From: Archimedes Plutonium on

Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
> Where there are 10^536 such numbers, all having exactly 268 digits in
> base_268
> not base_10 but base_268.
> Now the question is, in base_10, do I have every number covered from 0
> to 10^536
> within those permutations of 268 digits in base_268? Has anyone ever
> asked such a
> question before?
> But whether that idea gets me into a geometry outlook is not at all
> obvious in any sense.
> Instead it looks as though I am deeper into numbers and algrebra,
> rather than having converted probability theory into geometry
> concepts.

Unless, of course, factorial to exponental or vice versa is a
conversion of
geometry from say Elliptical geometry to Hyperbolic geometry.
In the above, notice that 268! = 10^536 that the 268! is every
possible digit
arrangement of sequences 268 digits long in base_268. And there are
such cases of string-sequences within base_268. Now if we consider
that the Sphere
surface is composed of string-sequences having a strip-width, can we
not say that the
sphere surface is 10^536 strips of 536 digits long and the
pseudosphere that corresponds to this sphere are strips of 268 digits

So that base conversion in algebra or numbers would be like geometry
conversions. For example, a sphere has in a sense two faces as front
and back, but a cube has six faces, yet both topologically equivalent.
So now we can make topologically equivalent many sided objects from a
sphere or cube and these would be different bases and base conversions
in geometry would be perhaps icosehedron or dodecahedron conversions
from sphere.

Now all I need to get is the 1/2 spin in physics from the idea that
268! = 10^536 where
268 is 1/2 of 536. So, just maybe, that 1/2 spin that is essential and
vital throughout physics
comes from the fact that all geometry objects originate from a sphere
with 2 faces. Where you topologically bend the sphere into other

Maybe no-one recognized, before that a sphere has 2 faces. Maybe
everyone assumed
a sphere has 0 or 1 face. I sort of looked at a sphere and define a
face as that of where
you can only see the object via a single face, so that a cube can be
rotated 6 times to see
only 6 faces. A sphere can only be rotated such that 1/2 of the sphere
is visible.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies