From: Shell on
In VB6 I can walk through a directory using the Dir function and get the
names of the files in the directory. How do I get any comments associated
with each file.

From: GS on
Shell used his keyboard to write :
> In VB6 I can walk through a directory using the Dir function and get the
> names of the files in the directory. How do I get any comments associated
> with each file.
> Thanks

You need to check NTFS file SummaryProperties. These may not exist if
the file format doesn't support them OR if the file system doesn't
support them. These are only supported on NTFS volumes and <AFAIK>
Winx64 does not support NTFS file SummaryProperties. If the
CustomDocumentProperties have been given a 'Comments' field then you
can access that on the file. I suggest using a wrapper designed for
this but someone else may know a way using FSO or some API function.


From: Mayayana on
Here's a rough sample that shows how to access
Shell methods. Set a reference to Microsoft Shell
Controls and Automation. Then:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Variant
Dim i2 As Long, i3 As Long
Dim SH As Shell
Dim oFol As Folder
Dim FolItems As FolderItems
Dim FolItem As FolderItem

Set SH = New Shell
Set oFol = SH.NameSpace("C:\windows\desktop")
Set FolItems = oFol.Items
For i2 = 1 To FolItems.Count
If FolItems.Item(i2).IsFolder = False Then
For i = 0 To 34
Debug.Print oFol.GetDetailsOf(FolItems.Item(i2), i)
i3 = i3 + 1
If i3 = 5 Then Exit For
End If
Set FolItems = Nothing
Set oFol = Nothing
Set SH = Nothing

End Sub

The code above returns info. for the first five files
found in a folder. If you do GetDetailsOf(0, i) it
should return the name of each file property. Comments
is probably 14.

You should try running it on a few systems, though.
Microsoft has changed the "extended properties"
at different times. Only the basic properties exist
on Win9x. Some are irrelevant except on NTFS.
Others are relevant only for some types of files. I'm
not certain that Comments is #14 on all systems.

The approach is somewhat awkward and hokey
because Shell is designed for the Explorer GUI. So
the methods are not file system methods. They're folder
view methods. But you can use them to get what you

| In VB6 I can walk through a directory using the Dir function and get the
| names of the files in the directory. How do I get any comments associated
| with each file.
| Thanks
| --
| Shell

From: Mayayana on
Here's another sample that might be more helpful. It
lacks error trapping, etc., but is designed to return
info. about a specific file. Set the Shell reference, put
a textbox and button on a form, then add the code
below. When running the program, enter the full path
of any file into the textbox and click the button.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
GetComments Text1.Text
End Sub

Private Sub GetComments(FilePath As String)
Dim i As Variant
Dim i2 As Long, i3 As Long, Pt1 As Long
Dim sFol As String, sFil As String, sProps As String
Dim SH As Shell
Dim oFol As Folder
Dim FolItem As FolderItem

Pt1 = InStrRev(FilePath, "\")
sFol = Left$(FilePath, (Pt1 - 1))
sFil = Right$(FilePath, Len(FilePath) - Pt1)
Set SH = New Shell
Set oFol = SH.NameSpace(sFol)
Set FolItem = oFol.ParseName(sFil)
For i = 0 To 34
'-- this gets the number and name of the property:
sProps = sProps & vbCrLf & CStr(i) & " - " & oFol.GetDetailsOf(0, i)
'-- this gets the value of the property:
sProps = sProps & ": " & oFol.GetDetailsOf(FolItem, i)
'-- example line return: "1 - size: 3 KB"
Set FolItem = Nothing
Set oFol = Nothing
Set SH = Nothing
MsgBox sProps
End Sub

You can see from these samples how the methods
work, but the sample code is also very inefficient. It's
instantiating new objects for every file. In actual usage
you'd probably want to process an entire folder at once.

| In VB6 I can walk through a directory using the Dir function and get the
| names of the files in the directory. How do I get any comments associated
| with each file.
| Thanks
| --
| Shell