>> > has
>> > timed out. I use IOCP because the server communicates with many devices
>> > and
>> > performance and scalability are desired. I implemented same server with
>> > serial communication and everything was easier because I can set
>> > timeouts
>> > for
>> > serial communication and if no data comes in timeout period then a zero
>> > byte
>> > ReadFile() completion occurs on IOCP thus I know there is no response.
>> > From
>> > this explanation, is it appropriate using timer queue timers?
>> >
>> > "m" wrote:
>> >
>> >> I am not sure what protocol you are attempting to implement, but from
>> >> your
>> >> description I infer that it is UDP based and you intend to communicate
>> >> with
>> >> a _single_ remote host. IO completion ports are designed and
>> >> optimized
>> >> to
>> >> be used by applications issuing many overlapped IO operations from a
>> >> few
>> >> threads and IOOP timeouts are canonically incidental for this
>> >> paradigm.
>> >> Consider that if the IOOPs are file IO, then timeout is irrelevant;
>> >> and
>> >> if
>> >> stream socket based, then a transport issue; and if datagram socket
>> >> based,
>> >> conflict with the stateless completion processing model that underlies
>> >> IOCP.
>> >> For cases where the protocol is very complex, a dedicated thread sync
>> >> IO
>> >> model often works well, but if you opt for stateless IO, then you must
>> >> implement application protocol level timeouts using an out-of-band
>> >> mechanism
>> >> (ie a timer) that will trigger a logical close.
>> >>
>> >> There are many examples of IOCP based servers on the net.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> "Kursat" <xx(a)> wrote in message
>> >> news:uVB#Rsk5KHA.980(a)TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> >> >
>> >> > "Hector Santos" <sant9442(a)> wrote in message
>> >> > news:er2fRKk5KHA.1924(a)TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> >> >> Kursat wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>> "Hector Santos" <sant9442(a)> wrote in message
>> >> >>> news:OuUqk3f5KHA.5476(a)TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> >> >>>> Kursat,
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>> Probably a small snippet of code showing basically how you are
>> >> >>>> doing
>> >> >>>> this because I can't duplicate it. However, my quick test has no
>> >> >>>> association with sockets, which to me, is pretty odd as to why
>> >> >>>> and
>> >> >>>> when
>> >> >>>> to employ this logic. I never can across a need to do something
>> >> >>>> like
>> >> >>>> this with overlapping socket I/O. Are you trying to program some
>> >> >>>> sort
>> >> >>>> of socket I/O timeout?
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>> I'm winging it but it sounds like you are "pulling the rug from
>> >> >>>> within
>> >> >>>> threads feet" prematurely or out of sync and an invalid handle is
>> >> >>>> created. If all you are seeking here is to create an asynchronous
>> >> >>>> socket I/O timeout design, then why not simply use select().
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>> --
>> >> >>>> HLS
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Hi Hector,
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Yes, I use timer queue timers for socket IO timeout. I can not
>> >> >>> figure
>> >> >>> out why overlapped socket operations don't have any timeout
>> >> >>> mechanism
>> >> >>> by
>> >> >>> themselves but this is another story. I don't use select() because
>> >> >>> I
>> >> >>> am
>> >> >>> using IO completion ports.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> What are the timeouts for? Outgoing connections?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Does your CreateTimerQueueTimer() fail always, the first time? Are
>> >> >> you
>> >> >> recreating timers? At they periodic, one shots?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Anyway, I could not find of a situation where the function failed.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> --
>> >> >> HLS
>> >> >
>> >> > The logic is very complex but, in essence;
>> >> > I issue an overlapped WSARecv() for a socket. I send a command to a
>> >> > device
>> >> > over the same socket and expect response in a certain time
>> >> > interval.
>> >> > Because overlapped WSARecv() has no integrated timeout mechanism and
>> >> > it
>> >> > only completes when some data is available for read, I should keep
>> >> > track
>> >> > of time so that I can inform clients if the respond does not arrive
>> >> > in
>> >> > the
>> >> > desired time period. So, I create a timer whenever I send a command.
>> >> > If
>> >> > response comes in the desired time period then I delete the timer
>> >> > and
>> >> > send
>> >> > response to registered clients. Otherwise the timer expires then I
>> >> > know
>> >> > that the command has timed out and act accordingly. I developed a
>> >> > test
>> >> > application for stress-testing this logic. The application simply
>> >> > sends
>> >> > commands as fast as possible and generates a trace file about
>> >> > timeout
>> >> > and
>> >> > IO completion behaviors. In that file I saw that
>> >> > CreateTimerQueueTimer
>> >> > ()
>> >> > failed with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE once. I tried to reproduce the same
>> >> > situation but it has not happened again. The logic seems working
>> >> > well
>> >> > now,
>> >> > but I suspect that this subtle error points to a bug in my code so I
>> >> > want
>> >> > to know if there is a certain situation in which
>> >> > CreateTimerQueueTimer()
>> >> > fails with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE so that I can review my logic
>> >> > against
>> >> > that
>> >> > situation. A Microsoft guy who knows internals of timer queue API
>> >> > may
>> >> > explain the issue, in the end it is nothing but a function and in
>> >> > its
>> >> > implementation there should be something like this;
>> >> >
>> >> > if (something_goes_wrong)
>> >> > {
>> >> > SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE);
>> >> > return FALSE;
>> >> > }
>> >> >
>> >> > I want to know what goes wrong.
>> >> >
>> >> .
>> >>
>> .