From: David W Noon on
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 10 Jul 2010 14:40:22 -0700 (PDT), mariano mendez wrote about
Re: IDE for ifort on Linux:

> - Change Fixed-format to Free-Format refactoring: Allowing
>programmers to change old fixed format files to free format .

I'm sure that is a nice aesthetic feature.

> - Standarizing Iinput / Output : remove all format statement and
>replacing it with character(len),parameter FmtString replacing all
>format labels with format string.

That is counter-productive.

Quite often a format is used in many places, so referring to a label is
very convenient, because any change to the format can be applied in a
single place and all references pick it up automatically. If you put
character string formats all over the place, any changes need to be
applied all over the place too.
- --

Dave [RLU #314465]
dwnoon(a) (David W Noon)
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From: dpb on
David W Noon wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Jul 2010 14:40:22 -0700 (PDT), mariano mendez wrote about
> Re: IDE for ifort on Linux:

>> - Standarizing Iinput / Output : remove all format statement and
>> replacing it with character(len),parameter FmtString replacing all
>> format labels with format string.
> That is counter-productive.
> Quite often a format is used in many places, so referring to a label is
> very convenient, because any change to the format can be applied in a
> single place and all references pick it up automatically. If you put
> character string formats all over the place, any changes need to be
> applied all over the place too.

In addition to which it's not likely that the compiler would find
duplicate strings this way and will thus store every copy in the
executable instead of referring to one.

Agree this doesn't seem like _a_good_thing_ (tm) in general practice.

From: Gordon Sande on
On 2010-07-11 10:40:45 -0300, dpb <none(a)> said:

> David W Noon wrote:
> ...
>> On Sat, 10 Jul 2010 14:40:22 -0700 (PDT), mariano mendez wrote about
>> Re: IDE for ifort on Linux:
> ...
>>> - Standarizing Iinput / Output : remove all format statement and
>>> replacing it with character(len),parameter FmtString replacing all
>>> format labels with format string.
>> That is counter-productive.
>> Quite often a format is used in many places, so referring to a label is
>> very convenient, because any change to the format can be applied in a
>> single place and all references pick it up automatically. If you put
>> character string formats all over the place, any changes need to be
>> applied all over the place too.
> ...

If there are formats for both a heading and the contents of a table the
formats can be placed together to make it easy to change both it the
details of how the table is to be presented ever change. If one wants
to use character strings they must be literals with the stated disadvantages,
variables with the problem that they will need to be defined or parameters
with the disadvantage that they will need to be in the declarations.

There are other examples of where grouping the formats makes good sense
even when the references are scattereed.

> In addition to which it's not likely that the compiler would find
> duplicate strings this way and will thus store every copy in the
> executable instead of referring to one.
> Agree this doesn't seem like _a_good_thing_ (tm) in general practice.

From: Dan Nagle on
On 2010-07-11 09:40:45 -0400, dpb <none(a)> said:

> David W Noon wrote:
> ...
>> On Sat, 10 Jul 2010 14:40:22 -0700 (PDT), mariano mendez wrote about
>> Re: IDE for ifort on Linux:
> ...
>>> - Standarizing Iinput / Output : remove all format statement and
>>> replacing it with character(len),parameter FmtString replacing all
>>> format labels with format string.
>> That is counter-productive.
>> Quite often a format is used in many places, so referring to a label is
>> very convenient, because any change to the format can be applied in a
>> single place and all references pick it up automatically. If you put
>> character string formats all over the place, any changes need to be
>> applied all over the place too.
> ...
> In addition to which it's not likely that the compiler would find
> duplicate strings this way and will thus store every copy in the
> executable instead of referring to one.
> Agree this doesn't seem like _a_good_thing_ (tm) in general practice.

I don't see how this follows.
There may be some confusion between named constants
and literal constants.

Note that the OP wrote "character(len),parameter FmtString"

I put formats in named character constants,
and put the named character constants in a module,
and I can make a change in one place (the module)
and have it used everywhere.

It is also helpful to do so when the format
is logically part of a type definition.

A format statement is referenced by its label
(the statement "number"), so it can only be used
by transfer statements within the same scoping unit (C931).
This gives repetitions of the format string
that must be hunted and found before being updated.
And the labels of format statements are a logically distinct
space from labels used for branching. Therefore,
the programmer has a slight but unnecessary burden
of forming two numerical sequences for the two uses of labels,
at the risk of trying to transfer to a format,
or vice versa. (So that format labels start at, say, 90000
while branch target labels start at, say, 10000.)
Note further that format statements cannot appear
within the specification part of a module (C1103).

The named character constants can be used anywhere
the name is visible, and, if defined within a module,
can be made visible anywhere by a use statement, giving
global access to a single definition.


Dan Nagle

From: steve on
On Jul 11, 6:00 am, David W Noon <dwn...(a)> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sat, 10 Jul 2010 14:40:22 -0700 (PDT), mariano mendez wrote about
> Re: IDE for ifort on Linux:
> [snip]
> > - Change Fixed-format to Free-Format refactoring: Allowing
> >programmers to change old fixed format files to free format .
> I'm sure that is a nice aesthetic feature.
> > - Standarizing Iinput / Output : remove all format statement and
> >replacing it with character(len),parameter FmtString replacing all
> >format labels with format string.
> That is counter-productive.
> Quite often a format is used in many places, so referring to a label is
> very convenient, because any change to the format can be applied in a
> single place and all references pick it up automatically.  If you put
> character string formats all over the place, any changes need to be
> applied all over the place too.

I believe that you may have misread what Mariano wrote. I don't
see much difference in the following code:

program a
call b
call c
end program a

subroutine b
real :: x = 42, y = 1066
write(*, 10) x
write(*, 10) y
10 format (ES12.4)
end subroutine b

subroutine c
character(len=10), parameter :: fmt = '(ES12.4)'
real :: x = 42, y = 1066
write(*, fmt) x
write(*, fmt) y
end subroutine c

It seems that you are interpreting Mariano's statement to

subroutine c
real :: x = 42, y = 1066
write(*, '(ES12.4)') x
write(*, '(ES12.4)') y
end subroutine c

which is not what he wrote.
