From: BT on
I am using Windows Defender and it is telling me that ISUSPM.exe is
attempting to make changes to my start-up menu. Anyone know what this is? I
have searched the web for solutions, some sites state it is spyware and other
sites claim it is harmless and is needed by some programs. I am using Mcaffe
Virus Scan but it never shows this file as a threat and I get a clean scan.
No computer problems that I know of, but I have been getting more and more
junk e-mail through microsoft Outlook.
From: Malke on
BT wrote:

> I am using Windows Defender and it is telling me that ISUSPM.exe is
> attempting to make changes to my start-up menu. Anyone know what this
> is? I have searched the web for solutions, some sites state it is
> spyware and other
> sites claim it is harmless and is needed by some programs. I am using
> Mcaffe Virus Scan but it never shows this file as a threat and I get a
> clean scan. No computer problems that I know of, but I have been
> getting more and more junk e-mail through microsoft Outlook.

ISUSPM.exe is an Install Shield Updater. It is most commonly seen on
clean OEM machines (Dell, HP, Sony, etc.). Look in your Control Panel
for an icon for Software Updates or the like. Usually the software
updates are for third-party burning software and other third-party
programs preinstalled by the OEM. You can control how the search for
updates are managed from the applet.

Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
From: Panda_man on
Microsoft Windows Defender is beta product.
BETA means the software is not finished and it is in bug-checking state
however Defender does have bugs in it
Bugs Exist Try Another

Unless you are paid to keep it , remove it immediately.

If you still want support for Windows Defender ,

Just to check for malware if you want:

Bronze level Contributor
Please , rate posts

"BT" wrote:

> I am using Windows Defender and it is telling me that ISUSPM.exe is
> attempting to make changes to my start-up menu. Anyone know what this is? I
> have searched the web for solutions, some sites state it is spyware and other
> sites claim it is harmless and is needed by some programs. I am using Mcaffe
> Virus Scan but it never shows this file as a threat and I get a clean scan.
> No computer problems that I know of, but I have been getting more and more
> junk e-mail through microsoft Outlook.
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