From: Rod Pemberton on
<NathanCBaker(a)> wrote in message
> On Dec 2, 5:00 am, "Rod Pemberton" <do_not_h...(a)nohavenot.cmm> wrote:
> > Hmm, dword, boolean, int32... Is there a difference between "dword" and
> > "int32" in HLA? Why?!?!... Why are there both differently sized "words"
> > and differently sized "ints"? I'm assuming both are multiples of 8-bit
> > bytes. Yes? Is one unsigned and the other signed!?!?! (Horror of
> > Please don't say "yes"...) If so, which is which? No way to tell from
> > that.
> >
> dword = dword
> int32 = signed
> uns32 = unsigned
> boolean = dword (if I recall correctly)

3 or 4 32-bit types? Why? That completely nullifies the use of a
typesystem. It's like using "void *" to prevent casting in C or to
intentionally bypass the typesystem...

> > What exactly is a "boolean" in regards to assembly? Does this mean every
> > time "down" is used it gets logical and-ed with 0x01 ? What a waste...
> > Maybe he should add unions like C - then you get 8 booleans per byte -
> > everything still gets an implicit "and"...
> >
> Does the C standard specify the the implementation must guarantee "8
> booleans per byte",


Ok, I didn't look this all up again. It's from memory... IIRC, the C
standard requires a "C char" must be large enough to represent the entire
character set. It must be at least the size of the minimum addressable
number of bits, which, IIRC, is called a "C byte". If a "C byte" is too
small to represent the entire character set, a "C char" can also be multiple
"C bytes". However, minimum sizes of types are declared elsewhere, with 8
bits, IIRC, being the smallest size for a "C char".

> Does the C standard specify the the implementation must guarantee "8
> booleans per byte",
> or is that simply an artifact of compiler-
> designers' choices?


A "byte" as 8-bits, AFAIK, is/was a de-facto standard for microprocessors.
I'm sure their are some other examples, but the C specifications are the
only place I'm aware of that formally define a "byte" as something other
than 8-bits.

> > Hey, he says it's not C, therefore it should look more like OOP C++,
> > action.object . The hodge-podge, everything-from-everywhere, language
> > design of HLA is really irksome. Don't you think so?
> >
> The hodge-podge, everything-from-everywhere, language
> design of Python is really irksome. Don't you think so?

Never used it... I've got no idea what it looks like.

> The hodge-podge, everything-from-everywhere, language
> design of Ruby is really irksome. Don't you think so?

Never used it... I've looked at it. But, what I saw looked much like C++
OOP. It was all action.object or object.action. And, IIRC, there where
certain default actions that each type had, like, say .zero to zero a number
type, or .nl to emit a newline on a output type, etc.

> The hodge-podge, everything-from-everywhere, language
> design of Java is really irksome. Don't you think so?

Never used it... But, I'm sure I heard that it's a subset of C. So, I'd
probably have to say "no."

> > > if( esi = 0 ) then
> >
> > I'll have to assume equality and not assignment... Use of "=" for
> > assignment is likely to permanently braindamage HLA programmers when
> > move on to C or Pascal. Superb syntax choice, not!
> Assignment in Nasm is: mov eax, 42

Sorry, the usage in first sentence was correct. The second should've said
"equality". I.e., equality is "==" or ":=" in C or Pascal, using "=" for
equality instead of assignment will cause mental problems.

> > > endfor;
> >
> > For want of braces, to terminate a for()... I'm forced to type five
> I actually appreciate the readability of "endfor;", "endif;", and the
> like.

It seems to me to be a block language, so block terminators, like the more
common "wend" for while, "fi" for if, "esac" for case, BEGIN END etc., are
basically required.

> A couple months ago, I had the devil of the time attempting to
> enhance a semi-complicated piece of Ruby code when I tried to locate
> the end of a 'while' loop hidden among a bunch of nested if blocks.
> This is what I saw [replacing spaces with "." in case you're not using
> a fixed-width font]:
> ............end
> ..........end
> ........end
> ......end
> ....end
> ..end
> end
> One of those in the middle was the 'end' associated with the 'while'.

So? It looks well indented... You should've been able to align the
columns. If not, before the entire block, set somevar=0. Inside the
"while", set somevar=1. Prior to each "end", check somevar for 1 and if so,
print a message specific to that "end". From past conversations, it seems
that these problems seem to plague you. You need to learn to use "printf"
or it's equivalent as your only debugger.

> I probably would have pulled out my hair if I had to deal with this:
> ))))))))))))))


They'd have been indented properly in well written code...

> reverse the loop....
> test al, -1
> jz @F
> dec ecx
> jnz @B

HLA supports FASM syntax in addition to "twisted NASM"?...

> > > stdin.getc();
> >
> > Is there a need for () on getc here? Is there any other place a char can
> > come from other than the stated stdin? I.e., I don't think this is
> >
> > stdin.getc(myfile);
> >
> A lot of the StdLib functions are re-use in other namespaces. So,
> there really is something like:
> fileio.getc( myfile );
> ...because we *do* have to specify the file handle when accessing
> anything other than stdin, stdout, and stderr.

In which case, "fileio" is the problem. "myfile", stdin, stdout, and stderr
are file handles. "fileio" is not a file handle. "fileio" is a function
modifier. It converts "getc" to the equivalent of C's file getc, i.e.,

I.e., you should *either* be able to use the file directly as a file handle:

myfile.getc(); //Again, is there a need for () on getc here?

*Or*, you should be have a different functions to represent "getting" a
character from a file instead of stdio:

getc; // implicitly from stdin
putc; // implicitly to stdout
fgetc(myfile); // from a file "myfile" or explicitly stdin
fputc(myfile); // to a file "myfile" or explicitly stdout

I'm just pointing out that the HLA I've seen seems to lack a consistent
methodology or ideology for it's language syntax. In the one case, it's
file_handle.getc(no_arg) and in the other it's
getc_function_modifier.getc(file_handle). Using a file_handle in two
different locations like that both with getc() must complicate the grammar.

> > Coal for Randall...
> >
> A programmer's manual for Rod.

Apparently not, since I still don't know what values "true" and "false"
represent. I don't know whether booleans are logically anded with one. I
don't know how "edx" became a boolean without a declaration as such or why
it would be legal to use it in that way if HLA has any type system at all.
And, I still don't know why HLA has, apparently, at least 3 32-bit types...

Rod Pemberton

From: Frank Kotler on
NathanCBaker(a) wrote:
> On Dec 2, 5:41 am, Herbert Kleebauer <k...(a)> wrote:
>> NathanCBa...(a) wrote:
>>> On Dec 1, 7:33 am, Herbert Kleebauer <k...(a)> wrote:
>>>> Does HLA now support optimization or do you really use the div instruction to
>>>> dived by 4?
>>> Optimization!?!? You want to optimize a simple console game?? I
>>> think an explicit division instruction enhances the readability --
>> If you want readability, use a HLL (and then you also get speed
>> because the compiler doesn't use the div instruction when you
>> write /4 in your source).
> In psuedo:
> func y ( a, b, c ) {
> return a + ( b / c )
> }
> Will the HLL compiler generate code such that in the event that c = 4,
> the code will not execute the div instruction??

The compiler doesn't know what's in "c", of course - would have to be
done at runtime...

As you know, I've been bangin' my head against 64-bit integers in 32-bit
C/asm on the Nasm Forum. For the hell of it, I thought to see what C
made of:

long long int divby4(long long int k) {
return k/4LL;

Well... (with "-O3" and "-fomit-frame-pointer" - Agner Fog's "objconv

; Disassembly of file: divby4.o
; Tue Dec 2 06:13:10 2008
; Mode: 32 bits
; Syntax: YASM/NASM
; Instruction set: 80386

global divby4

SECTION .text align=16 execute ; section number
1, code

divby4: ; Function begin
push ebx ; 0000 _ 53
mov ebx, dword [esp+0CH] ; 0001 _ 8B. 5C
24, 0C
mov ecx, dword [esp+8H] ; 0005 _ 8B. 4C
24, 08
mov edx, ebx ; 0009 _ 89. DA
mov eax, ebx ; 000B _ 89. D8
sar edx, 31 ; 000D _ C1. FA, 1F
; Filling space: 2H
; Filler type: mov with same source and destination
; db 89H, 0D2H

sar edx, 31 ; 0012 _ C1. FA, 1F
mov eax, edx ; 0015 _ 89. D0
mov eax, edx ; 0017 _ 89. D0
shr eax, 30 ; 0019 _ C1. E8, 1E
xor edx, edx ; 001C _ 31. D2
add eax, ecx ; 001E _ 01. C8
adc edx, ebx ; 0020 _ 11. DA
pop ebx ; 0022 _ 5B
shrd eax, edx, 2 ; 0023 _ 0F AC.
D0, 02
sar edx, 2 ; 0027 _ C1. FA, 02
ret ; 002A _ C3
; divby4 End of function

SECTION .data align=4 noexecute ; section number
2, data

SECTION .bss align=4 noexecute ; section number
3, bss

Or in "-S" format from gcc:

.file "divby4.c"
.p2align 4,,15
..globl divby4
.type divby4, @function
pushl %ebx
movl 12(%esp), %ebx
movl 8(%esp), %ecx
movl %ebx, %edx
movl %ebx, %eax
sarl $31, %edx
movl %edx, %edx
sarl $31, %edx
movl %edx, %eax
movl %edx, %eax
shrl $30, %eax
xorl %edx, %edx
addl %ecx, %eax
adcl %ebx, %edx
popl %ebx
shrdl $2, %edx, %eax
sarl $2, %edx
.size divby4, .-divby4
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

Okay... I guess "k/4" is more readable...

sar edx, 31
mov edx, edx
sar edx, 31

Okay... Y'know, I'm likin' "div" better and better! :)

From: Herbert Kleebauer on
Sorry, if this shows up twice, but the first post didn't seem to get through.

NathanCBaker(a) wrote:
> On Dec 2, 5:41 am, Herbert Kleebauer <k...(a)> wrote:
> > NathanCBa...(a) wrote:
> > > On Dec 1, 7:33 am, Herbert Kleebauer <k...(a)> wrote:
> > > > Does HLA now support optimization or do you really use the div instruction to
> > > > dived by 4?
> >
> > > Optimization!?!? You want to optimize a simple console game?? I
> > > think an explicit division instruction enhances the readability --
> >
> > If you want readability, use a HLL (and then you also get speed
> > because the compiler doesn't use the div instruction when you
> > write /4 in your source).
> >
> In psuedo:
> func y ( a, b, c ) {
> return a + ( b / c )
> }
> Will the HLL compiler generate code such that in the event that c = 4,
> the code will not execute the div instruction??

Let's try:

#include <stdio.h>

static inline int func(n,i,j,k) unsigned int n,i,j,k;
{return n*(i+j)/k;}

int main()
{unsigned int i,j,k,n;

The generated assembly code:

.section .text
.p2align 4,,15
..globl _main
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
pushl %eax
pushl %eax
andl $-16, %esp
call _getchar
subl $12, %esp
sall $4, %eax
shrl $6, %eax
pushl %eax
call _putchar
movl %ebp, %esp
popl %ebp
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 3.3.4"

A compiler is like a chess program. There are only a very few people
who can compete with it.

> So, you agree with me that 'mov( 0, eax )' is better readable?

Why should this be better readable than

sub.l r0,r0
eor.l r0,r0

We do assembly programming to learn about the instructions and that
means, that you also learn that a "eor.l r0,r0" is a shorter opcode
than "move.l #0,r0".

> > > You'll need the Randy Hyde x86 processor manual which describes these
> > > fancy new machine instructions ( e.g. rand.randomize, mem.alloc,
> > > etc. ):
> >
> > HLA is maybe the most important contribution in killing assembly
> > programming (if it really is use for teaching assembly programming
> > as Randy claims).
> >
> I think the biggest obstacle is lack of interest in detail among the
> younger generation... and maybe also a bit of laziness.

And that they can get away with HLA when they are forced to learn
assembly programming.

> Are you trying to say that a C compiler makes a good assembler? Would

At least the number of assembly source code lines generated by the compiler
is only halve the lines of your source code.

> you teach people assembly language by simply teaching them to write C
> code?

No ,I would do it in real assembly (not a single library call):

The binary:

@echo off
echo hD1X-s0P_kUHP0UxGWX4ax1y1ieimnfeinklddmemkjanmndnadmndnpbbn>
echo hhpbbnpljhoxolnhaigidpllnbkdnhlkfhlflefblffahfUebdfahhfkokh>>
echo adP1k/1Ta4Hmax(a)e1///a4ckb////QaNBGU1ax/mbNqeax/ma4YN2aj1mdC>>
echo RVPqUt2FRWPKAPPajc9///Mai3////MKiE////Q5faVyj////b8SxkqUNcH>>
echo @////g9M5ug1///MaGphhNcr6////DlNq23K@////DVF65wE5R4lnRox3Dn>>
echo FbJfzBg6M5uz0///gCdaZMqaBMu3MzkAEbuaRsmbNqW2We///kNaZMUc9//>>
echo /QaN6D7e1///w01AkMKunxzzzPKWNPqU0HUx0n/RtiSnaZMqaBMuE7bff@g>>
echo N8ahN25A3/aDEn0uuoOKA/P5Ms1kDbp7JYkFi0/EAPrQ7mhGC0PKMEGb0aV>>
echo vzzzzzaBgNUV@//RKXIF16t5//8iQnV7L1t3QR4MKMEOqkomInVkIn.....>>

The source:


move.l #'| 00'-('a'-'0'-10),r1
eor.l r2,r2
move.l #feld,r6
_20: add.l #'a'-'0'-10,r1
_10: lea.l (r1,r2),r0
bswap.l r0
move.l r0,(r6)+-{s1}
bswap.l r0
inc.l r2
cmpq.l #10,r2
blo.b _10
beq.b _20
cmpq.l #16,r2
bne.b _10
eor.l r3,r3
move.l #feld,r5
move.l #4,r1
_20: move.l #16,r2
_10: move.b (r5)+-,r0
bsr.l putc
dbf.l r2,_10
move.b #13,r0
bsr.l putc
move.b #10,r0
bsr.l putc
dec.l r1
bne.b _20

_30: bsr.l getc
cmp.b #'q',r0
beq.l exit

cmp.b #'a',r0
beq.b _a10
cmp.b #'d',r0
beq.b _d10
cmp.b #'w',r0
beq.b _w10
cmp.b #'s',r0
beq.b _s10
br.b _30

_x10: move.b #$07,r0
bsr.l putc
br.b loop

move.l r3,r2
subq.l #4,r2
tst.b #%1100,r3
beq.b _x10
_a20: exg.l r2,r3
move.l feld(r3),r0
move.l r0,feld(r2)
move.l #'00 |',feld(r3)
br.l loop

_d10: move.l r3,r2
addq.l #4,r2
tst.b #%1100,r2
beq.b _x10
br.b _a20

_w10: move.l r3,r2
subq.l #16,r2
bcs.b _x10
br.b _a20

_s10: move.l r3,r2
addq.l #16,r2
cmp.b #64,r2
bhs.b _x10
br.b _a20

;; implementation of getc, putc and exit ;;

getc: eor.l r0,r0
movem.l r0-r7,-(sp)
move.w #$3f00,r0
lea.w 28.b(r7),r1
move.w #1,r2
eor.w r3,r3
trap #$21
bcs.b exit
cmp.w r0,r2
movem.l (sp)+,r0-r7
beq.b _10
move.l #-1,r0
_10: rts.l

putc: movem.l r0-r7,-(sp)
move.w #$4000,r0
lea.w 28.b(r7),r1
move.w #1,r2
move.w r2,r3
trap #$21
bcs.b exit
cmp.w r0,r2
bne.b exit
movem.l (sp)+,r0-r7

exit: move.b #$4c,m0
trap #$21

even 4
feld: blk.l 16
From: Herbert Kleebauer on
NathanCBaker(a) wrote:
> On Dec 2, 5:41 am, Herbert Kleebauer <k...(a)> wrote:
> > NathanCBa...(a) wrote:
> > > On Dec 1, 7:33 am, Herbert Kleebauer <k...(a)> wrote:
> > > > Does HLA now support optimization or do you really use the div instruction to
> > > > dived by 4?
> >
> > > Optimization!?!? You want to optimize a simple console game?? I
> > > think an explicit division instruction enhances the readability --
> >
> > If you want readability, use a HLL (and then you also get speed
> > because the compiler doesn't use the div instruction when you
> > write /4 in your source).
> >
> In psuedo:
> func y ( a, b, c ) {
> return a + ( b / c )
> }
> Will the HLL compiler generate code such that in the event that c = 4,
> the code will not execute the div instruction??

Let's try:

#include <stdio.h>

static inline int func(n,i,j,k) unsigned int n,i,j,k;
{return n*(i+j)/k;}

int main()
{unsigned int i,j,k,n;

The generated assembly code:

.section .text
.p2align 4,,15
..globl _main
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
pushl %eax
pushl %eax
andl $-16, %esp
call _getchar
subl $12, %esp
sall $4, %eax
shrl $6, %eax
pushl %eax
call _putchar
movl %ebp, %esp
popl %ebp
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 3.3.4"

A compiler is like a chess program. There are only a very few people
who can compete with it.

> So, you agree with me that 'mov( 0, eax )' is better readable?

Why should this be better readable than

sub.l r0,r0
eor.l r0,r0

We do assembly programming to learn about the instructions and that
means, that you also learn that a "eor.l r0,r0" is a shorter opcode
than "move.l #0,r0".

> > > You'll need the Randy Hyde x86 processor manual which describes these
> > > fancy new machine instructions ( e.g. rand.randomize, mem.alloc,
> > > etc. ):
> >
> > HLA is maybe the most important contribution in killing assembly
> > programming (if it really is use for teaching assembly programming
> > as Randy claims).
> >
> I think the biggest obstacle is lack of interest in detail among the
> younger generation... and maybe also a bit of laziness.

And that they can get away with HLA when they are forced to learn
assembly programming.

> Are you trying to say that a C compiler makes a good assembler? Would

At least the number of assembly source code lines generated by the compiler
is only halve the lines of your source code.

> you teach people assembly language by simply teaching them to write C
> code?

No ,I would do it in real assembly (not a single library call):

The binary:

@echo off
echo hD1X-s0P_kUHP0UxGWX4ax1y1ieimnfeinklddmemkjanmndnadmndnpbbn>
echo hhpbbnpljhoxolnhaigidpllnbkdnhlkfhlflefblffahfUebdfahhfkokh>>
echo adP1k/1Ta4Hmax(a)e1///a4ckb////QaNBGU1ax/mbNqeax/ma4YN2aj1mdC>>
echo RVPqUt2FRWPKAPPajc9///Mai3////MKiE////Q5faVyj////b8SxkqUNcH>>
echo @////g9M5ug1///MaGphhNcr6////DlNq23K@////DVF65wE5R4lnRox3Dn>>
echo FbJfzBg6M5uz0///gCdaZMqaBMu3MzkAEbuaRsmbNqW2We///kNaZMUc9//>>
echo /QaN6D7e1///w01AkMKunxzzzPKWNPqU0HUx0n/RtiSnaZMqaBMuE7bff@g>>
echo N8ahN25A3/aDEn0uuoOKA/P5Ms1kDbp7JYkFi0/EAPrQ7mhGC0PKMEGb0aV>>
echo vzzzzzaBgNUV@//RKXIF16t5//8iQnV7L1t3QR4MKMEOqkomInVkIn.....>>

The source:


move.l #'| 00'-('a'-'0'-10),r1
eor.l r2,r2
move.l #feld,r6
_20: add.l #'a'-'0'-10,r1
_10: lea.l (r1,r2),r0
bswap.l r0
move.l r0,(r6)+-{s1}
bswap.l r0
inc.l r2
cmpq.l #10,r2
blo.b _10
beq.b _20
cmpq.l #16,r2
bne.b _10
eor.l r3,r3
move.l #feld,r5
move.l #4,r1
_20: move.l #16,r2
_10: move.b (r5)+-,r0
bsr.l putc
dbf.l r2,_10
move.b #13,r0
bsr.l putc
move.b #10,r0
bsr.l putc
dec.l r1
bne.b _20

_30: bsr.l getc
cmp.b #'q',r0
beq.l exit

cmp.b #'a',r0
beq.b _a10
cmp.b #'d',r0
beq.b _d10
cmp.b #'w',r0
beq.b _w10
cmp.b #'s',r0
beq.b _s10
br.b _30

_x10: move.b #$07,r0
bsr.l putc
br.b loop

move.l r3,r2
subq.l #4,r2
tst.b #%1100,r3
beq.b _x10
_a20: exg.l r2,r3
move.l feld(r3),r0
move.l r0,feld(r2)
move.l #'00 |',feld(r3)
br.l loop

_d10: move.l r3,r2
addq.l #4,r2
tst.b #%1100,r2
beq.b _x10
br.b _a20

_w10: move.l r3,r2
subq.l #16,r2
bcs.b _x10
br.b _a20

_s10: move.l r3,r2
addq.l #16,r2
cmp.b #64,r2
bhs.b _x10
br.b _a20

;; implementation of getc, putc and exit ;;

getc: eor.l r0,r0
movem.l r0-r7,-(sp)
move.w #$3f00,r0
lea.w 28.b(r7),r1
move.w #1,r2
eor.w r3,r3
trap #$21
bcs.b exit
cmp.w r0,r2
movem.l (sp)+,r0-r7
beq.b _10
move.l #-1,r0
_10: rts.l

putc: movem.l r0-r7,-(sp)
move.w #$4000,r0
lea.w 28.b(r7),r1
move.w #1,r2
move.w r2,r3
trap #$21
bcs.b exit
cmp.w r0,r2
bne.b exit
movem.l (sp)+,r0-r7

exit: move.b #$4c,m0
trap #$21

even 4
feld: blk.l 16
From: Frank Kotler on
NathanCBaker(a) wrote:

>> Compiling "sliders.hla" to "sliders.obj"
>> Error in file "os.hhf" at line 5
>> syntax error, unexpected namespaceTkn, expecting DoOneValStmt.
>> Near: << namespace >>
> This hints at a copy-N-paste error. { looking back at my original
> post, yep, I goofed! } Add a "program fifteen;" line at the beginning
> just above the "#include" directive.

Of course!!! Why didn't I figure that out from the error message? :)

(This is "experience" - "recognizing an error when you make it again".
Like when I got a column of '%' characters from Michael's "maxofthree",
I said to myself "this doesn't look like an assembly language error to

Pretty cool! Too bad we can't use the arrow keys, and too bad we have to
hit "enter" every time. Interesting to note that in a GUI, where we get
"events" or "messages", this is actually easier to do!

Well, sometimes procrastination pays off. You saved me having to
reinstall HLA! Now that I can assemble it, I can disassemble it and see
what it "really" says. Hmmm, Agner's objconv gets a few "Error: this is
unlikely to be code"... and some other errors... I suspect it's not
liking those length-prefixed strings(?). (IIRC, RosAsm's disassembler
didn't like 'em, either)

Ah, yes... this is the version of HLA that links in the dynamic linker,
whether we use it or not, so we can call libc if we care to... Sigh.
Well, it wasn't exactly "lean and mean" code anyway...

push ebp ; 08049A50 _ 55
mov ebp, esp ; 08049A51 _ 89. E5
sub esp, 4116 ; 08049A53 _
81. EC, 00001014

Kind of a lot, innit? What in hell we need a 4k buffer to display one
hex byte for??? Oh, I see, in case we want to left/right justify it in a
really big field... (speaking of "quiet", hope Wolfgang's okay! He would
consider this "stack abuse", I think.)

I suppose I should look at Herbert's "readable" version, too...

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