From: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn on
Linda wrote:

> [nick wrote:]
>> I think she wants to control the look of a text cursor, not a mouse
>> cursor... i.e., the vertical blinking line in the textbox.
> That is correct.
>> Linda: AFAIK this is not possible in any straightforward or widely-
>> supported kind of way.
> In particular, it will only be on an iPad and so for Mobile Safari.

You should have asked in comp.infosystems.www.authoring.misc instead.

Anyhow, what you ask for is probably possible with considerable effort (and
probably way over your head ATM), but not user-friendly. Therefore, please
forget that idea. TIA.

PointedEars, iPhone user

P.S.: <> pp.
Danny Goodman's books are out of date and teach practices that are
positively harmful for cross-browser scripting.
-- Richard Cornford, cljs, <cife6q$253$1$8300dec7(a)> (2004)
From: Linda on
> You should have asked in comp.infosystems.www.authoring.misc

I will do that. Thank you.

> what you ask for is probably possible with considerable effort

Effort does not matter. Results matter. I didn't ask if there was a
simple way.

>(and probably way over your head ATM)

Obviously or I would have done it without asking for advice first.

>please forget that idea

Maybe...First I will investigate.

From: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn on
Linda wrote:

> [Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn:]
>> You should have asked in comp.infosystems.www.authoring.misc
> I will do that. Thank you.

You're welcome. But please learn to quote properly.

>> what you ask for is probably possible with considerable effort
> Effort does not matter. Results matter. I didn't ask if there was a
> simple way.

Usenet is not what you asked for.

>>(and probably way over your head ATM)
> Obviously or I would have done it without asking for advice first.

Obviously it did not occur to you that there is the possibility to try
something first and then ask.

Please read <>.

> > please forget that idea
> Maybe...First I will investigate.

It is rather unlikely that the advice in ciwam or other pleaces where
serious Web developers read will be any different than this.

realism: HTML 4.01 Strict
evangelism: XHTML 1.0 Strict
madness: XHTML 1.1 as application/xhtml+xml
-- Bjoern Hoehrmann
From: Asen Bozhilov on
Linda wrote:
> Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:

> > what you ask for is probably possible with considerable effort
> Effort does not matter. Results matter. I didn't ask if there was a
> simple way.

If I see similar textarea like yours, I will close the page and gone
away. Perhaps that is idea of some designer which want to F**K the
devil in the air? As Thomas pointed out, do not do that, because you
will break the expected behavior from user. That can confuse the user
and break usability of your page. For example I hate custom
implementation of form controls, especially when they are not provided
the same behavior as native components.

> >please forget that idea
> Maybe...First I will investigate.

Just like my PM's. They investigate the time, moneys, efforts for
stupid things. Please do it web instead of graphic images.


From: nick on
On Apr 12, 5:26 pm, Asen Bozhilov <asen.bozhi...(a)> wrote:
> Linda wrote:
> > Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
> > > what you ask for is probably possible with considerable effort
> > Effort does not matter. Results matter. I didn't ask if there was a
> > simple way.

If this can even be done in js, the "extreme effort" would probably
involve some extreme hackiness.

ISTM the look of a cursor in a textbox is determined at a below
browser javascript, like at the level of the platform the browser runs
on... The cursors in all the GTK applications look pretty much the
same, same goes for QT, .NET, etc.

I have the feeling you'd have to make the change at an equivalent
level with Cocoa or whatever the iPad uses to do this the right way.
That means you'd have to come up with your own textbox control using
your own custom cursor drawing code, compile safari with your new
textbox control, and get Apple to approve your custom safari for your
app... Probably not going to work, but who knows.

> If I see similar textarea like yours, I will close the page and gone
> away. Perhaps that is idea of some designer which want to F**K the
> devil in the air?

Hahah, I love it :D

> As Thomas pointed out, do not do that, because you
> will break the expected behavior from user. That can confuse the user
> and break usability of your page.

Unless it's really an app and not (supposed to seem like?) a web

> For example I hate custom
> implementation of form controls, especially when they are not provided
> the same behavior as native components.

Sometimes it can be alright... those auto-complete search things
aren't so bad, and something like an integer-only textbox, not
allowing any character to appear besides a number or dash could be ok.
I've seen some annoying ones too though, so I know what you mean.


Actually now that I think about it wasn't there an easily-reproducible
bug in firefox ~1.5 that would make your cursor disappear when certain
elements were absolutely positioned or something? You could switch to
that browser and exploit the bug... that's probably the best shot
you've got with javascript :p

-- Nick