From: Uwe Sieber on

User mode question, just hoping for competent audience here...

When I call GetDriveType with a device path like
then it returns DRIVE_CDROM for CD-ROMs and DRIVE_FIXED for fixed
drive. But for removable drive it does not return DRIVE_REMOVABLE,
it returns DRIVE_FIXED instead.

The docs say

[in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the root
directory of the disk to return information about.

But what is a root directory? Call with a volume name
like \\?\Volume{GUID}\ works as expected but is a device
path a valid root directory too?

Should calling GetDriveType with a device path work
or should I tread it a unsupported?

Thanks and Greetings from Germany


From: Scherbina Vladimir on
Hello Uwe.

To determine whether a drive is a USB-type drive, you should call
SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty and specify the SPDRP_REMOVAL_POLICY

Look at MSDN:


"Uwe Sieber" <mail(a)> wrote in message
> User mode question, just hoping for competent audience here...
> When I call GetDriveType with a device path like
> then it returns DRIVE_CDROM for CD-ROMs and DRIVE_FIXED for fixed
> drive. But for removable drive it does not return DRIVE_REMOVABLE,
> it returns DRIVE_FIXED instead.
> The docs say
> lpRootPathName
> [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the root directory
> of the disk to return information about.
> But what is a root directory? Call with a volume name
> like \\?\Volume{GUID}\ works as expected but is a device
> path a valid root directory too?
> Should calling GetDriveType with a device path work
> or should I tread it a unsupported?
> Thanks and Greetings from Germany
> Uwe