From: Mike A Mike on
Hello All,

Was wondering if I could get some help, we are running project server 2007
latest edition with all patches. And are running a custom formula.
Start]=ProjDateValue("NA") Or [Baseline Finish]=ProjDateValue("NA") Or
[Baseline Duration]=ProjDateValue("NA"),"No Baseline",IIf([Baseline
Start]>Now(),"Baseline start in future",Format(([PPC_NUM]/[Baseline

The formula runs off a few other custom formulas.

They all work great! no problem when in project pro 2007. The only problem
comes into play when a Project Manager or owner uses the "Edit Project
Properties" button and changes a lookup table custom field and re-publishes
the data from inside PWA. The above code supplied in the column on project
center returns an "NA". Now if we open the project in PROFESSIONAL and simply
do a re-publish the formula displays correctly again.

Is this just a bug that we have to deal with or is there a way around it
when doing a simple change to a custom field via Edit Enterprise Properties
and publishing from inside PWA?