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I should start by saying I am new to Windows Mobile (so please forgive
my question if it is really basic). I have read the documentation on
IImageSinkFilter and cannot see a funtion that allows the app to
specify the encoder format (png, jpg) for the filter to use.
SetEncoderParameters() allows you to set the paramters of the encoder
but not the encoder format right?
Is it correct to assume that the filter determines the image encoder
class based on the file extension that is specified by calling
SetFileName() on the filter? i.e. the app would call SetFileName()
function for example (mypic.jpg) and this tells the filter that it
should look for a the class that implements the jpeg encoder?

The other question is sort of related to the above question. If one is
to develop their own encoder for a specific format, how can they make
sure that IImageSinkFilter will use the correct class (i.e the class
for my custom jpeg encoder) instead of the class for the built in jpeg
encoder? Is there a way to specify that precedence has to be given to
my custom encoder? The same applies to the decoder as well, if I would
like a custom jpeg decoder to be used instead of the built in one?

Thanks a lot in advance

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