From: Karl E. Peterson on
RB Smissaert formulated the question :
> OK, ignore that last e-mail. Had another go with your code and it looks all
> fine now.
> Very neat indeed and thanks for that.

Well, I'm still battling stability issues, it seems. I tried moving it
into a global class module that gets created (and sets the hook) in
Workbook_Open. Dunno what the problem is, but I seem to be blowing up
Excel with some regularity. :-(

> Just one question, don't I need CallNextHookEx as suggested in the examples
> in the API Guide?

Yeah, that'd be a good idea. At least when you're not wanting to
return a 1 to prevent the impending action.

..NET: It's About Trust!

From: Karl E. Peterson on
It happens that Peter T formulated :
> Well it certainly works:-)

Mostly. I'm seeming to have some issues with setting the hook on
Workbook_Open. Not sure what's up with that yet.

> Safe, I think that depends -
> I appreciate this hook is safer than conventional subclass & callback. Even
> so, if the code is in plain view the user could crash Excel (say) by adding a
> new procedure to the normal module. In practice probably most wouldn't edit
> the module with the form showing and hook running, but some would (I crashed
> Excel doing just that).
> However if hidden in a password locked project that the user has no business
> looking at, I guess all would be fine. Unless, and maybe you could clarify -
> I noticed if I Excel closes unexpectedly and the UnhookCbt not called, next
> time Excel starts with the same file, the hook is still running and no way to
> stop it.

It's probably better to not have it running during development. At
least not when it doesn't need to be. Yeah.

> Resources: There's no timer and I notice the VBE's caption flickering with
> the hook running. So I assumed the loop is continuously hogging resources. I
> was surprised though that it didn't seem to impact much on the timing of a
> test loop (maybe about 10%). So I put a counter in the callback, seems like
> it's triggered about 10-50 times/second, strangely variable but even so not
> that much in the way of resources. Is that also your view, particularly in a
> VBA environment?

Those callbacks are primarily HCBT_CLICKSKIPPED which you get everytime
Excel pops a mouse message off its queue. They're irritating, and it'd
be nice if you could tell the hook which notifications you want and
which you don't.

> Other observations:
> I was curious about this comment of yours which indeed is backed up in the
> MSDN link
>> With CBT callbacks, you're handed notificatation of what's *about* to
>> happen, not what just happened as with so many other hooks.
> IOW, a kind of 'Before_WindowAction' event.


> I mentioned previously the
> purpose (OP's objective) for the 'event' to be able to do the following
> depending on the window state -
> If Excel is minimized H = 0 Else H = xlApp.Hwnd
> SetWindowLongA userform-hWnd, GWL_HWNDPARENT, H
> With my previous implementation also had to hide/re-show the form as a kludge
> to 'effect' the change. However with this pseudo 'before-event' the
> hide/re-show no longer necessary! At least I assume that's the reason, does
> that make sense?

Yeah, I think it does. You're not reacting anymore. Now you're
planning ahead.

>> The only really tricky thing here is routing the execution back from the
>> callback into the userform. And that's not all that tricky. :-)
> (Snipped -) you have it arranged to for the callback to call a similarly
> named procedure in the form. It could be like that but I don't see why the
> entire do-stuff can't also be in the actual CBTProc callback function (or in
> another function in the normal module), or indeed in a "CApplication class"
> as you suggest.

I think it certainly could, and maybe should, be directly within the
callback. It was an exercise to see where it might be routed. I'm
playing with the application class now (created in Workbook_Open and
destroyed in Workbook_BeforeClose. It's not very pretty. It seems to
blow-up Excel the first time I open it. But if I then re-open Excel,
and it opens it as a recovered workbook, all is well, and I can
open/close/open/close as many times as I want.

> (in your other recent post to me)
>> I'll be curious what you guys think of using the CBT hook for these
>> purposes.
> I certainly think it has possibilities, even in VBA. There are all sorts of
> reasons for wanting Excel's resize event; though perhaps not as a solution
> for the OP's particular objective (the maximum one second delay using VBA's
> simple built in OnTime method is fine).
> There are also other events I'd like to know about and this might be the way.
> One thing I've wanted to be able to do for years is to know when user clicks
> a scrollbar in an Excel workbook. That changes the window's 'VisibleRange'
> but without triggering any event exposed to Excel. I have tried subclassing
> in the past (and that c-dll approach), got results but with the expected
> downsides of being risky and resource intensive.

Possible, but I don't see it immediately.

> Many thanks Karl for posting this CBT hook demo. It's certainly extended my
> limited knowledge of what's possible, although not yet my full understanding
> which is quite another matter <g>

We can go offline, if this bores the group, or to pass samples back and

..NET: It's About Trust!

From: Karl E. Peterson on
It happens that Karl E. Peterson formulated :
> It happens that Peter T formulated :
>> (Snipped -) you have it arranged to for the callback to call a similarly
>> named procedure in the form. It could be like that but I don't see why the
>> entire do-stuff can't also be in the actual CBTProc callback function (or
>> in another function in the normal module), or indeed in a "CApplication
>> class" as you suggest.
> I think it certainly could, and maybe should, be directly within the
> callback. It was an exercise to see where it might be routed. I'm playing
> with the application class now (created in Workbook_Open and destroyed in
> Workbook_BeforeClose. It's not very pretty. It seems to blow-up Excel the
> first time I open it. But if I then re-open Excel, and it opens it as a
> recovered workbook, all is well, and I can open/close/open/close as many
> times as I want.

This is very weird. I have a spreadsheet that...

Opens and sets the hook perfectly fine *if* you:
* Double-click it in Explorer,
* Close it and reopen it without shutting down Excel,
* Let Excel recover it after a crash.

Blows up Excel if you:
* Open it from the Open taskpane,
* Open it from the MRU file list,
* Open it with File-Open.

Ever heard of such a thing?

If I put a Stop before the hook-setting code, and press F5 when that
gets hit, it never crashes.

..NET: It's About Trust!

From: Peter T on
"Karl E. Peterson" <karl(a)> wrote in message
> This is very weird. I have a spreadsheet that...
> Opens and sets the hook perfectly fine *if* you:
> * Double-click it in Explorer,
> * Close it and reopen it without shutting down Excel,
> * Let Excel recover it after a crash.
> Blows up Excel if you:
> * Open it from the Open taskpane,
> * Open it from the MRU file list,
> * Open it with File-Open.
> Ever heard of such a thing?
> If I put a Stop before the hook-setting code, and press F5 when that gets
> hit, it never crashes.

I was going to give a longer reply later (I'm off for a little while). In
the meantime here's what I put together earlier as a basis for Excel events.
I haven't tested your F5 issue, but if this doesn't work try deferring
'StartEvents' with OnTime in the workbook open event

' code in ThisWorkbook module
Option Explicit

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
' or maybe
'Application.OnTime Now, "StartEvents"
End Sub

' normal module
Option Explicit
Private cAppEvents As cAppEvents

Sub StartEvents()
Set cAppEvents = New cAppEvents
Set cAppEvents.mXLApp = Application

End Sub
Sub StopEvents()
Set cAppEvents = Nothing
End Sub

Public Function CBTProcABC(ByVal nCode As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, _
ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

Call cAppEvents.DoHookStuff(nCode, wParam, lParam)

End Function

' code in cAppEvents
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" _
Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" _
(ByVal idHook As Long, _
ByVal lpfn As Long, _
ByVal hmod As Long, _
ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hHook As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetCurrentThreadId Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Const WH_CBT As Long = 5
Private Const HCBT_MOVESIZE = 0
Private Const HCBT_MINMAX = 1
Private Const HCBT_QS = 2
Private Const HCBT_CREATEWND = 3
Private Const HCBT_DESTROYWND = 4
Private Const HCBT_ACTIVATE = 5
Private Const HCBT_KEYSKIPPED = 7
Private Const HCBT_SYSCOMMAND = 8
Private Const HCBT_SETFOCUS = 9

Private Const SW_MAXIMIZE = 3
Private Const SW_MINIMIZE = 6
Private Const SW_RESTORE = 9

Public g_hHook As Long
Public mlXLhwnd As Long

Public WithEvents mXLApp As Excel.Application

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
mlXLhwnd = Application.hwnd ' xl2002+

g_hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, _
AddressOf CBTProcABC, _
0&, _
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If g_hHook Then
Call UnhookWindowsHookEx(g_hHook)
g_hHook = 0
End If

End Sub

Public Sub DoHookStuff(nCode As Long, wParam As Long, lParam As Long)
Dim sCode As String
Static n As Long

If wParam = mlXLhwnd Then
n = n + 1
Select Case nCode
Select Case WordLo(lParam)
End Select
Case HCBT_QS: sCode = "HCBT_QS"
Case Else: sCode = "Else"
End Select

Range("A1:C1").Offset(n) = Array(sCode, wParam, lParam)
End If

End Sub
Private Function WordLo(ByVal LongIn As Long) As Integer
' Low word retrieved by masking off high word.
' If low word is too large, twiddle sign bit.
If (LongIn And &HFFFF&) > &H7FFF Then
WordLo = (LongIn And &HFFFF&) - &H10000
WordLo = LongIn And &HFFFF&
End If
End Function

' ' other application level events
Private Sub mXLApp_NewWorkbook(ByVal Wb As Workbook)

End Sub

Private Sub mXLApp_WindowResize(ByVal Wb As Workbook, ByVal Wn As Window)

End Sub

For testing simply do Min/Max/Restore Excel. Delete the 'debug' cells as &

Peter T

PS I'm happy to go off-line if this VBA stuff is OT for this group, my
address is in the Reply-To

From: RB Smissaert on
> PS I'm happy to go off-line if this VBA stuff is OT for this group, my

Can I suggest to either keep it going here (I guess quite a few members of
this forum
find this interesting) or to move it to excel.programming?