From: Jackie on
Matti Vuori wrote:
> I have for some time experienced locked files even though no process would
> need to access the files.
> But after I added to all my file access routines a loop to retry writing,
> deleting etc. for a couple times, in a second or two it would always
> succeed... I think the Windows API really should have built-in support for
> retries, but as it does not, the programmer must implement it.
> _Perhaps_ the same thing could help in this case.

This sounds like a good idea to, no matter if it helps or not. :)

From: Jackie on
Jackie wrote:
> I can try to have a look through my code a bit later so I can't give you
> an instant answer right now.

I had a look and it seemed like I borrowed code from here:

It's a bit too much for me to make a small example for you. Sorry.
I am sure you can find other pages that shows you exactly how to do it.

I'll make an attempt to tell you the most important some steps:

GetUserObjectSecurity - Get security descriptor for the file
GetSecurityDescriptorDacl - Get DACL from security descriptor

InitializeSecurityDescriptor - Create new security descriptor
GetSecurityDescriptorDacl - Get DACL from new security descriptor

GetAclInformation - Get size of the ACL information
* Calculate the new ACL size
InitializeAcl - Initialize new ACL

GetAce and AddAce - Loop through existing ACEs and add them to the new one

AddAccessAllowedAce - Add specified access for your SID

SetSecurityDescriptorDacl - Set new DACL for the new security descriptor
SetUserObjectSecurity - Set the new security descriptor for your file
(handle to an opened file)?

Haven't had a lot of experience with this so I can't really tell if this
is going to work or if it's the best way, but I *think* that's about it
at least. I have done it pretty much the same way in an earlier project
but not with file (I just assume it's the same). It's quite a bit of
code here for such a small thing that takes only one line of text to do
with an external command line program. Exactly what I just "love":
Recreating the wheel. :)

From: Jackie on
Jackie wrote:
> I'll make an attempt to tell you the most important some steps:
> ...

Oh.. Right.. You talked about *taking ownership*.. My mistake. So maybe
it will be a little different in that case.
