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CUDA support in 7.0?
We are thinking of making some equipment purchases for CUDA use. Can someone detail what the CUDA support is in this release of Mathematica if any? We haven't received a copy of 7.0 yet and the new documentation doesn't mention CUDA or how it's integrated, but it has appeared in Nvidia marketing blurbs. For example... 28 Nov 2008 05:22
Eigenvalue problem in mathematica...
I have serious problem with an eigenvalue problem. I need symbolic solution and using ODE.m package. I wrote my notebook to mathematica but it crashes or never finish for 1 week!!! The noebook is following, best wishes: (* Content-type: application/mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.... 25 Nov 2008 07:46
LaTex to Mathematica
Hi all Does anyone know how to convert LaTex file to Mathematica ? For example, the formula that I typed in LaTex is: ln{H}^{*} &= {X}_{1} {\beta}_{1} + {\alpha}_{1}lnE+ {\varepsilon}_{1}\\ If I copy the above LaTex command to Mathematica, it only shows the original LaTex command. I'd like to have symbols for... 22 Aug 2008 03:48
Can't integrate sqrt(a+b*cos(t)+c*cos(2t))
Good day, Neither Mathematica 6 nor anyone here can integrate this: In[1]:= Integrate[Sqrt[5 - 4*Cos[t] + Cos[2*t]], {t, 0, Pi}] Out[1]= Integrate[Sqrt[5 - 4*Cos[t] + Cos[2*t]], {t, 0, Pi}] In[2]:= NIntegrate[Sqrt[5 - 4*Cos[t] + Cos[2*t]], {t, 0, Pi}] Out[2]= 6.72288 I know the exact result: In[3]:= (... 25 Jul 2008 06:20
Curved edges for GraphPlot?
Hi all, Is there a way to ask GraphPlot to generate network graphs with curved edges instead of straight ones, either user-defined curves or just some random curves? Can I put something in EdgeRenderingFunction to achieve that? Thanks a bunch. Sam ... 22 Jul 2008 04:28
remote Kernel
On May 16, 3:33 am, Jan Schmedes <ja...(a)> wrote: Dear Group, i want to run theMathKernel(Mathematica 6) on another faster computer remotely in the frontend of my laptop (Mac Pro and MacBook= Pro). I Configured the Kernel and the box 'Arguments to MLOpen' contains the followin... 9 Jul 2008 05:29
Numerical integration and list of points
Hello everyone, I have a function which I read as a list of points. I want then to estimate its integral. I do more or less this : data={{x1,y1},{x2,y2},...,{xN,yN}} f=Interpolation[data] NIntegrate[f[x],{x,x1,xN}] Is it the correct way ? Because Mathematica hangs without giving me an answer although it se... 18 Apr 2008 02:50
Exporting Sound
Has anyone succeeded in exporting sounds (as .wav) from v.6? The documentation indicates that this is possible, but I could not find a single example of how to actually do it. As a simple example (I'm actually working with far more complicated sounds), try this. ding = SoundNote["F", 1, "Tinklebell"]; So... 10 Dec 2007 00:28
A problem with FindRoot
Hi All, I'd like some help with respect to a problem I have with the FindRoot, NSolve and FindInstance functions. My version of Mathematica is 5.2 I define the function f as follows: f[x_]:={ y/.FindRoot[y^3+1==x,{y,x}][[1]] }[[1]] f[x] returns the root of the equation y^3 + 1 == x, i.e. the value (x... 10 Dec 2007 00:28
Mathematica 6 and system of matrix and scalar ODEs in NDSolve:
Hi you all, yesterday, I played a little bit more with NDSolve to find the problem. Here is another simpler example which shows what can go wrong. Can you please check whether you get the same results, as for me this looks like a bug in NDSolve? sol1 and sol2 just work as they should do. Thus, there is no p... 10 Dec 2007 00:28
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