From: mingstb on
> He didn't refute anything either. In fact, he only made himself
> appear even less competent. Read the thread for yourself. You'll
> be hard pressed to find the quantitative objections made on that
> url refuted with anything but a long-winded soliloquy of content-free
> bullshit.

The usual Bilge reply. Empty of content and thought. Full only of
invective and fear of failure.


From: TC on

mingstb(a) wrote:
> TC wrote:
> > mingstb(a) wrote:
> > > TC wrote:
> > > > Paul Stowe wrote:
> >
> > Mingst has tagged in
mingstb(a) wrote:
> TC wrote:
> > mingstb(a) wrote:
> > > TC wrote:
> > > > Paul Stowe wrote:

> > Mingst has tagged in

> Putting back the context of the discussion:

Sigh. Why? It just clutters up the post.
The context is clear enough.

Snip for clarity.

> > > Nucleons
> > > (specifically, neutrons) have been experimentally determined to
> > > gravitate.

> > Eotvos type experiments have shown that most things that make
> > up matter gravitate. Including binding energy.

> To what experiments are you referring? The Eotvos experiment is a
> measure of two units of mass of different chemical compositions.

> There are no "binding energy" experiments within the Eotvos type.
> Because energy (of any form) is not an observable property. It is
> always calculated. Are you alluding to theoretical claims?

Are you denying that 6 moles of neutrons and 6 moles of protons
in the form of a mole of carbon weighs less than 6 moles of neutrons
6 moles of protons in the form of 6 moles of deuterium?
[6 moles of electrons are also needed in each case]

> > > LeSagian gravitation is not based on the macroscopic radius
> > > of matter. If you have 'N' nucleons, you will have the same
> > > gravitational force at distance 'R', outside the body. This is
> > > simply Gauss' flux law.

> > How do you account for Eotvos experiments then? These experiments
> > show that the same number of nucleons can have differing
> gravitational
> > force at distance R because of variations in binding energy.

> Please, be specific. Which experiment? I believe you will find that
> the calculation of energy is completely circular.

Binding energy is observed. It is why nuclear weapons go boom.

> Such claims always start with a given mass.

> > Compare sphere of gold to one of silicon.
> > This seems to be a discussion:
> >

> Totally irrelevant to the issue under discussion. You may note that
> never claimed that nucleons always share the same value of mass in
> different circumstances. The LeSagian interaction is coupled to the
> *mass* of the nucleon (or nucleus), not to it's "number" or "type."

So LeSagian interaction couples to binding energy as in GR?

> Only GR postulates a distinction between "gravitational" mass and
> "inertial" mass.

Where do you get that from. GR is based on principle of equivalence
which equates the two. It is Newton's theory of gravity that

> Such efforts are irrelevant to non-GR theory. There
> is no reason for non-GR theories to see a difference.

You have it absolutely backwards.
[snip irrelevant quibble]

> Again, replacing some context:
> ===================
[snip for clarity]

> Again, totally irrelevant to the issue. The phase of matter is
> immaterial to LeSagian gravitational theory (also to Newtonian

Then why is there an "r" in the expression. If the phas is irrelevant
then it follows that the density does not matter.

> Gauss' law assures us that the distribution within a given mass has
> effect on a body outside the mass. It simply becomes a result of the
> total mass of the body.

There you go. So why the "r" in the expression for heating by
LeSagian gravity?

[snip some more for clarity]

> > > > But I don't seem why area is the thing. Gravity is universal
> > > > so it effects small particles in such a way that the sum
> > > > gives the gravitational effect on a large body made from
> > > > the small particles. Surface area has nothing to do with
> > > > it.

> > > Precisely! GRAVITY is not affected by surface area. But energy
> > > deposition (for a constant mass) *IS* affected by surface area.

> > I would tend to think it would be affected by radius (or square
> > of surface area) since the potential is affected by inverse radius.

> Your thought is wrong, because "potential" (another unobservable,
> mathematical concept) doesn't enter into it at all. I pointed out
> derivation, above.

If you don't like potential, then think of terminal velocity of
falling from infinity or the equivalent escape velocity. These are
observable and have the same dependence on m and r as the

> > > Because gravity is a two-body effect, and gravitational flux
> heating
> > > is a one-body effect. (The mass will heat up even if there is
> nothing
> > > around it with which to gravitate.)

> > Stowe said this too. It really doesn't make much sense.

> Sure it does. Postulate a single matter body in the universe filled
> with LeSagian corpuscles. It will be subject to heating from the
> interaction of said corpuscles with itself. It has nothing
> to do with any gravitational attraction with any other body.

OK. Where does this go?

> Now place a second body of equal mass a distance 'd' away from the
> first body. The first body will continue to absorb just as much
> as it did before. But it will begin to gravitate.

It will do no such thing. Under LeSagian theory it shadows the second

> Now make the second body 1000000 times the mass of the first body.
> first body *still* absorbs the same energy from the LeSagian aether
> it did before.

No it doesn't. It is shadowed quite a bit by the larger body reducing
the flux it sees.

> The deposition of energy into the first matter body is a function of
> the product of momentum flux density (Phi_0) and the mass interaction
> coefficient of that body (mu_s). The gravitaional force is given by:

> F = -Phi_0 (mu_s)^2 m M / d^2

> or, conventionally:

> F = -G m M / d^2

> No gravitation calculation can give you aught else but the factor G.
> It cannot give you the product (Phi_0) (mu_s). Hence, you cannot
> determine the heating of a body from any orbital situation.

You can bound the heating from the orbital situation.
The imbalance of flux that causes F cannot be larger than
the total flux absent a second body. This provides a lower
bound on the heating. The heating has to be at least as large
as the momentum flux (the force F) times the speed of the
ultramundane particles.

> > > > {snip unchanged stuff}

> > > > As you say, input equals output, so in the LeSage theory
> > > > the net momentum flux of ultramundane particles absorbed by
> > > > the body equals the gravitational force on a body.

> > > Not quite. But you are on the right track...

> > > > The energy flux (power) of the ultramundane particles
> > > > is given by the above. Since momentum is a signed quantity
> > > > it is the net absorded that gives rise to gravitational force,

> > > Close. It is the net transfer of momentum flux. Not the net
> > > absorption.

> > How is momentum transfered without absorption of ultramundane
> > particles?

> However it is done in the real universe, of course.

You mean to say that LeSagian theory has action at a distance
or that it takes the view of GR that motion is along geodesics of
space time?

You build up this apparatus of ultramundane particles and then
say its not them that cause the gravitational force after all?

> One can easily
> work out the macroscopic effects, without having to first know the
> microscopic detail. Scattering is just as valid a Newtoninan method
> for transfer of momentum as total absorption.

Oh. But doesn't scattering spoil the shadowing affect that leads
to the LeSagian explanation of gravity?

[snip reiteration of the one body/two body discussion]

> > > And we don't know -- a priori -- what the scattering/ absorption
> > > relationship is.

> > You know what it must do to account for attraction of gravity.

> No, we do not. A priori, the attraction of gravity can result from
> combination of scattering and absorption (full or partial). It
> requires actual observation (i.e. experiment) to determine the value
> mu_s. (See the prior reference in "Pushing Gravity" for the full
> detail.)

I'm awaiting interlibrary loan. But I have grave doubts.

> > > > Put in speed of light for speed of ultramundane particles
> > > > and the power input to a kg mass in the Earth's
> > > > gravity field will be something greater a gigawatt.

> > > In this, you have made a fundamental error. You cannot make such
> > > claim, if you actually use Le Sagian mathematics. In short, you
> > > cannot get any heating values solely from gravitational
> calculations.
> > > You are attempting to resolve two unknowns with only one

> > So LeSagian calculations are not gravitational calculations?

> Some LeSagian calculations are gravitation (i.e. they include the
> derived parameter "G"). Some LeSagian calculations do not use "G".
> Gravitation is only one aspect of the LeSagian model. Heating is
> another. Drag is another. Orbital dynamics is another.

Fantasy is yet another, I suspect.


> Putting back the context of the discussion:
> > > > > > Come to think of it why is there an "r" at all in the
> expression
> > > > > > for heating? Wouldn't heating just depend on the mass?
> > >
> > > > > Again, let's go through this from the beginning. In
> equilibrium,
> > > > > we know that input should equal output. For LeSage's
> we
> > > > > can define this precisely. That is, flux [i] integrated
> the
> > > > > area upon which it impinges defined how much CAN interact in
> > > > > region enclosed by said area.
> > > >
> > > > At this point I interject to ask why not think of the
> > > > as the sum over individual small masses? That is the Earth
> > > > is 10^whatever particles. Each particle has a LeSagian heating
> > > > so the Earth would heat as the sum of all these particles
> > > > so total mass is all that is involved. As long as you are
> > > > the weak absorption approximation, there will be little
> > > > in heat flux at the inner particles compared to the outer
> > > > particles.
> >
> > > Indeed, you cut directly to the essence of the situation!
> >
> > I do my best.
> >
> > > Nucleons
> > > (specifically, neutrons) have been experimentally determined to
> > > gravitate.
> >
> > Eotvos type experiments have shown that most things that make
> > up matter gravitate. Including binding energy.
> To what experiments are you referring? The Eotvos experiment is a
> measure of two units of mass of different chemical compositions.
> There are no "binding energy" experiments within the Eotvos type.
> Because energy (of any form) is not an observable property. It is
> always calculated. Are you alluding to theoretical claims?
> > > LeSagian gravitation is not based on the macroscopic radius
> > > of matter. If you have 'N' nucleons, you will have the same
> > > gravitational force at distance 'R', outside the body. This is
> > > simply Gauss' flux law.
> >
> > How do you account for Eotvos experiments then? These experiments
> > show that the same number of nucleons can have differing
> gravitational
> > force at distance R because of variations in binding energy.
> Please, be specific. Which experiment? I believe you will find that
> the calculation of energy is completely circular.
> Such claims always start with a given mass.
> > Compare sphere of gold to one of silicon.
> > This seems to be a discussion:
> >
> Totally irrelevant to the issue under discussion. You may note that
> never claimed that nucleons always share the same value of mass in
> different circumstances. The LeSagian interaction is coupled to the
> *mass* of the nucleon (or nucleus), not to it's "number" or "type."
> Only GR postulates a distinction between "gravitational" mass and
> "inertial" mass. Such efforts are irrelevant to non-GR theory.
> is no reason for non-GR theories to see a difference.
> > > Since density goes as the cube of volume, and area goes as the
> square
> > > of volume, the radial parameter arises in the above calculation.
> >
> > Density is constant for the most part.
> Not when one varies the volume of a constant mass (or changes the
> within a given radius/volume) -- which is the issue under discussion.
> > Area goes as the square of radius.
> Oops. Thanks for catching the typo.
> > .......
> Again, replacing some context:
> ===================
> > > > Thus? You assumed the flux is "integrated over the area"
> > > > and you concluded that the total is a function of the area.
> > > > Seems tautological.
> > >
> > >It's called a definition. One integrates over a solid angle of 4
> > >steradians to get the contribution from all directions.
> > >
> > > > > Now, the material mass [m] within the enclosed region is
> simply
> > > > > its mean density [p] multiplied by the volume of that
> > > > > right? That is,
> > >
> > > > > m = p([4pir^3]/3)
> > >
> > > > > We see then that the density changes as r^3 and energy as
> ===================
> > >
> > > > Density changes? To first approximation density does not
> > > > on size.
> >
> > > Horsefeathers. If mass is held constant, and volume changes,
> > > the density changes.
> >
> > If you are talking about a gas, volume is a free parameter for the
> most
> > part.
> > But many planets are solid, and those that are not have a
> > density/radius relation determined by the total mass, internal
> > sources, equation of state etc.
> Again, totally irrelevant to the issue. The phase of matter is
> immaterial to LeSagian gravitational theory (also to Newtonian
> Gauss' law assures us that the distribution within a given mass has
> effect on a body outside the mass. It simply becomes a result of the
> total mass of the body.
> > > > Energy? Is this the same as your "fluence"?
> >
> > > No. Fluence is fluence. Specifically, the momentum flux.
> >
> > Nonstandard usage.
> It's *standard usage* in LeSagian theory. Flux is a generic term
> meaning "something" per unit area. You have to specify what that
> "something" is.
> > > > > There is a 1/r (r^2/r^3) relationship between the mass, m
> > > > > the total of i. This means, the lowest interacting state
> > > > > the one with the highest density for any given given radius.
> > > > > Increase the radius and hold mass constant, and increase the
> > > > > total interaction that will occur within the region. It is
> > > > > simple math. The key is the realization that it is the flux
> > > > > not the total that is the invariant property.
> >
> > > > If you make your (apparently tautological) assumptions
> > > > it follows.
> >
> > > Definitions are not tautologies.
> >
> > If you define A. You cannot say that A has been derived from A.
> And no one did.
> > > > But I don't seem why area is the thing. Gravity is universal
> > > > so it effects small particles in such a way that the sum
> > > > gives the gravitational effect on a large body made from
> > > > the small particles. Surface area has nothing to do with
> > > > it.
> >
> > > Precisely! GRAVITY is not affected by surface area. But energy
> > > deposition (for a constant mass) *IS* affected by surface area.
> >
> > I would tend to think it would be affected by radius (or square
> > of surface area) since the potential is affected by inverse radius.
> Your thought is wrong, because "potential" (another unobservable,
> mathematical concept) doesn't enter into it at all. I pointed out
> derivation, above.
> > > Because gravity is a two-body effect, and gravitational flux
> heating
> > > is a one-body effect. (The mass will heat up even if there is
> nothing
> > > around it with which to gravitate.)
> >
> > Stowe said this too. It really doesn't make much sense.
> Sure it does. Postulate a single matter body in the universe filled
> with LeSagian corpuscles. It will be subject to heating from the
> interaction of said corpuscles with itself. It has nothing
> to do with any gravitational attraction with any other body.
> Now place a second body of equal mass a distance 'd' away from the
> first body. The first body will continue to absorb just as much
> as it did before. But it will begin to gravitate.
> Now make the second body 1000000 times the mass of the first body.
> first body *still* absorbs the same energy from the LeSagian aether
> it did before.
> The deposition of energy into the first matter body is a function of
> the product of momentum flux density (Phi_0) and the mass interaction
> coefficient of that body (mu_s). The gravitaional force is given by:
> F = -Phi_0 (mu_s)^2 m M / d^2
> or, conventionally:
> F = -G m M / d^2
> No gravitation calculation can give you aught else but the factor G.
> It cannot give you the product (Phi_0) (mu_s). Hence, you cannot
> determine the heating of a body from any orbital situation.
> > > > {snip unchanged stuff}
> >
> > > > As you say, input equals output, so in the LeSage theory
> > > > the net momentum flux of ultramundane particles absorbed by
> > > > the body equals the gravitational force on a body.
> >
> > > Not quite. But you are on the right track...
> >
> > > > The energy flux (power) of the ultramundane particles
> > > > is given by the above. Since momentum is a signed quantity
> > > > it is the net absorded that gives rise to gravitational force,
> >
> > > Close. It is the net transfer of momentum flux. Not the net
> > > absorption.
> >
> > How is momentum transfered without absorption of ultramundane
> > particles?
> However it is done in the real universe, of course. One can easily
> work out the macroscopic effects, without having to first know the
> microscopic detail. Scattering is just as valid a Newtoninan method
> for transfer of momentum as total absorption.
> > > > so the energy flux (which is not signed) could actually
> > > > be much larger than (net momentum flux) times velocity/2.
> >
> > > Speaking purely mathematically, without incorporating any
> real-world
> > > observations, yes. Because heating is a one-body problem. And
> > > graviation is always a two-body problem.
> >
> > Again that one/two body statement.
> And for the same reason. It is not possible to determine heating
> "G", alone.
> > > And we don't know -- a priori -- what the scattering/ absorption
> > > relationship is.
> >
> > You know what it must do to account for attraction of gravity.
> No, we do not. A priori, the attraction of gravity can result from
> combination of scattering and absorption (full or partial). It
> requires actual observation (i.e. experiment) to determine the value
> mu_s. (See the prior reference in "Pushing Gravity" for the full
> detail.)
> > > > Put in speed of light for speed of ultramundane particles
> > > > and the power input to a kg mass in the Earth's
> > > > gravity field will be something greater a gigawatt.
> >
> > > In this, you have made a fundamental error. You cannot make such
> > > claim, if you actually use Le Sagian mathematics. In short, you
> > > cannot get any heating values solely from gravitational
> calculations.
> > > You are attempting to resolve two unknowns with only one
> >
> > So LeSagian calculations are not gravitational calculations?
> Some LeSagian calculations are gravitation (i.e. they include the
> derived parameter "G"). Some LeSagian calculations do not use "G".
> Gravitation is only one aspect of the LeSagian model. Heating is
> another. Drag is another. Orbital dynamics is another.
> greywolf42

From: TC on
mingstb(a) wrote:
> > ming...(a) wrote:
> > > Bilge wrote:
> > > > TC:
> > > > >>
> > > > >Which derives very different conclusions from the LeSage
> > at
> > > > >great odds with Stowe's results.
> > > > >Has Stowe ever refuted these arguments?
> > > > No.

> > > LOL!
> > > But that pathetic and ignorant site was completely refuted by
> myself.
> > > Paul didn't have to.

> > If your refutation is in the threads to which Stowe provided the
> > URLs then you didn't refute very much. You pointed out how the
> > terminology in the mathpages article differs from that used by
> > "LeSagians" and made some other minor corrections.
> > However, you did not demonstrate how a LeSagian theory can
> > avoid making the absurd physical predictions that the mathpages
> > article points out.
> You mean the "predictions" that "Shadow" made? LOL! Those aren't
> LeSagian predictions.

Of course not. The issue is whether LeSagian theory is a consistent
physical theory that agrees with observation.

> That's why "Shadow" and Bilge "both" cut and ran. ;)

> And it is obvious that you didn't actually read the replies.
> you would have understood the reason for my references to one and
> two-body effects.

Are you Mingst or Stowe? It seems to me Stowe first mentioned
the one/two body thing.

No I didn't read the entire thread.

> Perhaps you'd care to be a bit more specific. Please point out a
> specific argument of mine that you felt "failed."

I can't find the URL pointing to that thread right now.
Can you resupply?

But it wasn't that your argument failed, but that it missed the point.


From: Dirk Van de moortel on

"TC" <tclarke(a)> wrote in message news:1110340036.670638.58520(a)
> mingstb(a) wrote:
> > TC wrote:
> > > mingstb(a) wrote:
> > > > TC wrote:
> > > > > Paul Stowe wrote:
> > >
> > > Mingst has tagged in
> mingstb(a) wrote:
> > TC wrote:
> > > mingstb(a) wrote:
> > > > TC wrote:
> > > > > Paul Stowe wrote:
> > > Mingst has tagged in
> > Putting back the context of the discussion:
> Sigh. Why? It just clutters up the post.
> The context is clear enough.

The idea is to put up a smokescreen so you give up.
Previous examples of this particular Mingst tactic.

Enjoy :-)
Dirk Vdm

From: mingstb on
TC wrote:
> mingstb(a) wrote:
> > TC wrote:
> > > mingstb(a) wrote:
> > > > TC wrote:
> > > > > Paul Stowe wrote:
> > >
> > > Mingst has tagged in
> mingstb(a) wrote:
> > TC wrote:
> > > mingstb(a) wrote:
> > > > TC wrote:
> > > > > Paul Stowe wrote:
> > > Mingst has tagged in
> > Putting back the context of the discussion:
> Sigh. Why? It just clutters up the post.
> The context is clear enough.
> Snip for clarity.

I didn't think that it was clear enough in the particluar post --
that's why I put it back. Because the question under discussion was
with regards to your apparent confusion about macroscopic versus
microscopic gravitation.

Kudos to you for marking the snip, though. Many here don't properly
mark the snip.

{snip higher levels}

> > > Eotvos type experiments have shown that most things that make
> > > up matter gravitate. Including binding energy.
> > To what experiments are you referring? The Eotvos experiment is a
> > measure of two units of mass of different chemical compositions.

I see that you didn't provide an actual reference.

> > There are no "binding energy" experiments within the Eotvos type.
> > Because energy (of any form) is not an observable property. It is
> > always calculated. Are you alluding to theoretical claims?
> Are you denying that 6 moles of neutrons and 6 moles of protons
> in the form of a mole of carbon weighs less than 6 moles of neutrons
> and 6 moles of protons in the form of 6 moles of deuterium?
> [6 moles of electrons are also needed in each case]

No. Again, are you alluding to theoretical claims about binding

> > > > LeSagian gravitation is not based on the macroscopic radius
> > > > of matter. If you have 'N' nucleons, you will have the same
> > > > gravitational force at distance 'R', outside the body. This is
> > > > simply Gauss' flux law.
> > > How do you account for Eotvos experiments then? These
> > > show that the same number of nucleons can have differing
> > > gravitational force at distance R because of variations in
> > > energy.
> > Please, be specific. Which experiment? I believe you will find
> > the calculation of energy is completely circular.
> Binding energy is observed. It is why nuclear weapons go boom.

I see you again have no experimental support to give.

And I don't disagree with the conversion between mass and energy. It
is irrelevant to this discussion, however.

> > Such claims always start with a given mass.
> > > Compare sphere of gold to one of silicon.
> > > This seems to be a discussion:
> > >
> > Totally irrelevant to the issue under discussion. You may note
> > I never claimed that nucleons always share the same value of mass
> > different circumstances. The LeSagian interaction is coupled to
> > *mass* of the nucleon (or nucleus), not to it's "number" or "type."
> So LeSagian interaction couples to binding energy as in GR?

The LeSagian interaction couples to inertial mass. Period. Whether a
different theory uses "binding energy" to calculate that mass doesn't
matter (pun intended).

> > Only GR postulates a distinction between "gravitational" mass and
> > "inertial" mass.
> Where do you get that from.

Newton's Principia, for one. Take a look at Newton's empirical
relationship. The mass in F = - G mM/r^2 is inertial mass. Otherwise
Kepler's orbital equations (from which Newton derived the above) don't

> GR is based on principle of equivalence
> which equates the two.

GR *calls* it the 'Principle of Equivalence'. But only GR makes any
claims that there are two kinds of mass.

> It is Newton's theory of gravity that
> distinguishes them.

Your assertion is incorrect and unsupported. Feel free to cite section
number in the Principia to support your position.

> > Such efforts are irrelevant to non-GR theory. There
> > is no reason for non-GR theories to see a difference.
> You have it absolutely backwards.

Feel free to cite section number in the Principia to support your

> .........
> [snip irrelevant quibble]
> > Again, replacing some context:
> > ===================
> [snip for clarity]
> > Again, totally irrelevant to the issue. The phase of matter is
> > immaterial to LeSagian gravitational theory (also to Newtonian
> > theory).
> Then why is there an "r" in the expression. If the phas is
> then it follows that the density does not matter.

Matter phase is not density. One can have liquid, gas or solid all at
the same density. Phase is irrelevant. Mass density is often

> > Gauss' law assures us that the distribution within a given mass has
> > no effect on a body outside the mass. It simply becomes a result
> > the total mass of the body.
> There you go. So why the "r" in the expression for heating by
> LeSagian gravity?

Because gravitational heating is not gravitational force.

> [snip some more for clarity]
> > > I would tend to think it would be affected by radius (or square
> > > root of surface area) since the potential is affected by inverse
> > > radius.
> > Your thought is wrong, because "potential" (another unobservable,
> > mathematical concept) doesn't enter into it at all. I pointed out
> > the derivation, above.
> If you don't like potential, then think of terminal velocity of
> something
> falling from infinity or the equivalent escape velocity. These are
> observable and have the same dependence on m and r as the
> potential.

None of these concepts (potential, terminal velocity or escape
velocity) enter into the calculation.

> > > > Because gravity is a two-body effect, and gravitational flux
> > > > heating is a one-body effect. (The mass will heat up even if
> > > > there is nothing around it with which to gravitate.)
> > > Stowe said this too. It really doesn't make much sense.
> > Sure it does. Postulate a single matter body in the universe
> > with LeSagian corpuscles. It will be subject to heating from the
> > interaction of said corpuscles with itself. It has nothing
> > whatsoever to do with any gravitational attraction with any other
> > body.
> OK. Where does this go?

Where does *what* go?

Do you understand the concept that if body A interacts with the
corpuscle flux, that it will heat even if no other body is near it?

> > Now place a second body of equal mass a distance 'd' away from the
> > first body. The first body will continue to absorb just as much
> > energy as it did before. But it will begin to gravitate.
> It will do no such thing. Under LeSagian theory it shadows the
> body.

Momentum shadowing *IS* the direct cause gravitation -- in LeSagian

> > Now make the second body 1000000 times the mass of the first body.
> > The first body *still* absorbs the same energy from the LeSagian
> > aether as it did before.
> No it doesn't. It is shadowed quite a bit by the larger body
> the flux it sees.

Neither body removes any significant fraction of the momentum. A
gravitational field of 1 g is a variation on the order of 1 part in
10^9 of the incoming momentum flux.

> > The deposition of energy into the first matter body is a function
> > the product of momentum flux density (Phi_0) and the mass
> > coefficient of that body (mu_s). The gravitaional force is given
> > F = -Phi_0 (mu_s)^2 m M / d^2
> > or, conventionally:
> > F = -G m M / d^2
> > No gravitation calculation can give you aught else but the factor
> > It cannot give you the product (Phi_0) (mu_s). Hence, you cannot
> > determine the heating of a body from any orbital situation.
> You can bound the heating from the orbital situation.

No, you cannot. Mathematics will not allow you to determine two
unknowns (Phi and mu) from only one equation.

> The imbalance of flux that causes F cannot be larger than
> the total flux absent a second body. This provides a lower
> bound on the heating. The heating has to be at least as large
> as the momentum flux (the force F) times the speed of the
> ultramundane particles.

Heating is not flux. Even if heating is dependent upon flux, it is
also dependent upon the constant, mu.

Your simple assertion is simply wrong. As noted in the only
substantive discussion in my rebuttal (identified below):

My argument is based on only two things. 1) "Shadows" did not use Le
theory to determine the predictions of Le Sagian theory -- it simply
asserted what the equations should be. 2) "Shadows" never justified
hand-waving assertions. The latter is what Shadow now claims are
general arguments". But (s)he still provides no basis for ignoring
Le Sagian equations.

Gravitational Force Law: p 188 (one of several ways)
F_g = Phi_0 mu_s^2 m M / r2 = G m M / r^2

Drag from Inertial Motion: p 197
F_d = sqrt(3) Phi_0 mu_s m v / vg

In the above equations, Phi_0 is the momentum flux of the Le Sagian
(kg/m-sec2), and mu_s is the mass attenuation coefficient (m2/kg). The
ratio between the two forces is therefore given by the equation:

Fd/Fg = [sqrt(3)/mu_s M] (v/vg)

The overall form of the above equations does not change from one Le
to the next. There is always a "mu_s" term (or variant) that prevents
from determining the drag-to-gravity ratio from purely gravitational
permutations. {In Darwin's theory, it is (v a b).}

Shadow simply ignores the little problem.

{snip higher levels}

> > > How is momentum transfered without absorption of ultramundane
> > > particles?
> > However it is done in the real universe, of course.
> You mean to say that LeSagian theory has action at a distance
> or that it takes the view of GR that motion is along geodesics of
> space time?

Not at all, of course. Your strawman is quite silly.

> You build up this apparatus of ultramundane particles and then
> say its not them that cause the gravitational force after all?

Never said any such thing. Your inability to respond substantively is

> > One can easily
> > work out the macroscopic effects, without having to first know the
> > microscopic detail. Scattering is just as valid a Newtoninan
> > for transfer of momentum as total absorption.
> Oh. But doesn't scattering spoil the shadowing affect that leads
> to the LeSagian explanation of gravity?

No. Why would you expect it to?

> [snip reiteration of the one body/two body discussion]

> > > > And we don't know -- a priori -- what the scattering/
> > > > relationship is.
> > > You know what it must do to account for attraction of gravity.
> > No, we do not. A priori, the attraction of gravity can result from
> > any combination of scattering and absorption (full or partial). It
> > requires actual observation (i.e. experiment) to determine the
> > of mu_s. (See the prior reference in "Pushing Gravity" for the
> > detail.)
> I'm awaiting interlibrary loan. But I have grave doubts.

The true mark of a believer. But not of science.

> > > > > Put in speed of light for speed of ultramundane particles
> > > > > and the power input to a kg mass in the Earth's
> > > > > gravity field will be something greater a gigawatt.
> > > > In this, you have made a fundamental error. You cannot make
> > > > a claim, if you actually use Le Sagian mathematics. In short,
> > > > cannot get any heating values solely from gravitational
> > > > calculations. You are attempting to resolve two unknowns with
> > > > one equation.
> > > So LeSagian calculations are not gravitational calculations?
> > Some LeSagian calculations are gravitation (i.e. they include the
> > derived parameter "G"). Some LeSagian calculations do not use "G".
> > Gravitation is only one aspect of the LeSagian model. Heating is
> > another. Drag is another. Orbital dynamics is another.
> Fantasy is yet another, I suspect.

The last refuge of a losing argument. I'm terribly sorry that a real
theory is more difficult to blow off than disconnected pieces of

{snip the rest... uncommented by Jim.)

But you may try reading the only substantive response was on the
"Shadows" sub-thread:
