Try this using your table and field names --
SELECT YourTable.*
FROM YourTable
WHERE YourTable.RecordingDate = (SELECT Max([XX].[RecordingDate]) FROM
YourTable AS [XX] WHERE YourTable.Location = [XX].Location)
ORDER BY YourTable.Location;

Build a little, test a little.

"Les" wrote:

> Hello
> I'm struggling to explain this but here goes.
> I have a table which contains 6 fields which make up the location, 1 field
> which gives the type of recording and 1 field which gives the date of the
> recording.
> Lets say there are 3 types of recording so I have 3 records for each location.
> I'd like the query to return the most recent date for each location
> regardles of type of recording but I still need to include the type of
> recording data in the query.
> Many thanks