From: ben_nielsen20 on

I need some help, please!!! I'm a little clueless about Fortran.
I'm trying to get the following program to run using a compiler for
Windows I downloaded off here:
Which also references another program located here:

There is also this small data input file:
'file input.par'
'fundamental frequency, Hz'
'power, W'
'line full width, cm'
'line length, cm'
'thickness Si, cm'
'measurement temp. T2, deg c'

It doesn't seem to want to run either a "&" or a "*" for a line
continuation. There are also a number of other errors.


PROGRAM 3omega
c version 1, 01-Nov-2001
c Calculate real temperature variation at a given frequency
c for a silicon plate heated by a thin metal strip.
c The calculation can be applied to plates composed of
c material other than silicon if the thermal conductivity
c and thermal diffusivity of that material are substituted
c in the indicated lines below.
c This is used for analyzing data obtained by the 3 omega
c method
c library routine 'dqagi' used for integration
c --------------------------------------------------------
c A data file named 'input.par' written in ASCII is needed
c A sample file is given in section A2. Just substitute data
c in the appropriate lines. Double precision is used.
c Function Fcomplex is written for a two layer system. The
c main program defines one of these layers as having zero
c thickness and having the same material parameters as
c the other layer.
c --------------------------------------------------------
c Nomenclature (not necessarily the same as in the standard)
c D =diffusivity
c k =conductivity
c L =substrate thickness
c lnth=heater length
c b =heater half-width
c b2 =heater full width
c w =angular frequency at 2 omega
c f =fundamental frequency
c f2 =frequency at 2 omega
c q =power input to specimen
c T =measurement temperature
c tr =substrate temperature signal at 2 omega
c --------------------------------------------------------
c define integration parameters for dqagi
double precision, external :: fr
double precision, parameter :: bound=0.d0
double precision, parameter :: epsabs=1.d-6
double precision, parameter :: epsrel=1.d-12
integer, parameter :: inf=1
integer, parameter :: limit=1000
integer, parameter :: lenw=limit*4
integer, parameter :: idim=2

double precision result, abserr, work(lenw), T
double precision f, f2, b2
integer neval, ier, last, iwork(limit)
character*30, label
c --------------------------------------------------------
c common variables
double precision w, b
double precision d(idim), k(idim), L(idim)
common w, d, k, L, b
double precision q, pi
double precision tr, lnth
1 format(A12)
2 format(A30)
3 format(6(1x,d13.6))
4 format(1x,A33,D12.4)
c --------------------------------------------------------
c --------------------------------------------------------
read (1,2)
read(1,2) label ; read(1,*) f
read(1,2) label ; read(1,*) q
read(1,2) label ; read(1,*) b2
read(1,2) label ; read(1,*) lnth
read(1,2) label ; read(1,*) L(1)
read(1,2) label ; read(1,*) T
c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
c The thermal conductivity of Si as a function of
c temperature is computed in the line 90 below. If another
c material is wanted, replace line 90

90 k(1)=1.685d0-8.73d-3*T+3.62d-5*T*T-9.0d-8*T*T*T

c The thermal diffusivity of Si as a function of the
c thermal conductivity of Si is computed in line 96 below.
c If another material is wanted, replace line 96.

96 D(1)=0.093d0+0.268d0*k(1)+0.180d0*k(1)*k(1)

c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
write(*,4)'thermal conductivity of Si, W/cm/K ', k(1)
write(*,4)'thermal diffusivity of Si, cm2/s ', D(1)
c --------------------------------------------------------
c Calculate the temperature variation
c calculate average temperature (real and imaginary) using
c dqagi
call dqagi(fr,bound,inf,epsabs,epsrel,result,
if ( then
call list(bound,inf,epsabs,epsrel,result,
end if
write(*,4) 'substrate thermal signal ', tr
c --------------------------------------------------------
c *******************************************************
function fr(x)
c real part of integrand for dqagi
double precision x, fr
complex*8 fcomplex
end function fr
c *******************************************************
function fcomplex(x)
c complex integrand for 2 layers in vacuum
c common variables
double precision w, b
double precision d(2), k(2), L(2)
common w, d, k, L, b
double precision x
complex*8 u(2), ea1, ea2
complex*8 ci, gp, gm, ex1, ex2, bp, bm, ftr, fcomplex
ea1= 2.d0*u(1)*L(1)
if (real(ea1).gt.160) then
ex1= exp(-ea1)
end if
ea2= 2.d0*u(2)*L(2)
if (real(ea2).gt.160) then
ex2= exp(-ea2)
end if
bp=(gp*ex2 + gm)*ex1
bm=(gm*ex2 + gp)
if(x.eq.0.d0) then
end if
c print*,'end of fcomplex'
end function fcomplex
c *******************************************************
subroutine list(bound,inf,epsabs,epsrel,result,
double precision bound,epsabs,epsrel,result,
*abserr,integer inf,limit,lenw,neval,ier,last
character*2 ri
print*,'list parameters from dqagi call to ', ri
print*, 'epsabs=', epsabs
print*, 'epsrel=', epsrel
print*, ' limit=', limit
print*, 'result=', result
print*, ' neval=', neval
print*, ' ier=', ier
print*, ' last=', last
print*, ' '
end subroutine list
c *******************************************************

From: Michael Metcalf on
Please note that this is a fixed source form program: labels must be in
columns 1-5, a continuation mark in column 6, and the statements in columns
7-72. That's the first thing to check. The file suffix will normally have to
be .f and not .f90 (which normally implies free form source).


Mike Metcalf

From: ben_nielsen20 on
On Apr 19, 4:59 pm, "Michael Metcalf" <michaelmetc...(a)>
> Please note that this is a fixed source form program: labels must be in
> columns 1-5, a continuation mark in column 6, and the statements in columns
> 7-72. That's the first thing to check. The file suffix will normally have to
> be .f and not .f90 (which normally implies free form source).
> Mike Metcalf

Hi Mike,

I have it down to one error for this line:
open(1, 'input.par')

It says "Error: Syntax error in open statement at (1)
line 71, column 13

Any ideas???



From: Dan Nagle on

A quick glance suggests that the end following the close(2)
should be a contains instead.

Decide whether you want internal procedures (use contains)
or separate procedures in the same file (use end and lose
the end program on the last source line).

ben_nielsen20(a) wrote:
> Hello,
> I need some help, please!!! I'm a little clueless about Fortran.
> I'm trying to get the following program to run using a compiler for
> Windows I downloaded off here:
> Which also references another program located here:
> There is also this small data input file:
> 'file input.par'
> 'fundamental frequency, Hz'
> 333.0d0
> 'power, W'
> 7.52d-3
> 'line full width, cm'
> 1.83d-3
> 'line length, cm'
> 0.4d0
> 'thickness Si, cm'
> 0.072d0
> 'measurement temp. T2, deg c'
> 23.5d0
> It doesn't seem to want to run either a "&" or a "*" for a line
> continuation. There are also a number of other errors.
> Thanks,
> B
> PROGRAM 3omega
> c version 1, 01-Nov-2001
> c Calculate real temperature variation at a given frequency
> c for a silicon plate heated by a thin metal strip.
> c The calculation can be applied to plates composed of
> c material other than silicon if the thermal conductivity
> c and thermal diffusivity of that material are substituted
> c in the indicated lines below.
> c This is used for analyzing data obtained by the 3 omega
> c method
> c
> c library routine 'dqagi' used for integration
> c --------------------------------------------------------
> c A data file named 'input.par' written in ASCII is needed
> c
> c A sample file is given in section A2. Just substitute data
> c in the appropriate lines. Double precision is used.
> c
> c Function Fcomplex is written for a two layer system. The
> c main program defines one of these layers as having zero
> c thickness and having the same material parameters as
> c the other layer.
> c --------------------------------------------------------
> c Nomenclature (not necessarily the same as in the standard)
> c D =diffusivity
> c k =conductivity
> c L =substrate thickness
> c lnth=heater length
> c b =heater half-width
> c b2 =heater full width
> c w =angular frequency at 2 omega
> c f =fundamental frequency
> c f2 =frequency at 2 omega
> c q =power input to specimen
> c T =measurement temperature
> c tr =substrate temperature signal at 2 omega
> c
> c --------------------------------------------------------
> c define integration parameters for dqagi
> double precision, external :: fr
> c
> double precision, parameter :: bound=0.d0
> double precision, parameter :: epsabs=1.d-6
> double precision, parameter :: epsrel=1.d-12
> integer, parameter :: inf=1
> integer, parameter :: limit=1000
> integer, parameter :: lenw=limit*4
> integer, parameter :: idim=2
> c
> double precision result, abserr, work(lenw), T
> double precision f, f2, b2
> integer neval, ier, last, iwork(limit)
> character*30, label
> c --------------------------------------------------------
> c common variables
> double precision w, b
> double precision d(idim), k(idim), L(idim)
> common w, d, k, L, b
> c
> double precision q, pi
> double precision tr, lnth
> c
> 1 format(A12)
> 2 format(A30)
> 3 format(6(1x,d13.6))
> 4 format(1x,A33,D12.4)
> c --------------------------------------------------------
> pi=4.d0*atan(1.d0)
> c --------------------------------------------------------
> open(1,'input.par')
> c
> read (1,2)
> read(1,2) label ; read(1,*) f
> read(1,2) label ; read(1,*) q
> read(1,2) label ; read(1,*) b2
> read(1,2) label ; read(1,*) lnth
> read(1,2) label ; read(1,*) L(1)
> read(1,2) label ; read(1,*) T
> c
> f2=2*f
> w=2.d0*pi*f2
> b=b2/2.d0
> c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> c The thermal conductivity of Si as a function of
> c temperature is computed in the line 90 below. If another
> c material is wanted, replace line 90
> 90 k(1)=1.685d0-8.73d-3*T+3.62d-5*T*T-9.0d-8*T*T*T
> c The thermal diffusivity of Si as a function of the
> c thermal conductivity of Si is computed in line 96 below.
> c If another material is wanted, replace line 96.
> 96 D(1)=0.093d0+0.268d0*k(1)+0.180d0*k(1)*k(1)
> c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> write(*,4)'thermal conductivity of Si, W/cm/K ', k(1)
> write(*,4)'thermal diffusivity of Si, cm2/s ', D(1)
> k(2)=k(1)
> D(2)=D(1)
> L(2)=0.d0
> c
> c --------------------------------------------------------
> c Calculate the temperature variation
> c
> c calculate average temperature (real and imaginary) using
> c dqagi
> c
> call dqagi(fr,bound,inf,epsabs,epsrel,result,
> *abserr,neval,ier,limit,lenw,last,iwork,work)
> if ( then
> call list(bound,inf,epsabs,epsrel,result,
> *abserr,neval,ier,limit,lenw,last,'fr')
> end if
> c
> tr=result*q/pi/lnth
> c
> write(*,4) 'substrate thermal signal ', tr
> c --------------------------------------------------------
> close(2)
> end
> c
> c *******************************************************
> function fr(x)
> c real part of integrand for dqagi
> double precision x, fr
> complex*8 fcomplex
> c
> fr=real(fcomplex(x))
> return
> end function fr
> c
> c *******************************************************
> function fcomplex(x)
> c
> c complex integrand for 2 layers in vacuum
> c
> c common variables
> double precision w, b
> double precision d(2), k(2), L(2)
> common w, d, k, L, b
> c
> double precision x
> complex*8 u(2), ea1, ea2
> complex*8 ci, gp, gm, ex1, ex2, bp, bm, ftr, fcomplex
> c
> ci=(0,1.d0)
> u(1)=sqrt(x*x-ci*w/d(1))
> u(2)=sqrt(x*x-ci*w/d(2))
> gp=u(1)*k(1)+u(2)*k(2)
> gm=u(1)*k(1)-u(2)*k(2)
> ea1= 2.d0*u(1)*L(1)
> if (real(ea1).gt.160) then
> ex1=0.d0
> else
> ex1= exp(-ea1)
> end if
> ea2= 2.d0*u(2)*L(2)
> if (real(ea2).gt.160) then
> ex2=0.d0
> else
> ex2= exp(-ea2)
> end if
> bp=(gp*ex2 + gm)*ex1
> bm=(gm*ex2 + gp)
> ftr=(bm+bp)/(bm-bp)/u(1)/k(1)
> if(x.eq.0.d0) then
> fcomplex=ftr
> else
> fcomplex=ftr*sin(x*b)*sin(x*b)/x/x/b/b
> end if
> c print*,'end of fcomplex'
> return
> end function fcomplex
> c
> c *******************************************************
> subroutine list(bound,inf,epsabs,epsrel,result,
> *abserr,neval,ier,limit,lenw,last,ri)
> c
> double precision bound,epsabs,epsrel,result,
> *abserr,integer inf,limit,lenw,neval,ier,last
> character*2 ri
> c
> print*,'list parameters from dqagi call to ', ri
> print*, 'epsabs=', epsabs
> print*, 'epsrel=', epsrel
> print*, ' limit=', limit
> print*, 'result=', result
> print*, ' neval=', neval
> print*, ' ier=', ier
> print*, ' last=', last
> print*, ' '
> return
> end subroutine list
> c *******************************************************
> END PROGRAM 3omega


Dan Nagle
Purple Sage Computing Solutions, Inc.
From: glen herrmannsfeldt on
ben_nielsen20(a) wrote:

> I need some help, please!!! I'm a little clueless about Fortran.
> I'm trying to get the following program to run using a compiler for

First, the * for continuation MUST be in column 6. Yours seem to
be somewhere between 5 and 7.


> PROGRAM 3omega

Program names, like variable names, start with a letter.


> open(1,'input.par')



> END PROGRAM 3omega

Remove this statement. The main program ended many
lines ago. If the compiler actually does believe this, it
gives you a second main program that doesn't do anything.

Also, you don't need the apostrophe's on the input data
if you are reading it in A format. If you do list directed
read, you probably do need them, but you aren't doing that.

-- glen

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