From: JD on
Hi to all,

How can I do to process all the records of a field using Eval or
ForEach. I tried the two ways below, but both return error.

Can you help me?



Ex1 (ForEach):

LOCAL oAdoFields AS AdoFields
LOCAL bBlock AS CodeBlock

bBlock := {| oObj | Qout(oObj:value),TRUE}
oAdoFields := oRs:Fields:[Item, name "]

Ex2 (Eval)
LOCAL oField AdoField

oField := oRS:Fields:[Item, name "]
eVal(oField, value ")
From: Geoff Schaller on
You can't really. Ditch the code block and write the loop.
Heck its 4 lines of code.

"JD" <jdhora(a)> wrote in message

> Hi to all,
> How can I do to process all the records of a field using Eval or
> ForEach. I tried the two ways below, but both return error.
> Can you help me?
> Thanks!!!
> Jairo.
> Ex1 (ForEach):
> ===========
> LOCAL oAdoFields AS AdoFields
> LOCAL bBlock AS CodeBlock
> bBlock := {| oObj | Qout(oObj:value),TRUE}
> oAdoFields := oRs:Fields:[Item, name "]
> oAdoFields:Foreach(bBlock)
> Ex2 (Eval)
> ========
> LOCAL oField AdoField
> oField := oRS:Fields:[Item, name "]
> eVal(oField, value ")

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