From: Arne Vajhøj on
On 21-04-2010 08:18, Tony Johansson wrote:
> If I have some bytes that are represented in hex like this.
> 12, bd,8f,7e,4e,4d. How do I assign all these bytes to a byte array ?
> If the bytes were represented in decimal I would have been able to use this
> statement
> byte[] myBytes = new byte[]{ here I could have specified all the bytes with
> comma in between };
> But now when I have hex it's not possible. I could translate the hax value
> into decimal but I hope there must be a better way.

There are several ways.

One of the nice is:

public static byte[] FromHex(string s)
byte[] ba = new byte[(s.Length+1)/3];
for(int i = 0; i < ba.Length; i++)
ba[i] = byte.Parse(s.Substring(3 * i, 2),
return ba;

byte[] b = FromHex(s);

One of the short is:

byte[] b = s.Split(',').Select((s) => byte.Parse(s,
