From: Al on

Dear all:

This is the dataset i have and

data have;
input name $ deg $ dep $ res test $ temp bp1 bp2 ds $ ;
BHA SSP DMA 12 BUN 89 12 12 AE
BHA SSP DMA 11 BUN 11 19 11 AE
BAR DCO CLI 18 BUN 11 19 98 AE
MEL DMS DMA 11 BUN 98 10 17 AE
BHA SSP ADN 12 BUN 89 12 12 SN
BHA SSP ACN 12 BUN 89 12 12 SN
BHA SSP ANM 12 BUN 89 12 12 SN
BHA SSP ANM 12 BUN 89 12 12 SN
BAR DCO CLI 18 BUN 11 19 98 SN
MEL DMS DMA 11 BUN 98 10 17 SN


Variable DS represents the name of the dataset they came from (AE or
I need to compare datapoints that came from DS = 'AE' to DS = 'SN' and
create a dataset
if there were any changes to the
variable(name,deg,dep,res,test,temp,bp1,bp2) values from data set AE
to dataset SN,or any additions or any deletions

i have tried proc compare and proc sort with nodupkey but was not
able to get desired results

Thanks in Advance
From: Patrick on
Hi Al

What's missing is a key which clearly identifies a record within AE or
SN - at least I can't figure out which variable combination could be
used to build such a composite key.

If no such key exists it's not possible to determine if a record from
AE and SN represent the same event even if some of the data are

Best you can do is to determine whether you have matching records from
AE and SN (using a natural key) or not. That's what the code below

In case you have a key in your real data then you could of course
split the data set into two data sets (haveAE haveSN as done below)
and then use a proc compare. The key variables would be used in the BY
statement, the rest in VAR and WITH.

data have;
input name $ deg $ dep $ res test $ temp bp1 bp2 ds $ ;
BHA SSP DMA 12 BUN 89 12 12 AE
BHA SSP DMA 11 BUN 11 19 11 AE
BAR DCO CLI 18 BUN 11 19 98 AE
MEL DMS DMA 11 BUN 98 10 17 AE
BHA SSP ADN 12 BUN 89 12 12 SN
BHA SSP ACN 12 BUN 89 12 12 SN
BHA SSP ANM 12 BUN 89 12 12 SN
BHA SSP ANM 12 BUN 89 12 12 SN
BAR DCO CLI 18 BUN 11 19 98 SN
MEL DMS DMA 11 BUN 98 10 17 SN

proc sort data=have;
by name deg dep res test temp bp1 bp2;

data haveAE haveSN;
set have;
if ds='AE' then output haveAE;
else if ds='SN' then output haveSN;
drop ds;

data BothAEandSN onlyAE onlySN;
merge haveAE (in=inAE) haveSN (in=inSN);
by name deg dep res test temp bp1 bp2;
if inAE and inSN then output BothAEandSN;
else if inAE and NOT inSN then output onlyAE;
else if NOT inAE and inSN then output onlySN;
