From: gufus on
Subj: <none>

Hello, All!

Drweb is /REALLY/ slow using it's MS-DOS flavor.

Anyone have a tip to speed it up?

Volume in drive C is HDD_C
Volume Serial Number is 0D1D-16F6
Directory of C:\123

.. <DIR> 08/01/03 15:46
... <DIR> 08/01/03 15:46
DATA <DIR> 08/01/03 15:46
67 file(s) 1,776,181 bytes
1,684,865,024 bytes free

Scan report for "c:\123\*":
Scanned: 103 Cured: 0
Infected found: 0 Deleted: 0
Modifications: 0 Renamed: 0
Suspicious: 0 Moved: 0
Adware: 0 Ignored: 0
Dialers: 0
Jokes: 0 Scan time: 0:20:07
Riskware: 0 Scan speed: 1 Kb/s
Hacktools: 0 Scan ended: 17:47:15


K Klement

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