From: ogrenci on
I want to make a simulation. However, I get an
error like below. I dont know how to solve this

does anybody have an idea about this


Running Fuse ...
Compiling vhdl file "C:/work/prj/main.vhd" in Library work.
Entity <main> compiled.
Entity <main> (Architecture <behavioral>) compiled.
Compiling vhdl file "C:/work/prj/tb1.vhw" in Library work.
Entity <tb1> compiled.
Entity <tb1> (Architecture <testbench_arch>) compiled.
Parsing "tb1_beh.prj": 0.19
Codegen work/main: 0.02
ERROR:Simulator:222 - Generated C++ compilation was unsuccessful
Codegen work/main/Behavioral: 0.05
Codegen work/tb1: 0.00
ERROR:Simulator:222 - Generated C++ compilation was unsuccessful
Codegen work/tb1/testbench_arch: 0.05

From: Alex Colvin on

>ERROR:Simulator:222 - Generated C++ compilation was unsuccessful

I've run into something like this fairly often. Usually because the
[C++] compiler was unable to write the executable, because Windows thought
it was busy.
There's a message about "unable to delete...", but it's usually lost in
the shuffle.

If this is the case, kill any runaway simulation process. If the file
remains busy, rename it. If that fails, pay your respects to Windows and

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