From: agukhov on
I use IMailRuleClient to intercept SMS. How can I disable standart new
SMS notification?

In function ProcessMessage of client I set *pHandled =
message is not removed (if remove - no notification).
From: bobcy on
You must delete incoming SMS by mapirule to complete remove the
Or you can hide the incoming SMS notification windows, but it will
show once and the blob notification on the top taskbar can't clear.

On Jul 29, 11:57 am, aguk...(a) wrote:
> I use IMailRuleClient to intercept SMS. How can I disable standart new
> SMS notification?
> In function ProcessMessage of client I set *pHandled =
> message is not removed (if remove - no notification).

From: agukhov on
To disable new SMS notification set HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox
\Settings\SMSAvailable to zero.