From: Palle Rueskov Olesen Palle Rueskov on
I'm currently working on the same subject - linked sharepoint list in Access
- although in Access 2007.
I found that installing the 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity
Components solved the ISAM problem.

Have you found a solution to this problem.

> This works great for Vbscript, but we are still working on getting it to
> work from IIS in an ASP page. Microsoft was able to reproduce the problem in
> house and they are working on it now.

Everytime I try to query the linked list, my asp application hangs and I
have to do a IISreset. I can query standard Access tables. It's only the
Sharepoint tables that dosnt work

Example from my code:

conString="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" &
Server.MapPath("./db/link.accdb") & ";"

Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

con.CursorLocation = adUseServer 'I have tried the client cursor also
con.Open conString

sql = "SELECT * FROM sharepointlist"

'As soon as I try to open the recordset object the asp application stops
responding sql, con
From: Don Reynolds on
You should be able to query data from your linked SharePoint list within ASP.
You may want to see my follow up post in this thread about using the
CurrentProject.Provider string from Access 2007 for your ADO connection
object, specifically the engine value. (Another issue is that ANY change to
the SharePoint list columns... ANYTHING AT ALL... requires you to delete the
link and re-add it in Access 2007.)

This won't solve the issue of updates, inserts, or deletes. Microsoft
acknowledges this as a bug. I have an open case with them through the MCP
program. As soon as I receive any updates about a fix, I will post.

The problem was transferred to a new group at Microsoft and I occasionally
get calls from them requesting additional information.

/* Don Reynolds */

"Palle Rueskov Olesen" wrote:

> Hi
> I'm currently working on the same subject - linked sharepoint list in Access
> - although in Access 2007.
> I found that installing the 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity
> Components solved the ISAM problem.
> Have you found a solution to this problem.
> > This works great for Vbscript, but we are still working on getting it to
> > work from IIS in an ASP page. Microsoft was able to reproduce the problem in
> > house and they are working on it now.
> Everytime I try to query the linked list, my asp application hangs and I
> have to do a IISreset. I can query standard Access tables. It's only the
> Sharepoint tables that dosnt work
> Example from my code:
> conString="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" &
> Server.MapPath("./db/link.accdb") & ";"
> Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
> Set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
> con.CursorLocation = adUseServer 'I have tried the client cursor also
> con.Open conString
> sql = "SELECT * FROM sharepointlist"
> 'As soon as I try to open the recordset object the asp application stops
> responding
> sql, con