From: Brown Bannister on
From the above it follows by reading the operator we obtain the first
character extracting different white characters. If you call scanf
function, read the current character, whether it is white character or
Note the difference between the two ways of reading may be removed if
canceled skipws bit of member x_flags class ios (default value of this
bit is one).
If scanf function, field from reading begins with the first character
different from white characters and ends when the next character is
white, or no longer corresponds to the character format.
When reading a string, maximum length of the field, reading, determine
the width member function of class ios. It is true what is said about
the width member function, but in this case value shall be construed
as x_width maximum length of the field, reading, instead of the
minimum length of the field in which is displayed. An important
advantage of membership function width, versus scanf function is the
current function width parameter may be any expression, while the
value for scanf function may be only one constant. This will be used
to eliminate errors (may occur because of reading a character more
than the allocated memory). Consider the following example for
illustration. Stream12.cpp file:
# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
int main () (
clrscr ();
char * t;
int max;
court << "max =";
cin>> max;
t = new char [max], / / at most max-1 characters and
/ / Null character
court << "Read up" <<max-1 << "characters)";
cin.width (max);
cin>> t;
court << "characters read are:" <<t;
delete [] t;
return 0;
Run the program get the following result (s reveal data entry).
max = 5
Read more than 4 characters: abcdefghij
The characters read are: abcd
It is noted although the entry has typed more characters, not to read
more than the number of characters can save the space given string.
If extraction operations may be used fillers defined in paragraph,
except manipulator endl, ends, flush and setbase. Manipulator may be
used only WAS operations of extraction. You may use other member
functions of class ios, eg member function setf.
The above is written and declared to be released to the public as
intellectual property belonging to the author and creator.
Martin Michael
Los Angeles, California

On Mar 31, 1:28 am, "H. J. Sander Bruggink" <brugg...(a)>
> On 03/31/2010 03:39 AM, Brown Bannister wrote:
> > begin
> >     /* The following for-loop is the guessing stage*/
> >     for i=1 to N do
> >        X[i] := choose(i);
> >     endfor
> >     /* Next is the verification stage */
> >     Write code that does not use "choose" and
> >     verifies if X[1:N] is a correct solution to the
> >     problem.
> > end
> What is precisily the goal of your post? To explain the class of
> NP-problems?
> An NP-problem is defined to be a problem that can be solved in
> polynomial time (that's what the P is for) by a non-deterministic Turing
> Machine (that's what the N is for). It's not very surprising, therefore,
> that NP-problems can be solved in polynomial time by non-deterministic
> pseudocode.
> groente
> -- Sander

From: Brown Bannister on
On Mar 30, 8:31 pm, "George Jefferson" <Geo...(a)> wrote:
> "How did I solve an NP-Complete problem in polynomial-time?"
> Very simple, you changed the laws of logic! Quite impressive!

From the above it follows by reading the operator we obtain the first
character extracting different white characters. If you call scanf
function, read the current character, whether it is white character or
Note the difference between the two ways of reading may be removed if
canceled skipws bit of member x_flags class ios (default value of this
bit is one).
If scanf function, field from reading begins with the first character
different from white characters and ends when the next character is
white, or no longer corresponds to the character format.
When reading a string, maximum length of the field, reading, determine
the width member function of class ios. It is true what is said about
the width member function, but in this case value shall be construed
as x_width maximum length of the field, reading, instead of the
minimum length of the field in which is displayed. An important
advantage of membership function width, versus scanf function is the
current function width parameter may be any expression, while the
value for scanf function may be only one constant. This will be used
to eliminate errors (may occur because of reading a character more
than the allocated memory). Consider the following example for
illustration. Stream12.cpp file:
# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
int main () (
clrscr ();
char * t;
int max;
court << "max =";
cin>> max;
t = new char [max], / / at most max-1 characters and
/ / Null character
court << "Read up" <<max-1 << "characters)";
cin.width (max);
cin>> t;
court << "characters read are:" <<t;
delete [] t;
return 0;
Run the program get the following result (s reveal data entry).
max = 5
Read more than 4 characters: abcdefghij
The characters read are: abcd
It is noted although the entry has typed more characters, not to read
more than the number of characters can save the space given string.
If extraction operations may be used fillers defined in paragraph,
except manipulator endl, ends, flush and setbase. Manipulator may be
used only WAS operations of extraction. You may use other member
functions of class ios, eg member function setf.
The above is written and declared to be released to the public as
intellectual property belonging to the author and creator.
Martin Michael
Los Angeles, California

From: Brown Bannister on
Insert operator
Write operations standard output device in file, or in area memory may
be made with operator <<, in this case called insert operator.
Operate from left side operator <<be object class ostream (naturally
derive class and class object are considered object class ostream
ostream). For write operation standard output device use may be
subject to court approval.
Operand i of right operator <<be expression. Expression appropriate
type be overload operator <<. For standard type insert operator
overload with member function from:
ostream & operator <<(nume_tip_standard);
Note abstract type programmers may overburden insertion operator.
Consider example present, more details from illustrate similar use
printf function. Stream1.cpp file:
# include <stdio.h>
# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
int main () (
clrscr ();
int x = 230;
court <<x << '\ n';
printf ( "% d \ n", x);
double y = 543.67;
court <<y << '\ n';
printf ( "% lg \ n", y);
char z = 'a';
court <<z << '\ n';
printf ( "% c \ n", z);
char t [] = "example";
court <<t << '\ n';
printf ( "% s \ n", t);
int * v = &x;
court <<v << '\ n';
printf ( "% p", v);
return 0;
Run program obtain:
Note string display result data type int, double char is same. Display
pointer, value display is same, but different format (use printf write
with capital letters display on, and when write court use small letter
display base).
Because operator <<return reference current class, operator may apply
to chain. Shown by following example. Stream2.cpp file:
# include <stdio.h>
# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
int main () (
clrscr ();
int x = 10;
court << "x (after increment) =" <<x
<< "\ Nx (before increment) =" <<x + +;
x = 10;
court << "\ n";
printf ( "x (after increment) =% d \
\ NX (before increment) =% d ", x, x + +);
return 0;
x (after increment) = 11
x (before increment) = 10
x (after increment) = 11
x (before increment) = 10
Beside fact insert operator may apply to chain, evaluate expression
show reverse order compare display. Explain face value fast increment,
baseline show printf function valid for same.
Order expression evaluation, display use chain insert operator,
explicit illustration by example. Stream3.cpp file:
# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
char * f1 ()
court << "evaluation function f1 \ n";
return "Displaying 1 \ n";
char * f2 ()
court << "Evaluation function f2 \ n";
return 'Display 2 \ n ";
int main () (
clrscr ();
court <<f1 () <<f2 ();
return 0;
Run program get:
Evaluation function F2
Evaluation function f1
Display 1
Display 2
Evaluate function F2 do before evaluate function f1.
Member function setf
C language printf function display data according to format specified
by programmer. This is done with hierarchy class define C++. Class ios
once member x_flags say, refer to format will make operations input /
output. Also class ios define an enumeration type may refer to member
x_flags bit. Type list follows:
class ios (
enum (
skipws = 0x0001, / / skip over white characters to make read
left = 0x0002, / / write left cadrează
right = 0x0004, / / write right cadrează
internal = 0x0008, / / character will fill after
/ / Sign, after basic
December = 0x0010, / / convert to decimal
October = 0x0020, / / convert to octal
hex = 0x0040, / / convert to hexadecimal
showbase = 0x0080, / / display
showpoint = 0x0100, / / decimal point
/ / Real
uppercase = 0x0200, / / hex display large letters
showpos = 0x0400, / / positive integers display
/ / sign in
scientific = 0x0800, / / display real numbers with exponent
fixed = 0x1000, / / display real number without exponent
unitbuf = 0x2000, / / buffer zone writes videază
stdio = 0x4000 / / write stdout and stderr videază
Date x_flags has default member for each standard type. Thus result
display data types are standard, by default display same result printf
function, user specified format corresponds to types. Present
relationship between type and format a specific table.
If change Bytes date x_flag State, display result changes format
specified. Achieve by means of member functions.
Type specified by appropriate format
int% d
long% ld
unsigned% u
unsigned long% lu
Float% g
double% lg
% Lg long double
char% c
String% s
Table. The relation between types specify format
In order to work more easily with appropriate format bits, three
groups determine bits member x_flags. Each group has name, actual name
of type long static constant declared by class ios. Groups are:
- Adjustfield (right, left and internal), Crop mode;
- Basefield (December, October and hex), determine base;
- Floatfield (scientific and fixed), write real numbers.
Each group has property only one bit may be set in the group. Bits
date may be set by State x_flags member function setf class ios. State
setf function has two forms:
long setf (long form);
long setf (long setbit, long group);
The first version of member function setf Set appropriate bits long
type parameter: format. If bit form is equal to one, then
corresponding bit will be x_flags and if format bit is zero, bit
corepunzător of x_flag remains unchanged.
The second version of member function setf Set a bit in one of three
groups adjustfield, basefield or floatfield. With parameter set bit -
determines bit to be set. The location should be a bit, and zero
otherwise. The second parameter may be a specific group name. In this
case canceled Bytes group then to set bits in setbit. Both versions of
setf function return its State x_flag before the change.
Refer to bits with member x_flags is ios class name, followed by
transmission bit resolution and name of enumeration type. Refer to
name of group is similar, înlocuid name of list type group name. Use
setf State illustrate by example. Stream.cpp file:
# include <stdio.h>
# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
void binar_c (long x)
printf ( "x_flags:");
for (int i = 8 * sizeof (long) -1, i> = 0, i-)
printf ( "% d", (x>> i) & 1);
if (! (i% 8))
printf ( "");
printf ( "\ n");
nume_bit_1 void (char * s [], long x)
for (int i = 0; i <15; i++)
if ((x>> i) & 1)
printf ( "%-16s", s [i]);
printf ( "\ n");
void display (char * s [], long x)
binar_c (x);
nume_bit_1 (s, x);
int main () (
char * nume_enum [] = (
clrscr ();
display (nume_enum, cout.flags ());
cout.setf (ios:: oct, ios:: basefield);
display (nume_enum, cout.flags ());
court <<36 << '\ n';
display (nume_enum, cout.flags ());
cout.setf (ios:: showbase);
cout.setf (ios:: hex, ios:: basefield);
display (nume_enum, cout.flags ());
court <<36 << '\ n';
display (nume_enum, cout.flags ());
return 0;
Run program get:
x_flags: 00000000 00000000 00100000 00000001
skipws unitbuf
x_flags: 00000000 00000000 00100000 00100001
skipws October unitbuf
x_flags: 00000000 00000000 00100000 00100001
skipws October unitbuf
x_flags: 00000000 00000000 00100000 11000001
skipws hex showbase unitbuf
x_flags: 00000000 00000000 00100000 11000001
skipws hex showbase unitbuf
Function display, in example, show first State x_flag bits, write name
bit value equal to one. First set bit in October show constant integer
value 36, use octal conversion. Thus obtain value 44. Set and showbase
hex bits, show constant value, obtain value 0x24. Note use second
version member function setf to set hex bit, obtain annul bit in
Note name type enumeration value of all bits show by example follow
nume_bit void (char * s [], long x)
for (int i = 0; i <15; i + +)
printf ( "%-11s:% 2d \ n", s [i], (x>> i) & 1);
Observe to show member x_flags bits use printf function hierarchy
class declare iostream.h file. Function of form
void binar_stream (long x)
for (int i = 8 * sizeof (long) -1, i> = 0, i -)
court <<((x>> i) & 1) <<(i% 8? "" "");
court << '\ n';
State show correct bits x_flag, errors occur if bit is set showbase
one in October or hex bits. In these appear set, so integers precede
zero if conversion to octal, and 0x or 0X for hex conversion.
Membership functions width, fill and precision
Printf function determine minimum length of field to display date.
Value stored on class ios x_width State. Default State x_width date is
zero, means shown will be many characters needed.
State data value may determine or modify x_width width member function
of class ios. It has two forms:
int width ();
int width (int length);
First form of member function returns width x_width State. Second
approach to x_width State amends value determined by length value, and
returns old value of x_width.
It is important to note operation Guestbook / output value will reset
member x_width to zero. So if it determines length of field before a
paste operation, then use default.
If length field display is greater than number of characters to
display Crop is made by default to the right, and remaining space
fills with filler characters. By default fill characters are spaces,
but may be changed with member function ios to fill the class. Class
ios has every member x_fill to save character filling. Fill member
function has two forms:
char fill ();
char fill (char car);
The first version returns the current fill character. The second form
of the function member fill amends date x_fill State car character,
and returns the old value of the fill character.
If the display value of real numbers determines accuracy, ie number of
decimal places, used to write data. Class ios has every member
x_precision, which defaults to zero. By default real type data shows
six decimal places. Member function has two forms Precision:
int precision ();
int precision (int p);
The first variant of the precision member function returns the current
value of member x_precision. The second variable assigns value of
parameter p and returns its previous x_precision State. Member
functions use precision sup_fun1.cpp file to determine number of
digits to display when calculating the number π. Present below another
example, State use functions of this paragraph. Stream5.cpp file:
# include <iostream.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
const double pi = 3.141592653;
scrie_width_precision_c void ()
printf ( "x_width:% d \ n", cout.width ());
printf ( "x_precision:% d \ n", cout.precision ());
afisare_pi_c void ()
printf ("*");
court <<pi;
printf ( "* \ n");
int main () (
clrscr ();
scrie_width_precision_c ();
afisare_pi_c ();
cout.width (7);
cout.precision (2);
scrie_width_precision_c ();
afisare_pi_c ();
scrie_width_precision_c ();
afisare_pi_c ();
cout.width (7);
cout.fill ('@');
scrie_width_precision_c ();
afisare_pi_c ();
return 0;
Run program get:
x_width: 0
x_precision: 0
* 3.141593 *
x_width: 7
x_precision: 2
* 3.14 *
x_width: 0
x_precision: 2
* 3.14 *
x_width: 7
x_precision: 2
* @ @ @ 3.14 *
The character '*' has been shown to highlight the field is writing
data. Note indeed the default data and x_width State x_precision is
zero, so the display is six decimal places.
After changing the data member values x_width = 7 respectively
x_precision = 2, the display is made in the field of seven characters,
with two decimal places, the number of frames at right. After writing
operation value becomes zero x_width State, but value does not change
x_precision State.
Use width member function assign new value member x_width of seven.
Next use to determine function member fill a fill character other than
blank character.
Note instead call printf function, use the hierarchy of classes
declared in iostream.h file, to achieve what it set out. For example,
instead scrie_width_precision_c function should use afisare_pi_c s
scrie_width_precision_stream void ()
court << "x_width:" <<cout.width () << '\ n';
court << "x_precision:" <<cout.precision () << '\ n';
afisare_pi_stream void ()
court << "*" <<pi << "* \ n";
x_width: 0
x_precision: 0
* 3.141593 *
x_width: 7
x_precision: 2
* 3.14 *
x_width: 0
x_precision: 2
* 3.14 *
x_width: 7
x_precision: 2
* 3.14 *
In this case, each time, the value of π is display on a field of
length equal to the number of characters displayed. The reason is
member x_width inserts first operation and assigns a zero first
operation displaying the string "x_width", and write the value of π.
There is a strong link between member functions listed in this
paragraph and formatting of printf function. Illustrate by example.
Stream6.cpp file:
# include <iostream.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
int main () (
clrscr ();
const double x = 987.65432;
court << "*";
cout.width (11);
cout.precision (4);
cout.fill ('0 ');
court <<x << "* \ n";
printf ( "*% 011.4lf * \ n", x);
return 0;
* 000987.6543 *
* 000987.6543 *
In example show actual type of constant value x in two ways: use
streams, and use printf function. To achieve same result. Write printf
function is more compact display streams are more general, because the
character of filling may be any character, not just '0 '.
State x_flag bits, correspond to conversion set in another way, use
special member functions call manipulators. Avantage returns a handler
reference to stream, call member functions may be chained.
Part of manipulator is declared in iostream.h file and in iomanip.h
file. Fillers declared in iostream.h file are:
endl crossing line ninth and vacuum corresponding stream buffer zone
end insert character '\ 0'
vacuum flush buffer zone object class ostream
December decimal conversion
hex hex conversion
October octal conversion
Set bit skipws
Table. Fillers declared in iostream.h file
Fillers iomanip.h declared in file:
setbase (int b) set appropriate numeral base conversion system, the
value = (0,8,10,16)
reset iosflags (long x) delete bits specify parameter x, of State
set iosflags (long x) set bits of x_flags member, specify parameter x
set fill (int f) date member x_fill assign parameter value f
set precision (int p) date member x_precision assign parameter value p
set w (int w) date member x_width assign parameter value w
Table. Fillers declared in file iomanip.h
Use example of file handlers stream6.cpp transcribe as follows.
Stream7.cpp file:
# include <iostream.h>
# include <iomanip.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
int main () (
clrscr ();
const double x = 987.65432;
court << "*" <<setw (11) <<setprecision (4)
<<Setfill ('0 ') <<x << "*" <<endl;
printf ( "*% 011.4lf * \ n", x);
return 0;
Result obtained is identical to previous program. Fillers have
appealed to the chained, so the program is simple. The following
example shows value in the State x_flags binary, hexadecimal, octal
and decimal. Stream8.cpp file:
# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
# include <stdio.h>
void binar_c (long x)
printf ( "x_flags:");
for (int i = 8 * sizeof (long) -1, i> = 0, i -)
printf ( "% d", (x>> i) & 1);
if (! (i% 8))
printf ( "");
printf ( "\ n");
int main () (
clrscr ();
binar_c (cout.flags ());
court << "Hexadecimal:" <<hex <<cout.flags () <<endl
<< "Octal:" <<October <<cout.flags () <<endl
<< "Decimal:" <<December <<cout.flags () <<endl;
return 0;
Result obtained is as follows:
x_flags: 00000000 00000000 00100000 00000001
Hexadecimal: 2001
Octal: 20,001
Decimal: 8193
In this case it is not necessary to include file iomanip.h as
manipulators hex, October and December are declared in iostream.h
If conversion changes the way of a manipulator, it still remains valid
until a further adjustment of the conversion.
Overloading insert operator
The above paragraphs have dealt with how to use the insertion operator
for displaying data of standard types. It is desirable for the
operator <<to be used for abstract data types. For example with the
class of rational numbers
class fraction (
int counter;
int denominator;
Fraction (int a, int b) (number = a; denominator = b;)
show a fraction carried out as
court <<f;
where f is an object of class fraction.
This may be done, overload the insertion operator for displaying
objects of type fraction.
Since operate from the left of the operator <<is a stream, operator
overloading makes a friend function of class fraction. For a class
named Class oareacare operator insert may surcharge with the following
function friend:
class Class (
friend ostream & operator <<(ostream &, class);
Fraction of class overloading the insertion operator a friend function
may be made as follows. Fractie2.cpp file:
# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
class fraction (
int counter;
int denominator;
Fraction (int a, int b) (number = a; denominator = b;)
friend ostream & operator <<(ostream & s, fraction f);
ostream & operator <<(ostream & s, fraction f)
s <<f.numerator << "/" <<f.numitor;
return s;
int main () (
clrscr ();
Fraction F1 (3.5);
court <<f1 <<endl;
return 0;
Program obtains:
3 / 5
So it appears reasonable number, as requested. Call insert operator
may apply to the chained, because friends of the class fraction
function return a reference to the current stream.
Although the above method is simple and gives the correct result, it
has the advantage use a friend function increases level of data
protection. Protect member data may not be modified within the
function friend overload insert operator. In continuation of a way to
overload the operator <<, without introducing a friend function. For a
certain class with class name, this is achieved by a member function
display, which call the function to overload the insert operator. So:
class Class (
ostream & display (ostream & s);
ostream & Class:: display (ostream & s)
return s;
ostream & operator <<(ostream & s, Class C1)
c1.afisare return (s);
Fraction class overloading the insert operator without using a friend
function may be performed as follows. Fractie3.cpp file:
# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
class fraction (
int counter;
int denominator;
Fraction (int a, int b) (number = a; denominator = b;)
ostream & display (ostream & s);
ostream & fraction:: display (ostream & s)
s <<counter << "/" <<denominator;
return s;
ostream & operator <<(ostream & s, fraction f)
f.afisare return (s);
int main () (
clrscr ();
Fraction F1 (3.5);
court <<f1 <<endl;
return 0;
The result obtained by executing the program is identical to that of
fractie2.cpp file, but not using it friend.
Entries are formatted
Extraction operator
Entry operations are achieved through operator>>, Which call the
extraction operator.
Operand i of the left extraction operator may be an object of class
Istria, or a class derived from class Istra. Operand i of the right
will be an expression, which may belong to both a standard type and an
abstract type. If the standard types in a call to a member function of
class istria form:
istria & operator>> (tip_standard &);
For abstract types the programmer may overburden extraction operator.
To contact this scanf function, return to this example, following more
detailed form. Stream9.cpp file:
# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
int main () (
clrscr ();
int x;
court << "x (int) =";
cin>> x; / / scanf ( "% d", & x);
double y;
court << "y (double) =";
cin>> y; / / scanf ( "% lf", & y);
char z [20];
court << "z (string) =";
cin>> z; / / scanf ( "% s", z);
court << "read data are: \ n"
<< "X =" <<x <<endl
<< "Y =" <<y <<endl
<< "Z =" <<z <<endl;
return 0;
Run program get the following result (it shows the characters read
from input).
x (int) = 123
y (double) = 45.67
z (string) = eg
The data read are:
x = 123
y = 45.67
z = example
The same result is obtained and follows program implementation.
Stream10.cpp file:
# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
int main () (
clrscr ();
int x;
printf ( "x (int) =");
scanf ( "% d", & x);
double y;
printf ( "y (double) =");
scanf ( "% lf", & y);
char z [20];
printf ( "z (string) =");
scanf ( "% s", z);
printf ( "read data are: \
\ nx =% d \ ny =% lg \ nz =% s \ n ", x, y, z);
return 0;
It follows the above cases, there is no difference between reading
data from standard input using the extraction operator, namely the
function scanf. However some cases may appear different. For example
char c;
cin>> c;
is not identical with
char c;
scanf ( "% c", & c);
The difference appears when the input current character is a white
character, so space, tab or newline character (transition to new
line). Present below an example which shows indeed two sequences are
identical programs.
We define a class for management c_alb characters, and overburden the
insert operator for this class. Overloading will be made so white
characters are displayed prominently ( '' for space, '\ t' for tabs
and '\ n' for newline characters). Characters other than white will
appear unchanged. Stream11.cpp file:
# include <iostream.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
c_alb class (
char c;
c_alb (c_1 int) (c = c_1;)
ostream & display (ostream & s);
ostream & c_alb:: display (ostream & s)
switch (c) (
case '\ n': s << "\ '\ \ n \'"; break;
case '\ t': s << "\ '\ \ t \'"; break;
case '': s << "\ '\'"; break;
s <<c;
return s;
ostream & operator <<(ostream & s, c_alb car)
car.afisare return (s);
int main () (
clrscr ();
char v;
court << "Reading data (operator>>). Input =";
cin>> v;
court << "character read (operator>>) is:"
<<C_alb (v) <<endl;
printf ( "Reading data (the function scanf). Input =");
scanf ( "% c", & v);
court << "character reading (with scanf function) is:"
<<C_alb (v) <<endl;
return 0;
Run program, get result of the form:
Read data (operator>>). Entry = q
Character read (operator>>) is: q
Read data (the function scanf). Entry = q
Character reading (with scanf function) is: '\ t'
The first entry types a tab character, then the character 'q',
followed by transition to a new line. The same is repeated and read
with scanf. In writing, the character you first converted into an
anonymous object type c_alb to obtain an appropriate display of white
From the above it follows by reading the operator we obtain the first
character extracting different white characters. If you call scanf
function, read the current character, whether it is white character or
Note the difference between the two ways of reading may be removed if
canceled skipws bit of member x_flags class ios (default value of this
bit is one).
If scanf function, field from reading begins with the first character
different from white characters and ends when the next character is
white, or no longer corresponds to the character format.
When reading a string, maximum length of the field, reading, determine
the width member function of class ios. It is true what is said about
the width member function, but in this case value shall be construed
as x_width maximum length of the field, reading, instead of the
minimum length of the field in which is displayed. An important
advantage of membership function width, versus scanf function is the
current function width parameter may be any expression, while the
value for scanf function may be only one constant. This will be used
to eliminate errors (may occur because of reading a character more
than the allocated memory). Consider the following example for
illustration. Stream12.cpp file:
# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
int main () (
clrscr ();
char * t;
int max;
court << "max =";
cin>> max;
t = new char [max], / / at most max-1 characters and
/ / Null character
court << "Read up" <<max-1 << "characters)";
cin.width (max);
cin>> t;
court << "characters read are:" <<t;
delete [] t;
return 0;
Run the program get the following result (s reveal data entry).
max = 5
Read more than 4 characters: abcdefghij
The characters read are: abcd
It is noted although the entry has typed more characters, not to read
more than the number of characters can save the space given string.
If extraction operations may be used fillers defined in paragraph,
except manipulator endl, ends, flush and setbase. Manipulator may be
used only WAS operations of extraction. You may use other member
functions of class ios, eg member function setf.
The above is written and declared to be released to the public as
intellectual property belonging to the author and creator.
Martin Michael
Los Angeles, California

On Mar 31, 1:28 am, "H. J. Sander Bruggink" <brugg...(a)>
> On 03/31/2010 03:39 AM, Brown Bannister wrote:
> > begin
> >     /* The following for-loop is the guessing stage*/
> >     for i=1 to N do
> >        X[i] := choose(i);
> >     endfor
> >     /* Next is the verification stage */
> >     Write code that does not use "choose" and
> >     verifies if X[1:N] is a correct solution to the
> >     problem.
> > end
> What is precisily the goal of your post? To explain the class of
> NP-problems?
> An NP-problem is defined to be a problem that can be solved in
> polynomial time (that's what the P is for) by a non-deterministic Turing
> Machine (that's what the N is for). It's not very surprising, therefore,
> that NP-problems can be solved in polynomial time by non-deterministic
> pseudocode.
> groente
> -- Sander

Solve an NP-Complete Problem and Resolve P Versus NP and donate a
million dollars to cure childhood cancers with
