From: razor on
Hi !

I wrote a little driver (based on Bitmap example from WDK) that
printing and sends images thru NamedPipes to user (my) application -
this works great.

Now, I want to be able to give a possibility to select to which
data will be sent (user can start few applications on his account).
example: user prints document, my driver checks for running user
applications (using named pipes etc.) then, it shows a dialog/message
to the user -
combobox and user can choose app., then printing/sending follows.

I have a problem with communicating with user, how to display a dialog
user from printing driver (working in user mode - unidrv) ? is there a
proper way (api) to do that?
where to look for solution/example ?

it should work on xp, vista and multiuser environment (a lot of users
working on the same system - citrix)
