From: AHartman on
I'm using this script to capture files I want to Zip but when the Zip
process start I get a File in use by another process message.

Need some help on where I need to close my file.

Option explicit

Dim strPath, strCmd, strFile, strFileStem, strZipFile, strLogFile,strCapFile
Dim objFSO, objShell, objLogFile,objCapFile

Dim dNow, yy, mt, dd, hh, nn, ss, ZipFile

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject ("")

dNow = Now

yy = Right(Year(dNow), 2)
mt = Right("00" & Month(dNow), 2)
dd = Right("00" & Day(dNow), 2)

hh = Right("00" & Hour(dNow), 2)
nn = Right("00" & Minute(dNow), 2)
ss = Right("00" & Second(dNow), 2)

ZipFile = "Send" & yy & mt & dd & hh & nn & ss

' Logging this run
strLogFile = "C:\temp\"+WScript.ScriptName+".log"
Set objLogFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strLogFile, 2, true )
objLogFile.WriteLine(WScript.ScriptName & " started.")

' Capture files to zip
strCapFile = "C:\SourceFolder\ziplist"+".log"
Set objCapFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strCapFile, 2, true )

strPath = "C:\sourcefolder"


If objFSO.FolderExists(strPath) Then

Dim f, objFile, fileCollection
Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(strPath)
Set fileCollection = f.Files
For Each objFile in fileCollection
'msgbox objfile
strFile =
If UCase(Right(strFile, 3)) = "PS1" then
'If DateDiff("h", objFile.DateLastModified, Now) > 0 then
objLogFile.WriteLine("Zipping")+ " " +strPath+"\"+strFile

'End if
End if
Wscript.echo "path not found: "+ strPath
End if

' Zip the file

strcmd = "%comspec% /c C:\winRar\rar a " + "-n@" + strCapfile + " " +
objLogFile.WriteLine(strCmd) strCmd ,7 , true

Set objShell = Nothing
set objFSO = nothing

objLogFile.WriteLine(WScript.ScriptName & " ended.")


From: urkec on
"AHartman" wrote:

> I'm using this script to capture files I want to Zip but when the Zip
> process start I get a File in use by another process message.
> Need some help on where I need to close my file.
> Option explicit
> Dim strPath, strCmd, strFile, strFileStem, strZipFile, strLogFile,strCapFile
> Dim objFSO, objShell, objLogFile,objCapFile
> Dim dNow, yy, mt, dd, hh, nn, ss, ZipFile
> Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
> Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject ("")
> dNow = Now
> yy = Right(Year(dNow), 2)
> mt = Right("00" & Month(dNow), 2)
> dd = Right("00" & Day(dNow), 2)
> hh = Right("00" & Hour(dNow), 2)
> nn = Right("00" & Minute(dNow), 2)
> ss = Right("00" & Second(dNow), 2)
> ZipFile = "Send" & yy & mt & dd & hh & nn & ss
> '
> ' Logging this run
> '
> strLogFile = "C:\temp\"+WScript.ScriptName+".log"
> Set objLogFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strLogFile, 2, true )
> objLogFile.WriteLine(WScript.ScriptName & " started.")
> '
> ' Capture files to zip
> '
> strCapFile = "C:\SourceFolder\ziplist"+".log"
> Set objCapFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strCapFile, 2, true )
> strPath = "C:\sourcefolder"
> objLogFile.WriteLine(strPath)
> If objFSO.FolderExists(strPath) Then
> Dim f, objFile, fileCollection
> Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(strPath)
> Set fileCollection = f.Files
> For Each objFile in fileCollection
> 'msgbox objfile
> strFile =
> If UCase(Right(strFile, 3)) = "PS1" then
> 'If DateDiff("h", objFile.DateLastModified, Now) > 0 then
> objLogFile.WriteLine("Zipping")+ " " +strPath+"\"+strFile
> objCapfile.writeline(strFile)
> 'End if
> End if
> Next
> else
> Wscript.echo "path not found: "+ strPath
> End if
> '
> ' Zip the file
> '
> '
> strcmd = "%comspec% /c C:\winRar\rar a " + "-n@" + strCapfile + " " +
> ZipFile
> objLogFile.WriteLine(strCmd)
> strCmd ,7 , true
> Set objShell = Nothing
> set objFSO = nothing
> objLogFile.WriteLine("ending")
> objLogFile.WriteLine(WScript.ScriptName & " ended.")
> objLogFile.close()
> Thanks.

You need to close the file after you write in the file names and before you
use it with rar.exe:

If UCase(Right(strFile, 3)) = "PS1" then
'If DateDiff("h", objFile.DateLastModified, Now) > 0 then
objLogFile.WriteLine("Zipping")+ " " +strPath+"\"+strFile

'End if
End if
Wscript.echo "path not found: "+ strPath
End if

'Close ziplist.log

' Zip the file

strcmd = "%comspec% /c C:\winRar\rar a " + "-n@" + strCapfile + " " + ZipFile
objLogFile.WriteLine(strCmd) strCmd ,7 , true

Maybe you don't neet to create that file at all , using something like this

strcmd = "%comspec% /c C:\winRar\rar a -ep " + ZipFile + "

(I don't use Winrar much, so I'm not sure that is exactly what you want)

From: AHartman on

"urkec" <urkec(a)> wrote in message
> "AHartman" wrote:
>> I'm using this script to capture files I want to Zip but when the Zip
>> process start I get a File in use by another process message.
>> Need some help on where I need to close my file.
>> Option explicit
>> Dim strPath, strCmd, strFile, strFileStem, strZipFile,
>> strLogFile,strCapFile
>> Dim objFSO, objShell, objLogFile,objCapFile
>> Dim dNow, yy, mt, dd, hh, nn, ss, ZipFile
>> Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
>> Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject ("")
>> dNow = Now
>> yy = Right(Year(dNow), 2)
>> mt = Right("00" & Month(dNow), 2)
>> dd = Right("00" & Day(dNow), 2)
>> hh = Right("00" & Hour(dNow), 2)
>> nn = Right("00" & Minute(dNow), 2)
>> ss = Right("00" & Second(dNow), 2)
>> ZipFile = "Send" & yy & mt & dd & hh & nn & ss
>> '
>> ' Logging this run
>> '
>> strLogFile = "C:\temp\"+WScript.ScriptName+".log"
>> Set objLogFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strLogFile, 2, true )
>> objLogFile.WriteLine(WScript.ScriptName & " started.")
>> '
>> ' Capture files to zip
>> '
>> strCapFile = "C:\SourceFolder\ziplist"+".log"
>> Set objCapFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strCapFile, 2, true )
>> strPath = "C:\sourcefolder"
>> objLogFile.WriteLine(strPath)
>> If objFSO.FolderExists(strPath) Then
>> Dim f, objFile, fileCollection
>> Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(strPath)
>> Set fileCollection = f.Files
>> For Each objFile in fileCollection
>> 'msgbox objfile
>> strFile =
>> If UCase(Right(strFile, 3)) = "PS1" then
>> 'If DateDiff("h", objFile.DateLastModified, Now) > 0 then
>> objLogFile.WriteLine("Zipping")+ " " +strPath+"\"+strFile
>> objCapfile.writeline(strFile)
>> 'End if
>> End if
>> Next
>> else
>> Wscript.echo "path not found: "+ strPath
>> End if
>> '
>> ' Zip the file
>> '
>> '
>> strcmd = "%comspec% /c C:\winRar\rar a " + "-n@" + strCapfile + " " +
>> ZipFile
>> objLogFile.WriteLine(strCmd)
>> strCmd ,7 , true
>> Set objShell = Nothing
>> set objFSO = nothing
>> objLogFile.WriteLine("ending")
>> objLogFile.WriteLine(WScript.ScriptName & " ended.")
>> objLogFile.close()
>> Thanks.
> You need to close the file after you write in the file names and before
> you
> use it with rar.exe:
> If UCase(Right(strFile, 3)) = "PS1" then
> 'If DateDiff("h", objFile.DateLastModified, Now) > 0 then
> objLogFile.WriteLine("Zipping")+ " " +strPath+"\"+strFile
> objCapfile.writeline(strFile)
> 'End if
> End if
> Next
> else
> Wscript.echo "path not found: "+ strPath
> End if
> 'Close ziplist.log
> objCapfile.Close
> '
> ' Zip the file
> '
> '
> strcmd = "%comspec% /c C:\winRar\rar a " + "-n@" + strCapfile + " " +
> ZipFile
> objLogFile.WriteLine(strCmd)
> strCmd ,7 , true
> Maybe you don't neet to create that file at all , using something like
> this
> instead:
> strcmd = "%comspec% /c C:\winRar\rar a -ep " + ZipFile + "
> c:\SourceFolder\*.ps1"
> (I don't use Winrar much, so I'm not sure that is exactly what you want)
> --
> urkec

From: AHartman on

It creates the Zip file but only one file is in it not the 4 it should
picked up?

"urkec" <urkec(a)> wrote in message
> "AHartman" wrote:
>> I'm using this script to capture files I want to Zip but when the Zip
>> process start I get a File in use by another process message.
>> Need some help on where I need to close my file.
>> Option explicit
>> Dim strPath, strCmd, strFile, strFileStem, strZipFile,
>> strLogFile,strCapFile
>> Dim objFSO, objShell, objLogFile,objCapFile
>> Dim dNow, yy, mt, dd, hh, nn, ss, ZipFile
>> Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
>> Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject ("")
>> dNow = Now
>> yy = Right(Year(dNow), 2)
>> mt = Right("00" & Month(dNow), 2)
>> dd = Right("00" & Day(dNow), 2)
>> hh = Right("00" & Hour(dNow), 2)
>> nn = Right("00" & Minute(dNow), 2)
>> ss = Right("00" & Second(dNow), 2)
>> ZipFile = "Send" & yy & mt & dd & hh & nn & ss
>> '
>> ' Logging this run
>> '
>> strLogFile = "C:\temp\"+WScript.ScriptName+".log"
>> Set objLogFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strLogFile, 2, true )
>> objLogFile.WriteLine(WScript.ScriptName & " started.")
>> '
>> ' Capture files to zip
>> '
>> strCapFile = "C:\SourceFolder\ziplist"+".log"
>> Set objCapFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strCapFile, 2, true )
>> strPath = "C:\sourcefolder"
>> objLogFile.WriteLine(strPath)
>> If objFSO.FolderExists(strPath) Then
>> Dim f, objFile, fileCollection
>> Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(strPath)
>> Set fileCollection = f.Files
>> For Each objFile in fileCollection
>> 'msgbox objfile
>> strFile =
>> If UCase(Right(strFile, 3)) = "PS1" then
>> 'If DateDiff("h", objFile.DateLastModified, Now) > 0 then
>> objLogFile.WriteLine("Zipping")+ " " +strPath+"\"+strFile
>> objCapfile.writeline(strFile)
>> 'End if
>> End if
>> Next
>> else
>> Wscript.echo "path not found: "+ strPath
>> End if
>> '
>> ' Zip the file
>> '
>> '
>> strcmd = "%comspec% /c C:\winRar\rar a " + "-n@" + strCapfile + " " +
>> ZipFile
>> objLogFile.WriteLine(strCmd)
>> strCmd ,7 , true
>> Set objShell = Nothing
>> set objFSO = nothing
>> objLogFile.WriteLine("ending")
>> objLogFile.WriteLine(WScript.ScriptName & " ended.")
>> objLogFile.close()
>> Thanks.
> You need to close the file after you write in the file names and before
> you
> use it with rar.exe:
> If UCase(Right(strFile, 3)) = "PS1" then
> 'If DateDiff("h", objFile.DateLastModified, Now) > 0 then
> objLogFile.WriteLine("Zipping")+ " " +strPath+"\"+strFile
> objCapfile.writeline(strFile)
> 'End if
> End if
> Next
> else
> Wscript.echo "path not found: "+ strPath
> End if
> 'Close ziplist.log
> objCapfile.Close
> '
> ' Zip the file
> '
> '
> strcmd = "%comspec% /c C:\winRar\rar a " + "-n@" + strCapfile + " " +
> ZipFile
> objLogFile.WriteLine(strCmd)
> strCmd ,7 , true
> Maybe you don't neet to create that file at all , using something like
> this
> instead:
> strcmd = "%comspec% /c C:\winRar\rar a -ep " + ZipFile + "
> c:\SourceFolder\*.ps1"
> (I don't use Winrar much, so I'm not sure that is exactly what you want)
> --
> urkec