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"C-like" syntax for Lisp in less than 100 lines of code
I have coded some simple syntax sugar to provide a vaguely "C-like" syntax for Lisp, part as a proof of concept, part with the intention of actually using it in a library. It's not meant to replace sexps but just to be less scary for newbies AND to show that the syntax argument against Lisp is just dumb. I'd never ... 26 Apr 2010 06:56
getting errors storing values (newbie)
I'm running SBCL in slime. I'm doing my first steps in common lisp. Everything is fine, but for some reason I got the errors: CL-USER> (setf x 1) ; ... 23 Apr 2010 20:46
linux .emacs file
Hi. When I start emacs with -nw the it loads slime and everything instructed in .emacs file but when I start it normally as a gui then nothing loads ? Btw, how to make bash cursor not to blink ? It is ignoring the (blink-cursor-mode). Thanks ... 18 Apr 2010 17:30
starting slime
Hi all, I've got a newbie question: What is slime-mode? I mean I normally start slime by M-x slime. When I issue M-x slime-mode it enables slime mode. Do I have to do enable it? The whole slime thing is still very confusing for me. That's my .emacs: ,---- | ;; Lisp | (setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl") | (... 20 Apr 2010 15:47
dpANS copyright status (again)
Does somebody know some facts about the copyright of the Tex sources of the drafts[1] of the ANSI Standard? Who's the copyright holder and why do the dpANS not carry any license information? A webpage[2] of Franz says this: The ANS is a very large standard, about 1400 pages in printed form. As the technic... 18 Apr 2010 14:09
cl-paypal [Was: Accepting online payment]
Hi Zach, Quoth Zach Beane <xach(a)>: Does anyone know of any documentation/howtos/blog posts about how to use/setup hunchentoot's cl-paypal library? I haven't used cl-paypal, but I have run a hunchentoot-powered CL web store that accepted PayPal payments and handled PayPal's IPN. What are y... 17 Apr 2010 05:20
Hi. I have emacs init.el file like this: -------------------------------------------- (global-unset-key (kbd "M-d")) (global-unset-key (kbd "M-DEL")) (global-set-key (kbd "C-x e") 'slime-eval-buffer) (push "*Buffer List*" same-window-buffer-names) (set-default-font "-outline-Courier New-bold-normal-norma... 18 Apr 2010 17:30
CFFI question
Hello, part of C library looks like: typedef struct some_struct { . . . } some_struct; int func_1(some_struct **ic_ptr); int func_2(some_struct *ic); There are appropriate CL cffi descriptions: (cffi:defcstruct some-struct . . . ) (cffi:defcfun ("func_1" func-1) :int (ic-pt... 15 Apr 2010 13:37
NYC LOCAL: Thursday 15 April 2010 NYC Clojure Users Group: Stuart Sierra on Unit Testing with Clojure
<blockquote what="unofficial notice sent out by Heow of Lisp NYC" speaker="Stuart Sierra of Project AltLaw has used Clojure since before Reddit heard of it." info=" [page was last modified on 5 April 2010 at 20:14] ... 15 Apr 2010 02:38
format and base 36 numbers
If I want to print a fixed width hex number, I can do the following: (format t "~6,'0X" 1234) to get 0004D2 How do I do this for base 36 numbers? (format t "~36R" 1234) gives YA; I want 0000YA. I guess my question is how do I combine the ~6,'0 and the ~36R directives. Thanks, Rajesh ... 14 Apr 2010 22:15
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