From: David Brown on
On 28/05/2010 06:29, Tim Wescott wrote:
> On 05/27/2010 05:09 PM, larwe wrote:
>> On May 27, 2:43 pm, Grant Edwards<inva...(a)invalid.invalid> wrote:
>>> Task Deskcription Assignee Duration
>>> ---- -------------------------------------- -------- -------------
>>> 1 Choose processor c.a.e 20-30 years
>>> 2 Choose lanugage and compiler c.a.e infinity
>> Nah, you are not paying sufficient homage to the gods of parallel
>> working. Within 20-30�s, everyone in c.a.e will have formed a firm,
>> entrenched and utterly unassailable opinion as to questions 1 and 2.
>> Properly funded, this will result in step 3: Begin 4,733,196 parallel
>> projects with different toolchains/processors/design approaches.
>> *THAT* is where the infinite part of the timeline begins.
> Sort of like quantum computing, where every possible algorithmic path is
> taken until the thing coalesces at an answer -- except I'm not sure we'd
> manage that last step.

Sounds even more like quantum computing!

Or perhaps it's like that other great fad - DNA computing, where you
know the answer is there somewhere in your testtube of evil-smelling
green slime. The trick is to find the answer strand before it evolves
teeth and chews through the glass...