From: Peter Lind on
On 23 September 2010 21:47, YAD(YetAnotherDavid) <animaz(a)> wrote:
> This code is 95% cut and paste from the PHP manual examples -
> the Types/Strings/Heredocs section and the Filesystem/fnmatch pages.
> There are actually two questions here - I have combined the code into one
> test file ... the strings in the code contain the questions ..
> at the end I have inserted the output I get from the code - identical in
> Firefox and IE8 (so it's not browser related), and on my desktop as well as
> my laptop (so it's not a machine quirk). The setup is Xammplite Win32-1.7.1
> with PHP 5.2.9 and Apache 2.2.11 on both WinXP-SP3 installs.
> I tried Xammp Win32-1.7.3 with the same results. Then I tried installing
> Apache and PHP and MySQL individually, and got the same ...
> Aside from the issue here, I also was unable to get imagick and xdebug
> running on the same installation - it was one or the other. imagick's
> readfile() caused Apache to baulk on PHP5.3.3, so I returned to a fresh
> Xammplite setup. Same results.
> I have spent many hours with this - I would appreciate some insight ..
> Question 1 : how to get the newline functioning ....? even print_r() output
> is not 'newlined' as it should be. Also note the \n is missing between the "
> " in the output text of the second test!

Are you outputting to browser or to command line? Browsers have a
habit of ignoring whitespaces, reducing them to one whitespace
character regardless of their type or how many.


WWW: /
BeWelcome/Couchsurfing: Fake51
From: Steve Staples on
As far as I know, you wont get any line breaks.

I would suggest putting the results into <pre></pre> tags to preserve

whenever I do a print_r(), i also encapsulate it within a <pre></pre>
tag so it is readable.

on another note, when I use variables within double quotes "" (or even
the heredoc (but i use smarty templates instead)), I always wrap them in
curly braces {} as that is "suggested" (and I personally think should be


On Thu, 2010-09-23 at 21:47 +0200, YAD(YetAnotherDavid) wrote:
> This code is 95% cut and paste from the PHP manual examples -
> the Types/Strings/Heredocs section and the Filesystem/fnmatch pages.
> There are actually two questions here - I have combined the code into
> one test file ... the strings in the code contain the questions ..
> at the end I have inserted the output I get from the code - identical in
> Firefox and IE8 (so it's not browser related), and on my desktop as well
> as my laptop (so it's not a machine quirk). The setup is Xammplite
> Win32-1.7.1 with PHP 5.2.9 and Apache 2.2.11 on both WinXP-SP3 installs.
> I tried Xammp Win32-1.7.3 with the same results. Then I tried installing
> Apache and PHP and MySQL individually, and got the same ...
> Aside from the issue here, I also was unable to get imagick and xdebug
> running on the same installation - it was one or the other. imagick's
> readfile() caused Apache to baulk on PHP5.3.3, so I returned to a fresh
> Xammplite setup. Same results.
> I have spent many hours with this - I would appreciate some insight ..
> Question 1 : how to get the newline functioning ....? even print_r()
> output is not 'newlined' as it should be. Also note the \n is missing
> between the " " in the output text of the second test!
> Question 2 : fnmatch() is an internal function (ie built in to PHP, yet
> get_defined_functions() does not find it. Perhaps there are others also
> missing, I haven't done a check - could it be a compile error in
> Xammplite's PHP binaries?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> heredoctest.php = the // comments are not in the actual file ...
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> <?php
> $str = <<<EOD
> Example of string
> spanning multiple lines
> using heredoc syntax.
> (this code cut and paste from
> the PHP manual examples ...
> it just will not work ...!
> EOD;
> echo $str . "\n"; //echoes the string, fails on newlines in heredoc
> // content and in this newline
> /* More complex example, with variables. */
> class foo
> {
> var $foo;
> var $bar;
> function foo()
> {
> $this->foo = 'Foo';
> $this->bar = array('Bar1', 'Bar2', 'Bar3');
> }
> }
> $foo = new foo();
> $name = 'MyName';
> echo <<<EOT
> My name is "$name". I am printing some $foo->foo.
> Now, I am printing some {$foo->bar[1]}.
> This should print a capital 'A': \x41
> EOT;
> // again no newlines on direct heredoc echo ...
> echo <<<HDOC
> a second test for newlines - "\n" - can't find what is required to
> get this to work - have tried everything in the PHP Manual
> - still nothing - amazingly even Heredocs does not work.
> Tried this on two machines - both running Xammplite 1.7.1. Also
> tried installing PHP5.3.3 - and Newdocs doesn't work either. Any ideas?
> //note the n gets escaped, but no actual newline occurs in the output
> // and the " " gets left in the output!
> /* And for good measure, here is another bit of frustration - also
> code copied directly from the manual ...
> 'fnmatch' is an internal function - yet PHP can't find it ... */
> echo "some form of gray ...\n ... or grey"; // no newline in output
> if (fnmatch("*gr[ae]y", $color)) { // function undefined, dies
> echo "some form of gray ...\n ... or grey";
> }
> ?>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Here's the output: - the line breaks are non-existent - here, of course
> the wrapping is imposed by the mail client editor, but in the browser it
> just it all just runs together .. most curious, very frustrating.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Example of string spanning multiple lines using heredoc syntax. (this
> code cut and paste from the PHP manual examples ... it just will not
> work ...! My name is "MyName". I am printing some Foo. Now, I am
> printing some Bar2. This should print a capital 'A': Aa second test for
> newlines - " " - can't find what is required to get this to work - have
> tried everything in the PHP Manual - still nothing - amazingly even
> Heredocs does not work. Tried this on two machines - both running
> Xammplite 1.7.1. Also tried installing PHP5.3.3 - and Newdocs doesn't
> work either. Any ideas?some form of gray ... ... or grey
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function fnmatch() in
> C:\xammplite\htdocs\heredoctest.php on line 47